Citizen Rules...Cinemaesque Chat-n-Review

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Gigi is one of the most overrated films in history...have never understood all the love for that movie.
I never liked the film either. 1958 was just about the end of the great musicals. It was a cute story, with a good cast. But it was mostly the lavish production, with good songs by Lerner and Loewe that highlighted the movie. Also Maurice Chevalier had become an icon, and the picture played into nostalgia at the time. But frankly I got sick of hearing the song "Gigi", which Chevalier sang on several contemporary TV variety shows.


Trouble with a capital "T"

My Name Is Nobody (1973)

Il mio nome è Nessuno (original title)
Director: Tonino Valerii
Writers: Sergio Leone (idea), Fulvio Morsella (story)
Cast: Terence Hill, Henry Fonda, Jean Martin
Genre: Comedy Spagetti Western

A young oddball gunfighter (Terence Hill) with a strange sense of humor takes to following an older gunfighter (Henry Fonda) around the wild west. 'Nobody' worships the older gunfighter and at the same time keeps challenging him...whilst the older gunfighter only wants to take a boat ride and retire in peace. CR

Produced by spaghetti western king, Sergio Leone, My Name is Nobody, takes the earlier works of Leone and adds a comic twist to it. I was going to say it lampoons the earlier spaghetti westerns, but that's not really what the film is about. It's more of a serious comedy or perhaps it's more wacky than the proceeding westerns by Leone. One thing is for sure this film seems like something Quentin Tarantino would have made. As it features intent of style over substances. It works, but at 2 hours the quirkiness begins to wear thin.

On the hand, this has some of the most amazing sets used in a western. Especially the Native American village on top of a mesa. I was impressed with what looked like an actual silver mine operation, I'd say that was a real location. There's some funny odd stuff, and Henry Fonda is good as the aging & wishing to return in peace, gun fighter. And I guess Terrance Hill was suitable wacky as the young strange-stranger who wants to turn the old gun fighter into a living he can be in the history books.

Watch it if you are wanting to see something a bit different. Just remember the English version is dubbed, and only Henry Fonda did his own voice, which adds to the quirkiness.

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Battle of the Sexes (2017)
Funnily enough, I thought the nicest guy in it was Bobby Riggs! I dont know if it was deliberate, but I thought he came across like he wasnt a complete pig, but was hamming it up to lend more hype to the tennis match, while saying and doing things he didnt necessarily believe in.

Im always happy when I see any modern film with Elisabeth Shue in. The girl is my childhood (Back to the Future, Adventures in Babysitting & the Karate Kid!) and considering those films are now over 30 years old, she looks really good. Big fan of Andrea Riseborough too, really liked her in this.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Funnily enough, I thought the nicest guy in it was Bobby Riggs! I dont know if it was deliberate, but I thought he came across like he wasnt a complete pig, but was hamming it up to lend more hype to the tennis match, while saying and doing things he didnt necessarily believe in.

Im always happy when I see any modern film with Elisabeth Shue in. The girl is my childhood (Back to the Future, Adventures in Babysitting & the Karate Kid!) and considering those films are now over 30 years old, she looks really good. Big fan of Andrea Riseborough too, really liked her in this.
You were a fan of Elisabeth Shue at 2?...I know what you mean, you discovered her movies after they came out. She was great in all of those films you've mentioned. Have you seen Leaving Las Vegas? she was great in that.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Wonder Woman (2017)

Director: Patty Jenkins
Writers: Allan Heinberg (screenplay), Zack Snyder (story)
Cast: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Robin Wright
Genre: DC Superhero

After a WWI pilot (Chris Pine) crashes his bi-plane into the sea, Diana the Amazonian warrior aka Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) rescues him and they form a bond. She leaves her island paradise to venture into the world of man to stop the evil god Aries, who she thinks is the cause of WW1. CR

This is the first DC superhero movie I've seen. I liked Gal Gadot, I thought she was perfect for the role. Chris Pine was OK though he didn't have much chemistry with her. Then again this isn't some sophisticated movie with deep character study. What you get is what you expect: Lots of CG, lots of video game style fighting, not much in character development and at 2 hours 21 minutes a bit long in the tooth.

I liked the overall story premise but I could have done without long fight sequences with Wonder Woman flying through the air.....slowing down to a near freeze, then speeding up as she attacks. Good grief, isn't that style of cinematography out of favor yet? I sure wish it was! I found it silly, like a Saturday morning cartoon, ala Powder Puff Girls. Then again I'm guessing this movie is aimed at teens, so I guess that's what they want.

