Hollywood and Sexual Misconduct


Wahlberg is worth more due to marketablitiy and gross worth, not to mention producing credits and industry clout...Michele Williams..not. So, it's not about sexism or unequal pay IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE, it's about logic.

In this particular case, it's about Wahlberg being an exploitative douche taking unnecessary advantage of a bad situation while Williams just wanted to make the film better.
Yep, he got paid, i understand. Williams offered it for free. Is she taking his outed charity? Yep.

Hey, whatever. They're millionaires, I'm not. But this is a ridiculous story.

This one. Not equal pay between genders. Just this story.

Wahlberg is worth more due to marketablitiy and gross worth, not to mention producing credits and industry clout...Michele Williams..not. So, it's not about sexism or unequal pay IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE, it's about logic.

I would argue differently. She has more accolades than him by quite a large margin. Not sure what you mean by marketability. His producing has nothing to do with acting...unless he produced All the Money in the World (which I don't think he did). So to me it doesn't make logical sense. Even if you want to make an argument you did above, I could understand he gets paid a bit more. But not THAT much more. Also, she has top billing.

In any case, this has nothing to do with their merit. If he managed to negotiate a better deal than her, good for him. It was even mentioned on TV today he might have had a "no reshoot clause" which could have put him in a very good negotiating position which he completely took advantage of. She, on the other hand, most likely did not have the same clause which meant if there are reshoots, you do them for free (basically).

Sooo...I guess a question now is how do they have contracts that different if they share the same agency (WME)??? I think that might be a story to be focused on.

P.s. I think you might have already gathered from above but the difference in pay was not a difference of their pay for the entire movie. It was a difference they were paid for re-shoots. He was paid 1.5 mil. She was paid $1000.
I can appreciate that. I just dont feel this specific hoo ha is about gender discrimination. I do not care for bad journalism. 😎

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I can appreciate that. I just dont feel this specific hoo ha is about gender discrimination. I do not care for bad journalism. 😎
I dont think anyone cares for that but feeding frenzies sell.

I dont get the whole issue. If he was a producer why didnt he just call for equal pay to start with? Or donate to her charity out of his own pocket and then not make a big hoo ha out of it? I mean good on the guy for taking a stand, but I have to say it smacks a bit of grand standing. I'm sure he's a lovely guy and didnt sit there wondering how to get his name in the gutter press, but still...

I felt the need to post here after reading about and watching the video of Kyle Stephens testimony at the Larry Nassar trial
(WARNING: graphic language). I realize its tangential to "Hollywood" sexual abuse although plenty of his victims were celebrities and all were children. And in the case of Stephens, she was horribly abused starting at age 5 and no one believed her. For years... Not even her own parents. They instead forced her to continue her relationship with Nassar, even sending her out to babysit for him as an adolescent to the point where she felt she was losing her mind and became suicidal. So not only did she have to suffer years of terrible sexual abuse at the hand of a "trusted family friend" but she had to deal with bearing this burden alone as a child when no one believed her and the resulting fracturing of her relationships with many of her own family members because of that and then, when it was ultimately determined Nassar was indeed an abusive monster and she had been telling the truth all along, she had to deal with her own fathers suicide largely out of guilt for turning his back on her all those years. Just unimaginable...

I post this here because theres been a lot of posts about this movement going overboard and people assuming every accusation is gospel. So the question is how in the world do we find a way so that THIS kind of thing never ever happens again (not believing a child! And huge organizations like USA Gymnastics ignoring dozens of sexual abuse reports in hopes of avoiding any scandal) while still not fostering a "witch hunt" mentality that many have complained about recently. There must be a way to put a system in place that tries to minimize both aspects. Im not sure what it is. But we need to get there. Backlashing and then backlashing to the backlash isnt the answer.
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

You can't win an argument just by being right!
OMG that poor little kid but she has grown into a strong, intelligent adult against ALL odds. This is what the campaign was intended for - supporting those women and men who werent given a voice at the time. Leave judgment at the door before calling people liars or gold digging whores; listen first.

Who is that guy? I havent heard of this matter.

And this!

