Avengers: Infinity War


This might just do nobody any good.
The girl one!

No, not that one.

No, the other one.

Actually, no, the last one.

I think...

The 4 time World Heavyweight Champion, 2 time WWE Champion, 3 time World Tag Team Champion, 1 time WWE Tag Team Champion, and 2 time Royal Rumble Winner (one of which we actually gave a **** that he won)

Amy Pond

erm....that woman who won an oscar a few years back (only without the kid)

The bloke who dated Taylor Swift briefly

The Aussie trying to talk posh

The American trying to talk cockney

Maybe that woman from How I Met Your Mother

and Cable.

OH and the bloke who married Phoebe once upon a time.

the market is oversaturated by far with these superhero films, i find myself having no interest whatsoever to watch this, bring back those thrillers, action movies of the past, give me movies that have rewatchability time and time again, i want movies like: at close range, those 80s classics.

Looking good
I might even purchase a ticket for this one.

The MCU has had some hits, and some misses... but, this is the first time in movie history that a franchise has built itself so successfully, over such a large range of characters and movies... and then brought the whole lot together in what is potentially going to be the most profitable movie in history.

It's hard to see sometimes while we're in the present. We look back at older movies, and what they became, the Star Wars's's of the past, the LOTR of yesteryear, even the classics like Jaws or Jurassic Park... and we forget to watch what's right in front of us.

For all the flack the MCU gets, (even from me, a person who is warming to the series), there's one thing I will say about it:
Something like the MCU has never been done before... and Avengers: Infinity War is the culmination of that. It's historical.
I'm going out on a pretty strong limb, and saying that we're witnessing history here.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Please kill the WOAT Avenger Captain lame. PLEEEASSSEEEE!!

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Thor has had his trilogy, maybe him. They have to have a couple go down here surely or it's just silly. Have we seen Hulk in a trailer yet?

This might just do nobody any good.
Thor needs to stay as King of Asgard (Valkyrie can take his place in future Avengers movies). Hulk is in the shot of all the heroes running in Wakanda.


All your favorites!

Hell yes... Im very excited to GOTG in Infinity War! Im already looking at the toyline to expand my Star Lord collection!