2nd Chance Hall of Fame


Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Memento Nominated by Edarsenal
Originally nominated by Teeter G in 2nd HOF
My Introduction to Christopher Nolan and one that's been too long since my last rewatch, so. . .

Le Trou Nominated by Nathaniel
Originally nominated by Pussy Galore in 5th HOF
Have not heard of this Swan Song (the Director died two weeks after completion) but the premise of 4 inmates ready to break out of prison when a fifth inmate is transferred in; definitely has my attention.

The Man From Earth Nominated by Jabs
Originally nominated by GbGoodies in 6th HOF
Have not heard of this one but since gbgoodies originally nominated it, I'm game.

Ed Wood Nominated by CosmicRunaway
Originally nominated by Cobpyth in 4th HOF
This is f@ckin delightful since it's been so long since last I've seen this.

Letter from an Unknown Woman Nominated by Neiba
Originally nominated by Sane in 7th HOF
I actually started watching this for 40s Countdown and never finished it and always wanted to, so, YAY

Raise the Red Lantern Nominated by Citizen Rules
Originally nominated by Christine in 6th HOF
Been a few years, but from what I remember, quite beautiful visually.

Pierrot Le Fou Nominated by MijaFrost
Originally nominated by Frightened Inmate in 6th HOF
Have not heard of this one, but looks intriguing.

Farewell my Concubine Nominated by ThursdayNext
Originally nominated by Godoggo in 1st HOF
Quite a lovely film that I've always wanted to do a rewatch to. VERY cool!

After Hours Nominated by Rauldc
Originally nominated by Cobpyth in 2nd HOF
Now this should be interesting since when I actually saw this for the first time, even though it should have been something I thoroughly would enjoy, I did not, at all. And was curious to see what a rewatch would bring about.
The answer to this query shall be answered.

I am THOROUGHLY hyped! Definitely the makings for a great and intriguingly diverse HoF!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
Good choices everyone!
I'm thinking this will be a cool and laid back Hof. I'm looking forward to watching all these films

- Edarsenal
Originally nominated by Teeter G in 2nd HOF
I've not seen Memento, I see it's a Nolan directed film so that will be interesting.

Le Trou - Nathaniel
Originally nominated by Pussy Galore in 5th HOF
Not seen it either, but interested as it's a French film from the 60s and I seem to respond well to them.

The Man From Earth - Jabs
Originally nominated by GBGoodies in 6th HOF
I've seen this, in fact I was the one who suggested this film to GBG. I liked it! But not sure how I'll feel on a second watch.

Ed Wood - CosmicRunaway
Originally nominated by Cobpyth in 4th HOF
Cosmic stoled my nom! This was my nom but I was slow and Raul told me it was already taken. Which is cool because I've seen this once and really wanted to see it again.

Letter from an Unknown Woman - Neiba
Originally nominated by Sane in 7th HOF
I loved this film and I hope I still do on a second watch.

Raise the Red Lanter
n - Citizen Rules
Originally nominated by Christine in 6th HOF
I've not seen this before, but I'm thinking it's right up my alley.

Pierrot Le Fou - MijaFrost
Originally nominated by Frightened Inmate in 6th HOF
Another 60s French film, fine by me! not seen it.

Farewell my Concubine
- ThursdayNext
Originally nominated by Godoggo in 1st HOF
I considered this one myself as a nom, I've not seen it but it looks good.

After Hours - Rauldc
Originally nominated by Cobpyth in 2nd HOF
Not seen it, but it has Terri Garr, so

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Did anybody else try to nominate something that was already taken? Or was that just me that happened to?
I actually nominated mine right out the get-go, so I got lucky with that.
In fact, I think I've only had one time that I had to pick another nomination. For the life of me, I can't remember what, but I'm pretty sure it did happen.

I looked up my review for After Hours, and it's rather befitting that raul remarked at the time how my rating saddened him.

After Hours Nominated by Rauldc
Originally nominated by Cobpyth in 2nd HOF
Now this should be interesting since when I actually saw this for the first time, even though it should have been something I thoroughly would enjoy, I did not, at all. And was curious to see what a rewatch would bring about.
The first time I saw it I didn't care for it, and then I loved it the second time. Only thing is the first time was at the movies when it was out, and the second time was about 3 years ago.