There must be a way to put a system in place that tries to minimize both aspects. Im not sure what it is

Who is that guy? I havent heard of this matter.
Larry Nassar. Was the head doctor for USA Gymnastics for years (and Michigan State University) and abused his position so he could sexually abuse girls for years under his "care". The situation was made worse because USA Gymnastics did everything they could to sweep all the allegations under the rug (as did MSU to some extent) resulting in wave after wave of girls dropped in his lap for him to abuse from the 80's until recently. And the victims range from kids of family friends to MSU athletes to the biggest names in gymnastics including McKayla Maroney, Aly Raisman, Gabby Douglas and now even Simone Boles has released a statement saying she was abused as well. Almost 100 women came to his trial so they could confront him like Stephens did. And certainly that only represents a fraction of the total number. And sadly, it seems that USA Gymnastics STILL doesnt get it as until very recently they told Maroney that if she testified at his trial they would fine her $100,000 because she signed a nondisclosure agreement as part of her settlement with USA Gymnastics. She said she was going to do it anyway and JUST today USA Gymnastics backed down from threats of "retribution" for her talking about it. Sickening.

The saddest part is that many of the elite athlete's parents chose to ignore their childrens complaints about Nassar because they were so focused on their little world class athletes achieving success. How can you shrug off sexual abuse allegations by your own daughter, even strong arm USA Gymnastics to keep him on staff so that nothing would get in the way of their kids achieving greatness in their name? I dont get it...

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I dont get it either. It's one thing for strangers on the net to scream Liar but her own family? And sadly it happens all the time. What is it - bringing shame on the family so hide it and it never happened? Just terrible.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...And sadly, it seems that USA Gymnastics STILL doesnt get it as until very recently they told Maroney that if she testified at his trial they would fine her $100,000 because she signed a nondisclosure agreement as part of her settlement with USA Gymnastics.

She said she was going to do it anyway and JUST today USA Gymnastics backed down from threats of "retribution" for her talking about it. Sickening...
You're right it's sickening! that they would shelter a sex abuser and by doing so causing the abuse. USA Gymnastics should be held accountable too, just as the abuser should.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
You're right it's sickening! that they would shelter a sex abuser and by doing so causing the abuse. USA Gymnastics should be held accountable too, just as the abuser should.
I'd like to know if any action was taken against USA Gymnastics for failing to alert authorities about this.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd like to know if any action was taken against USA Gymnastics for failing to alert authorities about this.
I don't know? I don't follow or even watch the news...MoFo is where I come to see what's going on in the world But yeah they should be held accountable, for sure.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I don't know? I don't follow or even watch the news...MoFo is where I come to see what's going on in the world But yeah they should be held accountable, for sure.
From wiki

In response to the sexual abuse allegations made against Nassar, as well as personnel involved with USA Swimming and USA Taekwondo, United States Senator Dianne Feinstein introduced a bill that would require National Governing Body (NGB) Members overseeing Olympic sports to immediately report sexual assault allegations to law enforcement or designated child-welfare agencies.[42] Former gymnasts Dominique Moceanu, Jamie Dantzscher and Jessica Howard, testified at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on March 28, 2017, concerning the bill.[43][36] Rick Adams, chief of Paralympic sports for the United States Olympic Committee and head of organizational development for the NGBs, stated at the hearing: "We do take responsibility, and we apologize to any young athlete who has ever faced abuse." USA Gymnastics was asked to testify at the hearing, but declined.[36]

Holy hell, how can they decline?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Wow. I had no idea just how many had been accused since the Weinstein Effect started (what a thing to have named after yourself). I said earlier in this thread that any person who feels maliciously and falsely accused should take appropriate action to clear his or her name. How many have taken that opportunity and exercised their right to do so? Money isnt stopping them. Either is time - Geoffrey Rush had time to file an action before the court xmas recess. And where are all the smug people who claim the accusers are gold diggers trying to get their moment of fame and push their careers forward in naming those the same who seek monetary recompense for doing so? Funny that.