When Wonder Woman wasn't flying though the air I did enjoy her portrayal of her character. The funny thing was the woman in the photo below was a carbon copy of Elsa Lanchester, right down to the guttural laugh sounds she makes. Not sure why she was needed in the film, she didn't do anything.

Chris Pine and Gal Gadot. Not much more to say as Pine's character was along for the ride.

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Wonder Woman (2017)

When Wonder Woman wasn't flying though the air I did enjoy her portrayal of her character. The funny thing was the woman in the photo below was a carbon copy of Elsa Lanchester, right down to the guttural laugh sounds she makes. Not sure why she was needed in the film, she didn't do anything.

Chris Pine and Gal Gadot. Not much more to say as Pine's character was along for the ride.

I had mixed feelings about it as well - I think my favorite part was Diana trying to acclimate in England. As for the special effects - as usual the movie devolved into a CGI video game. (And as always - a half hour too long for a superhero movie.)

The "Elsa Lanchester" lady was the character Etta Candy - I think she was in the movie as a hat tip to fans of the original Wonder Woman as she was Diana's long-time friend & side-kick dating back to the Golden Age. In the original comics she was an overweight American college student with a sweet tooth (contrasting her best friend's super-heroic female physique). She's had many incarnations over the decades and even showed up with a military career in the W.W. TV series of the 70's.

In the Golden Age of comics it became typical for heroes not just to have junior or super-powered side-kicks, but many of them had comedic sidekicks who were average people and most often bumblers of various sorts: Plastic Man had the intellectually challenged Woozy Winks, Green Lantern had a cab driver named Doiby Dickles, the Golden Age Flash had sidekicks known as the Three Dimwits (modeled after the Three Stooges) and Wonder Woman had Etta Candy.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Wonder Woman (2017)

The "Elsa Lanchester" lady was the character Etta Candy - I think she was in the movie as a hat tip to fans of the original Wonder Woman as she was Diana's long-time friend & side-kick dating back to the Golden Age. In the original comics she was an overweight American college student with a sweet tooth (contrasting her best friend's super-heroic female physique). She's had many incarnations over the decades and even showed up with a military career in the W.W. TV series of the 70's.
Ahh...OK that makes sense. I was thinking maybe Elsa Lanchester was in the 70s TV show Wonder Woman. What did you think of Gal Gadot as a choice for Wonder Woman?

Ahh...OK that makes sense. I was thinking maybe Elsa Lanchester was in the 70s TV show Wonder Woman. What did you think of Gal Gadot as a choice for Wonder Woman?
Mixed feelings.
  • Her Israeli background and accent gave her an exotic feel that fit with an Amazon from a hidden island.
  • She's physically fit and has combat training which adds credibility to her character.
  • She's beautiful (so no problems there).

  • To me she seems a bit on the petite side - whereas WW has always been somewhat statuesque. For some reason, Gal appeared much taller in her Diana persona than in her WW costume. Linda Carter seemed to have a physique I associate more closely with WW.
  • Not Gal's fault, but in her 3 movie appearances her hair seems a bit limp, scraggely and lifeless (I'm really nitpicking!)
  • I'm not really sure about her acting - she seemed a bit flat at times which played to her character being an outsider to any cultures we understand, but I never felt an emotional attachment or resonance to her. Not sure if this was an acting flaw or due to the overall production.

Speaking of Linda Carter - she was nearly as perfect a ringer for WW as Chris Reeve was for Superman (after a lot of working out, of course), but her acting also was always a bit flat or "one note" - never really displaying a wide range of emotions.

Trouble with a capital "T"

The Silencers

Director: Phil Karlson
Writers: Donald Hamilton (novels), Oscar Saul (screenplay)
Cast: Dean Martin, Stella Stevens, Daliah Lavi
Genre: Spy Adventure Comedy

'Retired agent Matt Helm is re-activated in order to stop an evil organization from exploding an atom bomb over the USA and starting WWIII.'

Wholly smokes!....This was great fun! The Silencers is the first of four spy films based on the Matt Helm character played by that swanky singer and all around fun guy, Dean Martin.

The spy novels that the movies are based on were written by Donald Hamilton from 1960-1993. I've not read any of the books but the movie is said to be very different than the novels. It works as both a take on the James Bond films, but fitted to the personality of Dean Martin.

Only in the 1960s would we have drinking while driving! In fact Deano has a will stocked wet bar in the back set of his spy car.

So we get plenty of pretty girls all decked out in mid 1960s couture fashions...and good old Matt 'Deano' Helm has a bedroom that's fit for a swinging bachelor, complete with remote control bed and a luxurious bubble bath big enough for a party.

