What do you think the WORST movie of the last decade was?


The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Sure its a good point. A great idea in any event. But the problem is it has very little basis. It is a weak arguement. You've said many things so far, but not many of them, come to think of it, back this point up. Therefore, I give you as long as you need to get some evidence.

How am I to debate without you having any proof?
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

there's a frog in my snake oil
Originally Posted by Beale the Rippe
Sure its a good point. A great idea in any event. But the problem is it has very little basis. It is a weak arguement. You've said many things so far, but not many of them, come to think of it, back this point up. Therefore, I give you as long as you need to get some evidence.

How am I to debate without you having any proof?
Hahaha! Oh no Bealey. No you don't. You can't chicken out of the facts that we did discuss in the last post (or at least, you need to discuss with me) The portrayal and the application of "yard-sticks" (with americans on one end as superheroes etc and whoever is the antithesis as satanic etc)

Do you really want me to start quoting more info on how the film was astoundingly historically inaccurate for one using the war as it's excuse for the whoelsale violence?? Beale sir, i used plenty of "facts" in this argument already - and you seem to be running away from them! The "fact" is that such a tricksy subject as this can't be proved by stats or measurement. How can you? I can just give you my perspective (as an outsider to american culture, and hence with a different take on a lot of this type of stuff)

Tell me in what way you were seeing "both sides of the "coin" before. I'm intrigued

(and if you don't reply i definitely win. Ner ner ner ner nerrr )
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The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
Why do you have to make this so difficult?

I just had Oral surgery this morning, and now I'm going to relax with painkillers before going to bed. If you decide you want to post something new you want me to disagree with as opposed to trying to get me to start the arguement, go ahead and I'll reply whenever I slip back into consciousness.

And for the last time, you don't win.

there's a frog in my snake oil
Nazi sailors were not "evil" (and only 1 in 2,400 ships were full of cold-blooded killers )

Disagree if you dare

Soz bout the mouth-op BR, but the medication should just put you and me on similar wavelengths

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by Refrigerator
Never Been Kissed. Not that it was ever feasible, but it's just impossible to have any kind of respect for Drew Barrymore after this. Trust me, just stay away from it.
< gasp!! >
That's my guilty pleasure movie!
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelila
< gasp!! >
That's my guilty pleasure movie!
I actually kinda liked it, too. Although my favorite Drew Barrymore movie has got to be Ever After.

Well, someone beat me to the punch of suggesting Battlefield Earth is the worst of the past ten years.
But since two of you have been having an argument about revisionist filmmaking (I skipped most of your discussion, guys. Sorry.), I'll offer up my own pick for the crappiest historic movie (and it's right up there with Battlefield Earth for the worst movie overall): The Patriot with Mel Gibson. God, what a load of crap.

Oh, and Adam Sandler's Eight Crazy Nights. I almost had to rip my eyeballs out after that one.

And by the way, just to mention something concerning WWII: not all German soldiers or seamen were Nazis. That is a distinction that Das Boot makes very effectively, I think.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Irreversible, Battle Royale II:Requiem, The Butterfly Effect. **** those movies.
Horror's Not Dead
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Originally Posted by Animal_Mother
I agree with OG- on the Butterfly Effect.
i like The Butterfly Effect

I wished the buck stopped here
Originally Posted by Zzat
i like The Butterfly Effect
Me too

Welcome to the human race...
In the last 10 years, several movies come to mind but I go with what I call the "worst movie I EVER sat through" - Milk Money. It had

1. The world's most annoying child star/s in it.
2. No decent nudity.
3. A seriously hackneyed family plot.
4. A waste of Ed Harris as an actor.

I name that as the worst movie of the 1990s.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Glitter takes the cake

creator of the framework
kangaroo jack
"if you had one more eye, you'd be a cyclops" - aesop rock

What the hell was wrong with Butterfly Effect!! it was a very good movie

Originally Posted by Steve
Is this the 90's or the past three years?

Either way, worst movie of the 1990s goes to Natural Born Killers.

The worst movie of the past three years is The Hours, which I still haven't read a defense for.
natural born killers is one bloody well good movie dunno how u can say its bad

I usually stay away from anything that I think will be absolute crap, so many of the films that have been mentioned I've not seen (although I thought that Pitch Black was ok)

I think I'm going to go for 54, mainly because I was so excited about a film being made of that time and they completely cocked it up. Maybe it was just the most disapointing film, rather than the worst. So maybe I should say Braveheart, that was shockingly bad.

Really? I loved Braveheart. But HATED Gladiator.

I argue that Braveheart was 10X the movie Gladiator was. Who's with me?

Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
I argue that Braveheart was 10X the movie Gladiator was. Who's with me?

Not me. I find them equally lame.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
Who's with me?
"Bart, where's my wallet?"
"Right here, Dad!"