On October 10, actor Terry Crews revealed that he had been groped by an unnamed Hollywood executive at a party in 2016, declining to speak out earlier for fear of retaliation.[17][18] On November 15, Crews identified his attacker as Adam Venit, head of the motion picture department of the talent company William Morris Endeavor.[19] Venit was suspended for a one-month period before returning to work.[20] Crews has filed a lawsuit against Venit and WME for sexual assault.[21]
On November 2, actor Corey Feldman announced that former assistant and actor Jon Grissom had sexually abused both Feldman and the late Corey Haim, Feldman's former close friend and costar.[22]
Actor Kevin Spacey was accused of sexual misconduct or assault by over a dozen men and announced that he was entering unspecified treatment; all but one of his projects were cancelled as a result; the one which was not cancelled saw Spacey replaced by actor Christopher Plummer.[23]
Actors Jeremy Piven, Steven Seagal, and Ed Westwick were each accused by varying numbers of women; all three denied the claims.[24]
Actor Robert Knepper and Mad Men creator Matthew Weiner each received a single accusation of sexual misconduct, which both denied.[25][26][27] Four more women came forward to accuse Knepper the next month; he denied those allegations as well.[28]
Actor Dustin Hoffman was accused by actress Kathryn Rossetter of having repeatedly groped her during the 1983 Broadway revival of Death of a Salesman.[29] Two other women accused Hoffman of sexually assaulting them and one of exposing himself to a 17 year old on the 1985 television version of Death of a Salesman, two years after the stage version cited by Rossetter.[30][31] Actress Meryl Streep, who would later co-star with Hoffman in the film Kramer vs. Kramer, in a 1979 interview with Time Magazine described meeting him for the first time at an audition for a play he directed several years earlier: “He came up to me and said, ‘I’m Dustin—burp—Hoffman,’ and he put his hand on my breast. What an obnoxious pig, I thought."[32] In November 2017, a Streep representative told E! News this was not "an accurate rendering of that meeting", adding, "there was an offense and it is something for which Dustin apologized. And Meryl accepted that.”[33]
Director Oliver Stone was accused, by Patricia Arquette and Melissa Gilbert, separately, of acting inappropriately towards both of them.[34][35]
Comedian Louis C.K. confirmed multiple allegations of sexual misconduct and apologized; he was also dropped from his projects.[36][37]
Brand New frontman Jesse Lacey was accused of sexual misconduct by two women. The allegations include soliciting nude photos of them while they were underage.[38]
Six women accused filmmaker Brett Ratner of sexual harassment, canceling his work with Warner Bros. and Playboy, although he has denied the claims.[39]
On November 10, 2017, former actor and model Scott R. Brunton told The Hollywood Reporter that actor and LGBT activist George Takei sexually assaulted him in 1981; Takei has denied this.[40]
E!'s The Royals creator, executive producer and director Mark Schwahn was accused of sexual harassment by cast members and crew of his former series, One Tree Hill, on November 13, 2017.[41] On December 22, 2017, Schwahn was fired from The Royals.[42]
Entrepreneur Russell Simmons was accused by Keri Claussen Khalighi of sexually assaulting her in 1991, when she was 17 and he was 33 or 34.[43] Simmons denies that the encounter was non-consensual.[44]
On November 13, 2017, actor James Woods was accused of sexual misconduct by actress Elizabeth Perkins at a #MeToo rally.[45]
Writer Jessica Teich accused Richard Dreyfuss of exposing himself to her and attempting to force her to perform fellatio on him; Dreyfuss denied the allegation.[46]
On November 17, 2017, it was reported Ryan Seacrest was under investigation for sexual harassment allegations by a former E! wardrobe stylist.[47]
Actress Aurora Perrineau filed a police report with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department accusing Girls scriptwriter Murray Miller of sexual assault in 2012, when she was seventeen.[48]
On November 19, 2017, Jeffrey Tambor announced he would leave his role on Transparent after Van Barnes, a transgender actress and former Tambor assistant, and co-star Trace Lysette, also transgender, both accused him of sexual harassment. The show's creator Jill Soloway would not discuss the details of the scandal directly, instead advocating anti-harassment on-set rules.[49] Days later, makeup artist Tamara Delbridge, a nontransgender woman, accused Tambor of sexual improprieties on the set of the 2001 film Never Again. Tambor said he did not recall the incident, but apologized "for any discomfort or offense I may have inadvertently caused her."[50]
John Lasseter, Chief Creative Officer of Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar, and Principal Creative Advisor for Walt Disney Imagineering, announced on November 21, 2017 he would be taking a leave of absence from Disney and Pixar after acknowledging "painful" conversations and unspecified "missteps".[51]