Raise the Red Lanter
n - Citizen Rules
Originally nominated by Christine in 6th HOF
I've not seen this before, but I'm thinking it's right up my alley.
You're going to like that a lot I think.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The first time I saw it I didn't care for it, and then I loved it the second time. Only thing is the first time was at the movies when it was out, and the second time was about 3 years ago.
I'm hoping that will be the case.

Both of you guys will like Le Trou.
I have a strong feeling I will. Seeing that Pussy Galore originally nominated it, is a very good sign for me.

Weird is relative.
I too am excited about Le Trou, which I haven't seen yet. I've been kind of fixated on the '60s in French cinema over the past few months.

I was also thinking of nominating Ed Wood! Good thing I chose something different. I only watched it once, quite a long time ago, but had really enjoyed it and later especially purchased the DVD through Amazon since I couldn't find it anywhere.

The Man from Earth I've seen at least twice before. Possibly three times. It's been years now, so I'm looking forward to another viewing.

It's also been years since my one-time watch of Memento. Sadly I no longer have that DVD, but another copy shouldn't be difficult to locate.

Letter from an Unknown Woman is one I've been telling myself lately that I should watch, so I'm glad to see it here.

Raise the Red Lantern is another I'd been meaning to view this year.

Also intrigued about Farewell My Concubine and After Hours, which have both been on my watchlist.

Cosmic stoled my nom!
I was also thinking of nominating Ed Wood!
I was slow deciding on a nomination, and was going to include a back-up because I had a feeling that someone already nominated it. But I decided not to, and when Raul didn't come back and tell me to pick something else, I was pleasantly surprised haha.

We have a nice mix of films I'm familiar with, and ones I haven't seen before.

Memento - I used to love this film but I haven't seen it in ages. Will be interesting to see if it holds up.

Le Trou - I don't think I've seen this, though I've certainly heard about it before.

The Man from Earth - I had to watch this for an Archaeology in Film class, though it was a little out of place. I think at the time our Professor couldn't find a better example of a Cro-Magnon character. I thought it was extremely boring, however that screenshot does not look familiar so perhaps this is not even the same film.

Ed Wood - Apparently I managed to snag a highly sought after nomination! I've only seen this once, and I saw it before I had even seen any of Wood's films. I'd already been planning to watch it sometime this month, so its eligibility was quite convenient.

Letter from an Unknown Woman - This looks familiar but I'm not sure if I've seen it before. I keep getting films from this era mixed up.

Raise the Red Lantern - Will be my first time watching this.

Pierrot Le Fou
- I've seen at least part of this, but I don't think I've seen the entire thing. The fact that I'm not certain about that means it's definitely due for a rewatch haha.

Farewell my Concubine - Another first watch for me.

After Hours - I watched this for the Chain Challenge awhile ago. I'm hoping I enjoy it more on a second viewing.

Okay..I'll play even though this is my fourth Hall of Fame this group of noms is particularly good, and I can post my first review tomorrow as I literally just watched one of them

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Don't know if anybody said this already, but I think the photo from Man from Earth is wrong!

I've seen them all except for 3: After Hours, Ed Wood and Farewell my Concubine.

Gonna rewatch some, while a few are huge favourites which I watched more than once!

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Memento - Edarsenal - probably the best from Nolan together with his last movie, Dunkirk. Watched it twice.

Le Trou - Nathaniel - Amazing film! Gonna love rewatching this one. I was going to nominate this one but it was already taken.

The Man From Earth - Jabs - Watched 3 times already. Love the premise and execution on this one.

Ed Wood - CosmicRunaway - new watch for me.

Letter from an Unknown Woman - Neiba - my own nom and one of the films I have closer to my heart and that I would never find if it wasn't for the HoFs.

Raise the Red Lantern - Citizen Rules - Such a beautiful film. Was thinking about nominating this one. Gonna love the rewatch.

Pierrot Le Fou - MijaFrost - Watched it for the 2nd time a couple of months ago on big screen. Best Godard by far and a personal favourite.

Farewell my Concubine - ThursdayNext - new watch for me.

After Hours - Rauldc - new watch for me

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'm cool with Siddon still joining if everyone else is?
hell, yeah!! That'll be great!

Also, for anyone searching, A Letter From an Unknown Woman has a few versions on youtube, so there should be a good chance for availability for all.

It will be the weekend before I get a chance to watch one of these but props to everyone as these are great picks.

The only one I haven't seen is The Man from Earth.

I came pretty close to nominating Raise the Red Lantern. Back when Zhang Yimou was firing out great movie after great movie with Gong Li at her best. I'll probably start with that.