I found this movie to be more serious than I would have thought and yet it delivers some laughs, while entertaining. A young Stella Stevens was really good in this too. She plays a hapless girl who just happens to be dating an evil spy, which then makes Matt Helm think she's an evil counter spy herself. Which then puts her in all sorts of harms way.

Not as crass as it appears, the young lady losing her clothing is Stella Stevens and Dean Martin suspects her of being an enemy spy. I guess he's looking for hidden weapons

Cyd Charisse has a role as an exotic dancer, that has to be seen to be appreciated. At 40 she's still looking great and fit as a fiddle. She sings too, though she's dubbed, it's still a great number.

That's Daliah Lavi in blue, and dead on the floor is another beauty played briefly by Nancy Kovak.

The bad guys aren't all that colorful but Deano and his gal pals are! Don't miss the coolest spy tool ever made!...the reverse shooting gun.


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Trouble with a capital "T"

Blast from the Past (1999)

Director: Hugh Wilson
Writers: Bill Kelly (story), Bill Kelly (screenplay)
Cast: Brendan Fraser, Alicia Silverstone, Christopher Walken, Sissy Spacek, Dave Foley
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

In 1962 a brilliant but eccentric scientist (Chrisopher Walken) builds the ultimate bomb shelter under his families house. When a jet plane crashes into his house he mistakes it for nuclear war and seals himself and his pregnant wife (Sissy Spacek) into the bomb shelter, which has an automatic lock for 35 years. During that time his son (Brendan Fraser) grows up and when the lock is opened he must go up into the world to buy supplies for his family. There he finds a vastly different world than he's use to...and he meets a girl (Alicia Silverstone). CR

I love this movie! It made me laugh, it made me cry and it made me ponder the mysteries of life....OK I didn't actually cry, nor did I ponder crap. But I did laugh and I did love it, and that's enough for me

The premise was a gas. Someone stuck in a bomb shelter for 35 years, without knowing what was going on in the world above. The bomb shelter was way cool too! I mean it was stocked with everything you could image. Loved the way it was made to look like their house. It kind of looked fun to live in! And Christopher Walken and Sissy Spacek made for great - wacky parents. I couldn't ask for more.

I was a bit bummed when he left the bomb shelter, but quickly the film found it's footing and the juxtaposition of the naive nice guy coming up against the denizens of Hollyweird...err I mean Hollywood was top notch comedy. Good stuff!

Brendan Fraser knocked it out of the ball park. He's reactions were too funny, as they came out of what a guy from a nice family circa 1962 would say and do if he was plopped down in Hollywood circa 1999. Alicia Silverstone was decent too, though she came across a bit too bitchy to be a love interest. I would have liked to see Winona Ryder in this role.

Shot out to Dave Foley for some good on screen time. Good stuff all around

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Trouble with a capital "T"

Fading Gigolo

Director: John Turturro
Writer: John Turturro
Cast: John Turturro, Woody Allen, Sharon Stone, Vanessa Paradis
Genre: Comedy-Drama

A well meaning older man (Woody Allen) decides to help his therapist (Sharon Stone) have a menage a trois. So he ask his friend (John Turturro) who's in need of money to works as a gigolo. Along the way he meets a deeply religious Hasidic Jewish woman, Avigal. She's a widow of a rabbi which then causes problems with the Jewish neighborhood patrolman who loves her. CR

I picked this movie up at my library because I seen Woody Allen on the DVD cover and I thought it was one of his lesser known movies. It's not. John Turturro wrote and directed this film. But it still feels a lot like some of Woody's better works. It's set somewhere in New York, in a orthodox Hasidic Jewish neighborhood. Which I thought was very interesting as I didn't know that they would have their own street patrol capable of detaining people and questioning their religious/moral activities. I don't know if this happens in real life? but it was interesting in the movie.

This is rated R and sounds like pure spectacle, but it's not. Except for one brief topless shot of Sharon Stone, who's still looking good btw, this could be a PG13 movie. We don't really see much of the gigolo work, just him meeting the rich woman and introducing himself. Then it fades into the next scene. Woody Allen was much older than I've seen him before in a movie, but he's still got that sharp wit and funny delivery of his lines.

It was nice to see Sharon Stone, though she doesn't have much air time. For me it was the overall lightness of the film, Woody Allen and John Turturro's characters and the secondary Hasidic community story line that made this film worth watching.

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The Silencers

I found this movie to be more serious than I would have thought and yet it delivers some laughs, while entertaining. A young Stella Stevens was really good in this too. She plays a hapless girl who just happens to be dating an evil spy, which then makes Matt Helm think she's an evil counter spy herself. Which then puts her in all sorts of harms way.