Pinegrove cancelled their 2017-18 North American tour dates following accusations of “sexual coercion” against lead singer Evan Stephens Hall.[52]
On November 22, 2017, actress and singer Melissa Schuman accused Nick Carter of the Backstreet Boys of raping her when she was 18, an accusation which Carter denied.[53]
On November 30, 2017, playwright Israel Horovitz was accused of sexual misconduct by nine women.[54]
On December 3, 2017, the Metropolitan Opera suspended conductor James Levine over sexual abuse claims that date back over several decades.[55][56]
On December 4, 2017, a woman by the name of Timothy Heller claimed former The Voice contestant Melanie Martinez had raped and sexually assaulted her during multiple sleepovers over the course of two days.[57][58][59]
The following day, December 5, 2017, actor Danny Masterson was fired from the Netflix series The Ranch after being accused of rape. Masterson's character was then written out of the series.[60] A Netflix executive was also fired.[61]
Lee Trull, the Dallas Theater Center's Director of New Play Development, has been fired from his position after misconduct allegations.[62]
On December 7, 2017, Bryan Singer was sued for allegedly sexually assaulting a 17-year boy during a yacht party in the Seattle area in 2003 and promising the teenager acting roles if he would keep silent.[63]
On December 9, 2017, celebrity chef Johnny Iuzzini was accused of sexual harassment by four of his former employees.[64]
On December 11, 2017, chef Mario Batali announced he was taking leave from his businesses after he was accused of sexual misconduct by four women.[65]
On December 14, 2017, Morgan Spurlock admitted to sexual misconduct and 'being part of the problem'; he was not publicly accused of any wrongdoing.[66]
Chef John Besh was removed from his company after accusations from 25 women.[when?][39]
On December 19, 2017, an unnamed woman accused Silicon Valley actor T.J. Miller of sexually assaulting and punching her while both attended George Washington University in 2001.[67] Later that day, Comedy Central cancelled Miller's The Gorburger Show after one season.[68]
On December 21, 2017, the Boston Symphony Orchestra and the San Francisco Symphony severed their ties with conductor Charles Dutoit after four women, including two-time Grammy Award-winning soprano Sylvia McNair, reported incidents of sexual harassment on his part between 1985 and 2010. Dutoit cancelled concerts scheduled for 2018 with the New York Philharmonic and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.[69][70]
Veteran ballet dancer Marcelo Gomes resigned from the American Ballet Theatre on December 21, 2017, after the company began investigating a report of sexual misconduct levied against him.[71]
On 22 December 2017, Max Landis was accused of sexual misconduct by former co-worker Anna Akana. Other Hollywood personalities also accused him of similar behavior towards colleagues or themselves. MAD Magazine Editor Allie Goertz was among them and commented she "couldn’t imagine someone more scared in a post-Harvey Weinstein world." Also among the accusers were Zoe Quinn, Siobhan Thompson, Lexi Alexander, Anthony Burch, Mike Drucker and four others.[72][73][74][75]
On January 5, 2018, Ben Vereen was accused of sexual assault by several women who were a part of the 2015 production of Hair.[76]
During the first week of January 2018, screenwriter, film producer and director Paul Haggis was accused by four women of sexual misconduct; two accusing him of rape.[77] Haggis denied the claims, suspecting the Church of Scientology, which he was a member for 36 years before lefting to be attacked by the church, was behind the accusations.[78]
After the 75th Golden Globe Awards ceremony, accusations of sexual misconduct against James Franco came to light.[79][80]
Actor and producer Michael Douglas said on January 10, 2018 he had heard from his lawyer the previous month (December 2017) that a woman was planning to bring to light at that time a sole allegation of misconduct against Douglas. She did not and Douglas denied the purported claim.[81]
Three days earlier, during and after the Golden Globe Awards telecast (January 7) at which Douglas's father, actor Kirk Douglas (aged 101), was honored, posts on Twitter, initiated apparently by actor Robert Downey Jr., were disseminated with claims that the elder Douglas had been accused in the past of having sexually assaulted actress Natalie Wood when she was 16 years old (c. 1954).[82][83]
Actor and comedian Aziz Ansari was accused of sexual misconduct by a photographer after the 2017 Emmy Awards.[84]
In January 2018, actress Eliza Dushku alleged she had been been assaulted by stunt coordinator, Joel Kramer during the filming of True Lies.[85] This was followed by two additional two allegations of sexual misconduct.[86]

