What's Your Favorite Movies of all time


One of my favorite The first rundown of Schindlerjuden (Schindler's Jews) who were transported to Schindler's industrial facility in Brünnlitz was set up by Mietek Pemper, Itzhak Stern and Oskar Schindler at the turn of September and October 1944. That rundown likely never again exist.

Another rundown with 1,000 names, ordered by previous camp stenographer Mieczyslaw Pemper upon the detainees' landing 21 October 1944 at Schindler's Brünnlitz industrial facility, was exhibited by Pemper to the International Tracing Service in 1958.

Two arrangements of 1,098 detainees made by the camp organization in Brünnlitz on 18 April 1945 are surviving, and are protected in Yad Vashem Memorial, where Oskar and Emilie Schindler are perceived among the Righteous. The principal list contains 297 female detainees while the second rundown contains 801 male detainees. There are a few safeguarded duplicates and duplicates of the rundown from April 1945, with some in historical centers while others are in private hands (for the most part of groups of previous detainees). In April 2009 a duplicate of the first rundown, archiving 801 names, was found among the documentation creator Keneally had given to the State Library of New South Wales in Sydney.

Absolutely! The props, sets and costumes ... everything seems quite authentic and it just adds so much to the film. It's not perfect by any means, but it's very entertaining, very classy and it definitely has its fans. And I agree with the Gary Cooper comparison, though I must admit, it hadn't occurred to me. The Shadow seems underrated and overlooked by the general public, but for anyone who loves movies, it's a great find that only gets better with age. I hate to use such a trite phrase, but it's like a fine wine that only improves over time.
I'd forgotten that when Beetlejuice was on a few months ago I was looking at Alec Baldwin and thinking if this was the Thirties or Forties I bet Gary Cooper would have been playing his character.

I was a bit surprised to find that Jerry Goldsmith had done the music. It seemed so much like Danny Elfman – perhaps like a lot of the comic book film scores of the day. That style was in vogue.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yea Jaws was good, I didn't like original Poltergeist movie that much, I prefer the remake version though, I thought it was descent.
I haven't seen the remake of Poltergeist, but based on what I've read about it, I don't think I'll like it.

I'd forgotten that when Beetlejuice was on a few months ago I was looking at Alec Baldwin and thinking if this was the Thirties or Forties I bet Gary Cooper would have been playing his character.

I was a bit surprised to find that Jerry Goldsmith had done the music. It seemed so much like Danny Elfman – perhaps like a lot of the comic book film scores of the day. That style was in vogue.
I'm pretty sure that Danny Elfman did the music for Beetlejuice, not Jerry Goldsmith.

A Good mixture of movies, seen all but one which is Peter Pan
Yes do watch PeterPan, it will take you to the dreamland and doesn't matter how old are you, everyone loves dreaming

I don't actually wear pants.
The Good, the Bad, the Weird
Human Condition III
Human Condition I
Human Condition II
Sleuth '72
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
New World '13
Hunt for Red October
All Quiet on the Western Front
Life of Brian
No country for Old Men
Saving Private Ryan
13 Assassins
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Night of the Hunter
My Sassy Girl
Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope
Who Done It? (1942)
Wild Bunch
Big Short
Texas Chain Saw Massacre '74
Age of Shadows
Seven Samurai
Bittersweet Life
Return of Godzilla
My Way
Thanks again, Mr Portridge.

The Good, the Bad, the Weird
Human Condition III
Human Condition I
Human Condition II
Sleuth '72
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
New World '13
Hunt for Red October
All Quiet on the Western Front
Life of Brian
No country for Old Men
Saving Private Ryan
13 Assassins
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Night of the Hunter
My Sassy Girl
Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope
Who Done It? (1942)
Wild Bunch
Big Short
Texas Chain Saw Massacre '74
Age of Shadows
Seven Samurai
Bittersweet Life
Return of Godzilla
My Way
Seen 5 out of the rest of the movies you got on here, Jaws, Texas Chainsaw, Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Saving Private Ryan. All were good but for one, I didn't care much for the Texas chainsaw massacre or the rest of the other Leatherface movies.

