The 2018 MoFies - Prep Thread


Ceremony will hopefully take place in Feb 2019.
This thread is for discussions, ideas, preparations etc for the 2018 awards.

I've put together a prelim categories list, with a new cat in 16th place.

1. We Miss You Most Of All
Any member who hasn't been active for a while and you miss them!

2. Best New MoFo
The new member that you think has made the biggest splash.
Must have joined in 2018.

3. Worst Thread Of The Year
Bad threads that were either unbelievably dull, annoying, or just brought out the worst in everyone.

4. Best Thread Of The Year
The thread that either brought out the best of us or was the most fun or rewarding to read...includes game threads, HoFs, song tournaments, etc.

5. We Like You! Please Post More
The MoFo who sometimes pop by, but you wish they would spend more time here.

6. Most Helpful MoFo
The MoFo who you think is the most helpful.

7. Nicest MoFo
A virtual ray of sunshine… someone who is much nicer than they are naughty and always makes MoFo a lovely place to visit, even when you’re feeling down.

8. Most Controversial MoFo...Sees A Pot, Has To Stir It
The MoFo who whenever there’s a fight or disagreement has to jump in and be in the thick of it.

9. Best MoFo Couple
Two MoFos who go together like two peas in a pod. Best buds who post with each other all the time...OR, it could be the opposite, two MoFos that always butt heads and argue.
Vote for them, and have a laugh!

10. MoFo You'd Most Like To Be Stranded On An Island With
If you had to be stranded on a Desert Island, which MoFo would you choose.

11. Funniest MoFo
The MoFo who always makes you laugh with their wit or antics.

12. MoFo Overachiever
The MoFo who is absolutely everywhere in every thread, and if there's something going on they'll be there in among it all!

13. Best Username
The MoFo you think has the best, funniest, cleverest (etc.) username.

14. Best Avatar Of The Year
The MoFo with your favourite avatar. Please be sure to name the avatar as well, for example: “Iroquois - Snake Plissken Match Avatar”.

15. Best Profile Banner
Same as above. Please be sure to name the banner as well. For example: “Captain Spaulding - Forrest Gump & IT Waving Banner”.

16. MoFo With The Best Top 10
Pretty simple, but takes a little effort from you guys to go profile to profile and hunt down the varying Top 10s.
This might well be the most personal and social award next to the Reviewer Of The Year Award, especially on a Movie Forum… and the most personal award the MoFies have ever had.
The MoFo who you think has the most fun, the most solid, the coolest (the most surprising maybe?) Top 10 on their profile page. Vote for them here, and let them know you think that their Top 10 rocks!

17. MoFo Reviewer Of The Year
Big Award this… for the MoFo Movie Reviewer who you think is the best of 2018.

18. Master Of Movies
This is for the MoFo that you think when it comes to movie knowledge is the undisputed champion.
The Encyclopaedia of movie knowledge, the dictionary of movie trivia… The Master Of Movies.

Now, if you want to use this thread for your ongoing lists, please do so.
There's a number of things going on over the year, new MoFos, and all else inbetween, so you can use this thread to keep track of certain things if you want to
Like every year so far, actual votes and stuff like that will take place after New Year 2018/2019.

One thing though... what do you guys think of the new Category?
Need a little input on that one.

I like the idea of a running thread for this. ALSO, I like the new category, although is does make me want to immediately change everything to the TROMA catalogue.
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Are we going to do this? I'd be willing to help out but I don't want to do the whole thing myself like last year. I'm sure Rodent can do the graphics but we'd need a host, or better yet a pair of host. So who's up for this???

You know, I totally forgot about this... I might have to step down as an organiser
It's open to anyone else though who wants to take on the mantle?

I can certainly help with graphics though but the actual organisation is gonna have to be out of my hands

Registered User
I really wish I had more excitement to offer the forum. I wish I could explain why the forum isn’t the same these days. Unfortunately, David Lynch seems to be in the director’s chair and has been since 2017. I thought I had a good handle on the forum, and it seems I don’t anymore. It’s in God’s hands. I guess it’s no longer the Devil’s Playground (though, to me, it seems like Satan’s been busier than ever here).

I’m here as God allows it. He gives and takes as he chooses. If the forum is in a slump, well, what doesn’t fall to pieces eventually? Makeup can only hide so much.

I do very much miss pre-2017 MoFo. But, some people get a kick out of the new style. For some, maybe there was no change. Or maybe we’ve all been cataclysmically affected by the axis of Donald Trump’s influence. It’s pretty powerful stuff.

If you say there’s a difference now, I see it, and I’ve lived it. Again, I wish I could bring the spark back. Again, it’s not up to me, and never was. I say blame God. That might be the wisdom of the Devil, but it makes a lot of sense to me.

Usual request to not be included - thanks.

Ok so if @Citizen Rules is on for organising and hosting etc... I'll make a start on the graphics. I've got an idea for something different again this year. Movie themed as usual, but a totally different design

Trouble with a capital "T"
Ok so if @Citizen Rules is on for organising and hosting etc... I'll make a start on the graphics. I've got an idea for something different again this year. Movie themed as usual, but a totally different design
No I'm not going to host, someone else can do that. But I can help with organizing.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Also last year other members were allowed to present different awards. Will this happen again this year.

I like that new category ALOT!
Yes, if we can do this...then there would be other award presenters like last year. But we need a host, how about you? Or you and another person who you'd like to work with?

Registered User
I’ll host if you hurry up and get it over with.

Yes, if we can do this...then there would be other award presenters like last year. But we need a host, how about you? Or you and another person who you'd like to work with?
IIRC, @cricket was voted most helpful last year. Why not ask him to help?
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.