What is wrong with jake gyllenhal


Right....and I'm talking about the fact that John Madden never directed Chicago.

He also never wrote Chicago, starred in Chicago, did the cinematography or score for Chicago, he didn't write the lyrics for Chicago....hell, I don't even know if he's even SEEN Chicago.
He has filmed in the city - does that count???

Right....and I'm talking about the fact that John Madden never directed Chicago.

He also never wrote Chicago, starred in Chicago, did the cinematography or score for Chicago, he didn't write the lyrics for Chicago....hell, I don't even know if he's even SEEN Chicago.
okay..its not chicago..its Shakespeare in love

Trouble with a capital "T"
What is wrong with jake gyllenhal?
Nothing! He's making movies and making millions. I'd say he's doing pretty good for himself.

We all can see what's wrong with Jake Gyllenhal - I think the real question that should be asked is what's wrong with Hal Gyllenjake.

Nothing! He's making movies and making millions. I'd say he's doing pretty good for himself.
i meant in terms of his peak potential...i always feel like he can't be in that upper echelon of memorable performers or legends...he might end up being like 10 on casting list kind of actor.

Trouble with a capital "T"
i meant in terms of his peak potential...i always feel like he can't be in that upper echelon of memorable performers or legends...he might end up being like 10 on casting list kind of actor.
The success or lack of success of any actor/actress is a crap shoot. Many fine actors never even get to break into the business, others do only to have a few obscure roles and never go further...while others become house hold names and aren't all that amazing in their acting skills.

The success or lack of success of any actor/actress is a crap shoot. Many fine actors never even get to break into the business, others do only to have a few obscure roles and never go further...while others become house hold names and aren't all that amazing in their acting skills.
I am discussing with in the parameters of reality....your point of view leads to infinite possibilities which really doesnt result in anything concrete...the only way I can see him really becoming global is through christopher nolan or tarantino..and knowing they need someone macho in their lead roles..i dont think thats gonna happy.

What's wrong with Jake Gyllenhaal?

Absolutely nothing, according to @Sexy Celebrity
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

I reject the premise of the original post, of course. I think Jake has turned into a truly fine actor, always interesting on screen, and at his best (Nightcrawler, Demolition, Enemy, Zodiac, Brokeback Mountain, Prisoners) he is as good as anyone around.

But, you know, to each their own and sh!t.

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

That I love him or that he's a music snob?

I was blown away when I heard he was going onstage to play the lead in Sunday in the Park with George and was shocked to learn the guy could actually sing too! I hope if someone ever has the brains to bring Sunday to the screen that they let Jake do the scree version.

I reject the premise of the original post, of course. I think Jake has turned into a truly fine actor, always interesting on screen, and at his best (Nightcrawler, Demolition, Enemy, Zodiac, Brokeback Mountain, Prisoners) he is as good as anyone around.
I agree. He’s one of those actors whose movies I will watch whatever the reviews. Some I don’t like, but I will at least try to finish them.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

i question jake gyllenhal s career film choices indeed, he s done all kinds of weird roles , but never really made it as a superstar even though he s been here what 20 years..since donny darko, he could have been a lot more into stardom had he thought about his career choices

i question jake gyllenhal s career film choices indeed, he s done all kinds of weird roles , but never really made it as a superstar even though he s been here what 20 years..since donny darko, he could have been a lot more into stardom had he thought about his career choices
I'm guessing that he's happy right where he's at. He's making a very good living, and is able to accept the eclectic roles that appeal to him. He does a wide variety of parts that allows him to ply his talents as an actor.

However, I'm sure that his agent wishes he'd seek and accept more high dollar parts...

Have you guys ever considered weighing, say, how unpleasant a commute or job is against the salary? Have you ever considered taking less money for a shorter drive, or to work at a place you liked a bit more? Same idea. Except in the case of someone like this they already have as much money as they'll ever need, so it makes even more sense to take other things into consideration.

Really seems like people forget that famous people are still, ya' know, human.