Not as crass as it appears, the young lady losing her clothing is Stella Stevens and Dean Martin suspects her of being an enemy spy. I guess he's looking for hidden weapons

That's Daliah Lavi in blue, and dead on the floor is another beauty played briefly by Nancy Kovak.


Take at look at Stella Stevens in this clip from The Silencers (at 0:40).
I was amazed that when they show her face how much she resembles Scarlet Johansen today!

Also, Daliah Lavi was my pick to play Zatanna (in my fantasy JLA movie c. 1966)...
AND I had Stella Stevens in it too as my pick for Black Canary!

(I can never figure out how to post a link to a specific post in a thread.)

You can't win an argument just by being right!

Fading Gigolo

Director: John Turturro
Writer: John Turturro
Cast: John Turturro, Woody Allen, Sharon Stone, Vanessa Paradis
Genre: Comedy-Drama

A well meaning older man (Woody Allen) decides to help his therapist (Sharon Stone) have a menage a trois. So he ask his friend (John Turturro) who's in need of money to works as a gigolo. Along the way he meets a deeply religious Hasidic Jewish woman, Avigal. She's a widow of a rabbi which then causes problems with the Jewish neighborhood patrolman who loves her. CR

I picked this movie up at my library because I seen Woody Allen on the DVD cover and I thought it was one of his lesser known movies. It's not. John Turturro wrote and directed this film. But it still feels a lot like some of Woody's better works. It's set somewhere in New York, in a orthodox Hasidic Jewish neighborhood. Which I thought was very interesting as I didn't know that they would have their own street patrol capable of detaining people and questioning their religious/moral activities. I don't know if this happens in real life? but it was interesting in the movie.

This is rated R and sounds like pure spectacle, but it's not. Except for one brief topless shot of Sharon Stone, who's still looking good btw, this could be a PG13 movie. We don't really see much of the gigolo work, just him meeting the rich woman and introducing himself. Then it fades into the next scene. Woody Allen was much older than I've seen him before in a movie, but he's still got that sharp wit and funny delivery of his lines.

It was nice to see Sharon Stone, though she doesn't have much air time. For me it was the overall lightness of the film, Woody Allen and John Turturro's characters and the secondary Hasidic community story line that made this film worth watching.

I havent heard of this. I love John Turturro. He was so good in The Night Of.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.

The Silencers

Director: Phil Karlson
Writers: Donald Hamilton (novels), Oscar Saul (screenplay)
Cast: Dean Martin, Stella Stevens, Daliah Lavi
Genre: Spy Adventure Comedy

'Retired agent Matt Helm is re-activated in order to stop an evil organization from exploding an atom bomb over the USA and starting WWIII.'

Wholly smokes!....This was great fun! The Silencers is the first of four spy films based on the Matt Helm character played by that swanky singer and all around fun guy, Dean Martin.

The spy novels that the movies are based on were written by Donald Hamilton from 1960-1993. I've not read any of the books but the movie is said to be very different than the novels. It works as both a take on the James Bond films, but fitted to the personality of Dean Martin.

Only in the 1960s would we have drinking while driving! In fact Deano has a will stocked wet bar in the back set of his spy car.

So we get plenty of pretty girls all decked out in mid 1960s couture fashions. And good old Matt 'Deano' Helm has a bedroom that's fit for a swinging bachelor, complete with remote control bed and a luxurious bubble bath big enough for a party.

I found this movie to be more serious than I would have thought and yet it delivers some laughs, while entertaining. A young Stella Stevens was really good in this too. She plays a hapless girl who just happens to be dating an evil spy, which then makes Matt Helm think she's an evil counter spy herself. Which then puts her in all sorts of harms way.

Not as crass as it appears, the young lady losing her clothing is Stella Stevens and Dean Martin suspects her of being an enemy spy. I guess he's looking for hidden weapons

Cyd Charisse has a role as an exotic dancer, that has to be seen to be appreciated. At 40 she's still looking great and fit as a fiddle. She sings too, though she's dubbed, it's still a great number.

That's Daliah Lavi in blue, and dead on the floor is another beauty played briefly by Nancy Kovak.

The bad guys aren't all that colorful but Deano and his gal pals are! Don't miss the coolest spy tool ever made, the reverse shooting gun.


Great review of The Silencers. I love Dean Martin as Matt Helm. I wish he had made more than only four Matt Helm movies. I think they're better than James Bond movies because they're more fun.

Did you notice Roger C. Carmel (aka Harry Mudd) as one of the villains?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
(I can never figure out how to post a link to a specific post in a thread.)

@Captain Steel,

To link to a specific post, you have to link to the date/time stamp in the upper right corner of that post. Just right-click on the date/time stamp, and choose "Copy link address". (That address is the URL of that specific post.)