1930s Hall of Fame Part 2


About to watch Red Dust. Seems promising, more pre-code drama does the trick.

I just about went with another prostitute film, Rain with Joan Crawford.
How many films did you consider? 100?

Hey you stole my gif^^^
Early bird catches the gif (or something)

Anyways, so far it seems that from my personal PoV the quality of films on this second 1930s HoF is much better. I think both of the films I've reviewed this far have been better than anything of the first HoF.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...How many films did you consider? 100?
Just about that many I have a whole bunch of films for different types of HoFs saved in a big word file. I've been waiting for a 30s Hof for years and years...

The Thin Man

I didn't really need to watch this again after just seeing it in May, but it's such an easy and enjoyable watch that I figured why not. This viewing was the same for me and for the most part I agree with pahaK.

I don't think the murder mystery part is great, but I do think it is suitable. Much like a Bond film's focus may be on the characters and the gadgets, I think this movie is simply a showcase for Nick and Nora. And Asta for that matter. They are the movie, and William Powell and Myrna Loy are brilliant. When I first watched it, I didn't know anything about the movie or it's stars. I love how we don't meet the couple right away, but instead we're treated to a fabulous introduction, with him showing how to mix a martini, and her being dragged in by their beloved dog. They are an adorable and funny couple who are a delight to watch. They are so damn likable and I'd be hard pressed to come up with a better husband and wife team. I also adore their marriage, and felt somewhat envious as I'm going through a bit of a speedbump in mine. Everything else about the movie is adequate, from the supporting cast to the technical aspects. I don't think that stuff is important with this movie. It's probably not my preference as to the type of movie it is because I feel like I'm underrating it.

Of Mice and Men

I didn't watch this again as I just watched it a week ago with my wife. I knew nothing about it going in while she had read the book. We both loved it.

It's most definitely my kind of movie with it's combination of being powerful and touching. I think it's a great story with strong performances and characters. I remarked before that this was the first time I ever saw Burgess Meredith when he wasn't ancient. I thought he played an interesting character; not necessarily likable or trustworthy, but a pretty good guy who takes responsibility for Lennie and never screws anyone over like I thought he would. I liked everyone, but a special shout out for Charles Bickford who brings a strong element of respect and dignity. The character of Lennie reminds me of Frankenstein, and I think his actions bring good questions regarding responsibility of the mentally ill. I think most of the members will like this, but it won't be unanimous.


Women will be your undoing, Pépé


The first minute or so of the film is black screen with voices talking. Don't worry, that is merely the opening scene. I was a little concerned, thinking there may have been a problem with the video. Don't be.
Just thought I'd save the next ones to watch this lil gem from that initial worry that may cause you to miss out on the dialogue going on.

It didn't take long to see why @Chypmunk chose this film as a nomination with the truly great banter and wise crackin that goes on.
I've never seen this one and was very happy to have seen this. With a mixture of comedy, romance and some rough knocks, it is very easy to get caught up in the two leads of Lombard and O'Brien.
I won't get into what occurs and, especially, how it all turns out, and will wait for others to see this before commenting it, especially the final act of movie, but I will say I thoroughly enjoyed this film. The characters, and especially the playful arguing between the two leads. Some of my favorite scenes involved them going at in and ending in a kiss.
Oh, don't worry, this isn't soapy or mushy. But d@mn if it isn't charming!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé

It Happened One Night

How you do hitchhike successfully to get a car to stop for ya??
Miss Claudette Colbert will show ya!

Of all the times I've read IMDb and checked out References made to a particular movie, I have NEVER seen such a MASSIVE list as the one I saw for this one. Largely regarding this specific scene in so many other films, with people remarking on how they saw it in a movie. AKA THIS movie.

And that is simply one scene in this great Frank Capra film.
Colbert has run away from her father in Florida and is hightailing it to the man she had eloped with previously. In her attempt NOT to be caught, she hops a bus, where she crosses paths, and words, with Gable's character, a recently fired newspaperman.Who, once realizing who she is and the great story in the making, sticks to her like glue for the exclusive.

Now, I don't know if this is considered one of the original Road Trip movies, but it has a lot of the parameters that such films use as staples.
And, forgive the cliche, but the first time around does remain as the best time around and Capra does his usual charm in creating a cast of characters that you can't help but enjoy. Along with some hi-jinks and situations that they have to work around, while finding themselves falling for one another.

A truly enjoyable romp, if I must so.
And I will.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Completely agree about The Thin Man is more about Nick and Nora than about the case they investigate. Which I've never considered a bad thing.
If asked, I doubt I could say what ANY of the cases were in the 6 films, having enjoyed Powell's and Loy's excellent chemistry and playfulness with one another.

I'd echo that - The Thin Man series is ALL about the chemistry, and what marvellous chemistry it is!

@edarsenal - so glad you enjoyed Virtue, it's not a perfect movie by any stretch of the imagination but it sure is one that can easily be enjoyed and, yeah, the occasional piece of badinage is most certainly a part of that.

The Goddess (1934)

I'll use this as an opportuniy to blather about Chinese cinema of the time.