I haven't seen the remake of Poltergeist, but based on what I've read about it, I don't think I'll like it.

I'm pretty sure that Danny Elfman did the music for Beetlejuice, not Jerry Goldsmith.

I think you might like it, it's not really a bloody movie, it's got more of an adventure feel to it, well atleast for me it did.

Rock music and action movie obsessed guy,
Besides my 10 on my profile, I would put 48 Hrs 1 and 2, Friday the 13th 4-6, Halloween 1-3, Tommy Boy, and pretty much any Peanuts film besides the few new recent specials (even though I liked The Peanuts Movie)
Happiness is having your own library card.

The Day The Earth Stood Still
Woman In The Dunes
Wings Of Desire
Paris, Texas
Rear Window
Wages Of Fear
Bad Day At Black Rock
Out Of The Past
Star Wars IV A New Hope - 1977
Cinema Paradiso
The Outlaw Josey Wales
The 39 Steps 1935
Apocalypse Now.
The Big Sleep
Forbidden Planet
Lost In Translation
Mad Max 1979
The Thing.

Edit : forgot -

Memories Of Murder
Ichi The Killer.........
and probably a hundred more.

Besides my 10 on my profile, I would put 48 Hrs 1 and 2, Friday the 13th 4-6, Halloween 1-3, Tommy Boy, and pretty much any Peanuts film besides the few new recent specials (even though I liked The Peanuts Movie)
I see you got Beverly Hills cop and Fast Times on your top 10, I love those movies. I also liked 48 hrs, I haven't seen the sequel yet. My favorite Friday the 13th movies are Part 2,3,4,6,7,8, FvJ and remake and for the Halloween series, 1, 2,4,6 and H20. Tommy Boy I've seen also, funny movie.


The Terminator
Show Me Love
Terminator 2
Black Christmas (74)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Halloween (78)
The Spy Who Loved Me
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Ghostbusters (84)
The Naked Gun
Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind
A Nightmare on Elm Street (84)
The Frighteners
Let the Right One In
Mars Attacks
For Your Eyes Only
10 Things I Hate About You
A View to a Kill
The Fog (80)
I love me some Moonraker. Pretty much my favorite out of the franchise.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

In my opinion, you CAN'T leave your house until you've seen these:

My top 10 list
A Ghost Story
Children of Men
The Blair Witch Project
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Thelma and Louise

Trouble with a capital "T"
In my opinion, you CAN'T leave your house until you've seen these:
My top 10 list
A Ghost Story.....Never seen it
Children of Men....Seen it and not impressed.
The Blair Witch Project....Yes! Another fan!
Nightcrawler...Not seen it.
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure...Fun flick.
Thelma and Louise...I actually have the DVD right now, because somebody recommended it to me

Trouble with a capital "T"
Don't forget this!

The Blair Witch Hunt
OMG you're the last person I'd expect to like it!
It's not grisly horror, so I liked that about it. And at the time was quite unique for a small indie film. And it scared me! I live in the woods and I remember going into the bathroom during a break from the movie and the window was open...I shut that window so fast! ha

In my opinion, you CAN'T leave your house until you've seen these:

My top 10 list
A Ghost Story
Children of Men
The Blair Witch Project
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
Thelma and Louise
I've only seen 1 on this list,which is nightcrawler, it was an okay movie not the greatest. There's only 6 movies here

Stand by me
the godfather
the neverending story
die hard
rambo first blood part 2
tango and cash
the exorcist
superman 1978
batman 1989
poltergeist 1984
terminator 2
scent of a woman
sea of love
silence of the lambs
from russia with love
spy who loved me

Stand by me
the godfather
the neverending story
die hard
rambo first blood part 2
tango and cash
the exorcist
superman 1978
batman 1989
poltergeist 1984
terminator 2
scent of a woman
sea of love
silence of the lambs
from russia with love
spy who loved me
I've seen 13 movies here from your list,

the godfather
die hard
rambo first blood part 2
the exorcist
superman 1978
batman 1989
poltergeist 1984
terminator 2
silence of the lambs
spy who loved me