Sean's Film Diary 2018

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Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I don't think I'm going to convince you Mirror is one of the best films ever made, since I already tried in the comments section on Letterboxd. Here's our conversation from there (I believe it's worth citing here, but if for some reason you don't want it here, shoot me a PM):

Here's some more I have to say about this beloved film of mine:

It's one of the very few masterpieces that try to embrace the whole beauty of our world and succeed. This is pure cinema. Nutrition for the soul, a feast for the eyes.

Lacking scientific attempts at explaining the world, Man, or life, ignoring mathematical theorems is Mirror, Tarkovsky's magnum opus, a purely metaphysical piece of Art.

A movie that creates its own visual language, because Tarkovsky understands that words are not able to express everything. A movie as personal as it is universal, Mirror is poetry painted with light.

Just like some MoFo once said: "Mirror is f*cking metal". Just like Chris Marker said: "the naive American contemplates the sky; the Russian, or at least that Russian [Tarkovsky], settles in the sky, and contemplates the earth.".

If you're still not convinced, then simply take it as an axiom, and know I don't love you anymore!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
John Curran 2018

I didn't love this but it is the type of film that definitely hits my pleasure points. I love a good political thriller and this is one whose story I was only vaguely familiar with which made it pretty interesting. It is also a well crafted film and stars Jason Clarke. Actors rarely get me into a theater anymore with their presence alone but Clarke is one of a small handful that can almost do that. I don't know why exactly but I have loved him since the show Brotherhood. He does an excellent job as Ted Kennedy.

The film shows Kennedy at his most vulnerable and pulls it off very well. Clarke's performance is a big reason. He easily swings between broken, over confident, audacious, and reverting to a small boy. If this aspect doesn't work I think the whole film would fall apart. We have to be on board with Ted's journey with both disdain and even a bit of sympathy.

The supporting cast all fits very well. Two comedic actors in Helms and Gaffigan not playing comedic roles. That felt odd at first but they both did a great job. The score here is noticeably good. There is a scene about half way in that probably won't leave me anytime soon. I just love how it punctuates everything from a character standpoint.

I really have no complaints about the film. It isn't going to change the world or hit many top ten lists but it is a perfect relief to the first half of the year doldrums. Quite enjoyable.


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Battleship Potemkin
Sergei Eisenstein 1925

My second big silent film surprise of the year. I wasn't as blown away by this as I was Metropolis but I liked it quite a bit. Seems like I am actually enjoying silent film more in drama than I do the comedy. Didn't think that was how it would go before I started watching them but it seems to be the case thus far.

I don't have a ton to say about this since it is all in the craft but what I was most impressed with was that this film felt like a documentary throughout much of its run time. I thought that was pretty impressive and ties you in emotionally to the story.

Really great film with some awesome visuals.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Yep. Soviets perfected montage. Only Abel Gance could really come close (and even before them!!!). When a 93 years old film is edited better than heaps of contemporary cinema, you start noticing something's off.

Another interesting thing about Eisenstein's early films is that there is no central hero -- this is very Bolshevik ideologically.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Yep. Soviets perfected montage. Only Abel Gance could really come close (and even before them!!!). When a 93 years old film is edited better than heaps of contemporary cinema, you start noticing something's off.

Another interesting thing about Eisenstein's early films is that there is no central hero -- this is very Bolshevik ideologically.
Got some silent reccomendations for me?

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
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Battleship Potemkin
Sergei Eisenstein 1925

My second big silent film surprise of the year. I wasn't as blown away by this as I was Metropolis but I liked it quite a bit. Seems like I am actually enjoying silent film more in drama than I do the comedy. Didn't think that was how it would go before I started watching them but it seems to be the case thus far.

I don't have a ton to say about this since it is all in the craft but what I was most impressed with was that this film felt like a documentary throughout much of its run time. I thought that was pretty impressive and ties you in emotionally to the story.

Really great film with some awesome visuals.

Great film! Fairly obvious but how great was the Odessa Steps scene?!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Great film! Fairly obvious but how great was the Odessa Steps scene?!
So good! Can't even imagine the logistics of that back then. I know this probably isn't PC, but I love the randomness of the guy with no legs.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Destiny is on Netflix, I knew I recognized that cover. The others aren't there or Filmstruck but I will hunt them down. Probably get to Destiny this weekend.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Nice list Minio, I still haven't got round to Phantom Carriage yet, which I'm ashamed at.
And you should be!
Great film! Fairly obvious but how great was the Odessa Steps scene?!

Destiny is on Netflix, I knew I recognized that cover. The others aren't there or Filmstruck but I will hunt them down. Probably get to Destiny this weekend.
Very well, young Padawan. don't disappoint your Master now.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
And you should be!

Very well, young Padawan. don't disappoint your Master now.
If you tell me you want to get me on a slow boat to China I'm out of here.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm going to admit something that is going to piss you off...I have never watched one of those as much as you post him. I assume it's an angry dude ranting and raving.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I'm going to admit something that is going to piss you off...I have never watched one of those as much as you post him. I assume it's an angry dude ranting and raving.
Too bad. There is a naked girl whispersing "seanc will you make me feel good, please?" in each of them.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Minio is the man, it's that Rosen dude.
I know. I don't know why I keep expecting my humor to come across in text. I will learn some day