Lingyu Ruan is a legend. I'm a little bit reluctant to watch her other films (Little Toys et al), because they're supposedly much inferior to The Goddess, but all people who saw them still point out she is the strongest part of those films. A great actress who unfortunately had had a very tragic life ending in a suicide. The 1991 film Center Stage starring brilliant Maggie Cheung talks about her life and death. I wholeheartedly recommend the film, but beware - it's equally beautiful and sorrowful.

Another splendid Chinese film of the 30s I can recommend is Street Angel starring the impeccable Zhou "Golden Voice" Xuan - yet another legendary figure of China. She's amongst my favourite singers of all time. Her compilation album in the 百代・中国時代曲名典 (The Legendary Chinese Hits) series truly shows why she was the goddess of Shidaiqu. Li Xianglan is another great singer of the genre. To digress even more, if you want to get a better feel of the time, I can't recommend the 上海老歌 (1931-1949) - Pop Songs Between 1930s and 1940s in Shanghai compilation box set enough. Back to the film, Zhou Xuan performs one of her biggest hits in it and is as splendid as ever. The movie itself is a perfect blend of comedy and (melo)drama.

Another legendary Chinese actress of the time (and also Lingyu Ruan's partner in some films) was Li Lili. Can't wait to watch a film with her!

Li Lili in Queen of Sports

One day I will gather all my strength and finally catch up with all Chinese classics! I've got quite a backlog there, because... reasons... but I just need the right mindset and time frame for this and I will watch 'em all!!!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Mad Love

Possible minor spoilers

A stylish reimagining of Renard's novel that successfully switches out the central motive from greed to obsession and still provides a thoroughly entertaining tale.

Peter Lorre is excellent as the increasingly maniacal lead but all three principals give good performances; Lorre and Frances Drake hamming it up a little is a nice harkback to the original silent version whilst, much as in the earlier Frankenstein, Colin Clive's slightly stiff demeanour is quite suited to his role here.

Some of the peripheral characters don't work as well for me though, Ted Healy's reporter, Reagan, may play his part in the plot but the performance belongs to a different movie and the degeneration of May Beatty's housekeeper, Francoise, is a tad overdone imo.

The sets are well designed and along with good lighting help create a very nice tone that is generally maintained throughout, there's some nice shadow-work here and there and Lorre's 'Rollo' is quite marvellous.

A couple of minor things I picked up on while watching are that Drake's hair changes length quite noticeably, which doesn't fit with the time-frame, and the second utterance of the line "This happens to be my pen" has an extra "gentlemen" appended which obviously was originally intended to be there for both. Neither mar the enjoyment at all, I just happened to notice them so thought I'd mention them as asides.

Overall a very entertaining, and long overdue, re-watch that probably wouldn't have happened without my joining this HOF (as I hadn't been able to locate it via my usual limited resources) so I'm thrilled it was nominated.


Trouble with a capital "T"
Congrats on losing your Hof virginity! You do have a new healthy inner glow

*I haven't read your review, but I will asap after watching Mad Love. I did take a peak at the last paragraph and it sounds like you enjoyed it. I might watch that one next.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Red Dust (1932)

Rockin good fun! That's the way I like my movies and Red Dust delivered. Clark Gable as the roguish, tough & rumble boss of a tropical rubber plantation, coupled with the unabashed, brassiness of platinum blonde Jean Harlow...what more could you ask for in film? I loved the exotic feel of the rainy, steamy jungles in a remote region where just about anything could happen. That's world building and I talk about that a lot in my reviews. Well that's because escaping for a brief while into an enticing movie world is appealing to me.

Wow, was that really Mary Astor, I never seen her look so young, I'm use to the older version of her, like in The Maltese Falcon. I hardly recognized her here.

The story was bold, ruckus and fun...I loved the playfulness that Jean Harlow brought to the screen. I've never thought she was that pretty, I mean where has her eyebrows gone too? But she's so cool and so fun that her performance is infectious....like malaria!...all hot and chilly at the same time. I don't think she's the greatest actress, but she sure has style! So does Clark Gable, back in the day women swooned over him and men wanted to be like him. Gable is cool!

My favorite scenes are Gene Harlow in the bathtub, such a fun scene. I read that during filming of the rain barrel scene, she stood up...topless and said 'here's one for the boys in the film lab'....Hot damn! Oh and for some reason I got a kick out of her scraping the parrot poop out of the bottom of the bird cage, and commenting that it was 'hard as cement'. Only in a pre-code film would you see that!

Very cool movie @rauldc14

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2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
By the way, I had you in mind a bit for that Red Dust nomination. Thought you would love it.

It won't come close to winning, but I didn't really care. My potential winning nomination was going to be Vampyr, but I didn't think we necessarily had the right members for it to win this.

Trouble with a capital "T"
For sure Mad Love, Jekyl, and Virtue.
I PMed some links to you.

By the way, I had you in mind a bit for that Red Dust nomination. Thought you would love it.

It won't come close to winning, but I didn't really care. My potential winning nomination was going to be Vampyr, but I didn't think we necessarily had the right members for it to win this.
I think most of us will like Red Dust...but as far as winning? there's a lot of great films in this one so a tough call. I'm going to have a real hard time deciding myself.

Did Red Dust remind you of Only Angels Have Wings? It did me.