And where are all the smug people who claim the accusers are gold diggers trying to get their moment of fame and push their careers forward in naming those the same who seek monetary recompense for doing so? Funny that.
What's that supposed to mean?

Is anyone saying all accusers are lying? Is someone saying that every case is the same or that all the accusers are the same somehow?

There is no black & white here because every case has to be looked at individually.

One can neither say all accusers are telling the truth - thus we must conduct a witch hunt and round up every person who has had a finger pointed at them and begin incarcerating them, nor that every accuser is a lying gold-digger and should thus be ignored.

Every case is different, every accuser needs to be taken seriously, and every accused person must be presumed innocent until proven guilty because that is the legal system, that is the law. Basically, everyone, whether accused or making accusations is entitled to their day in court.

What is most likely is that most are telling the truth (because we know sexual misconduct by powerful men has been an ongoing pattern), but some unscrupulous individuals have seen this recent trend and the powerful results it has wrought as a quick and easy way to gain money (via blackmail & extortion) or take revenge over rejection or other perceived wrongdoings from notable, rich or wealthy men. And there may be a few who just enjoy the sense of power obtained by bringing someone rich and famous down.

There's no way to tell who is honest and who is not without evidence and investigation - thus we have a legal system and adhering to the rule of law is the best way to deal with it (as opposed to trying & convicting people in a sensationalist court of public opinion).

And, as I've pointed out before, the issue of numbers can lend credence to claims, but also could suggest a bandwagon effect by those who only want to profit by adding their voice to others. So, it's quite the double edged sword.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
What do you think it's supposed to mean? Go play your little game elsewhere today. Not in the mood for you needing to 'make some interesting threads on here' today.

What do you think it's supposed to mean? Go play your little game elsewhere today. Not in the mood for you needing to 'make some interesting threads on here' today.
I don't know what it's supposed to mean, that's why I asked.
You said: where are all the smug people who claim the accusers are gold diggers

Who are all these smug people you're referring to? I've yet to see or read of a single person who suggests that all accusers are gold diggers or that the majority of accusations must be somehow untrue.

Some people have pointed out that there may be a small percentage utilizing this trend for such purposes, which may be very true (as some accusations have been denied & pre-emptively countered, some accused have offered up alibis or suggested motives for false accusations, and some accusations have been carefully timed to only come out around elections and such, suggesting they may be questionable at least), but no one I know of has suggested that they are all untrue.

Sorry for trying to make threads interesting on this site. In the future I'll endeavor to be boring and just repeat the mantras of the masses.

All this sexual misconduct is bad... someone should do something... hashtag metoo.

Referring back to this post...


...and the movie How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (1967)...

Here's a number from the movie (also a Broadway show) that shows how different things were in the 60's, and how, although the movie is fun with a great cast and some great musical numbers, the views toward sexual politics in the business place are cringe-worthy by today's standards.

In this number an executive has to instruct his male co-workers that "A Secretary is not a Toy!" (To say nothing of the fact that, in this fictional company, women were ONLY secretaries and apparently couldn't hold positions higher due to their genders and the roles of the day.)

And, although those are the lyrics, the tongue-in-cheek tone of the number, the lecherousness of the males, and the coyness of the females all seem to say that, despite the message, the opposite is true: it's almost saying the song title suggests how men SHOULD think, but don't (and women just had to put up with it if they wanted to maintain employment)!

Welcome to the human race...
I dont think anyone cares for that but feeding frenzies sell.

I dont get the whole issue. If he was a producer why didnt he just call for equal pay to start with? Or donate to her charity out of his own pocket and then not make a big hoo ha out of it? I mean good on the guy for taking a stand, but I have to say it smacks a bit of grand standing. I'm sure he's a lovely guy and didnt sit there wondering how to get his name in the gutter press, but still...
Because he's Mark Wahlberg and this is damage control after getting found out.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Because he's Mark Wahlberg and this is damage control after getting found out.
Sure, I get that, but the guy isnt stupid and would have known about all the sabre rattling from actresses over the last few years about the pay inequality. Or maybe he is dumb?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
It's possible for him to have known and not cared.
Yeah this is true, much the same as he knew about weinstein and did nothing. I understand that, though. They all had to think of their careers but this pay stunt confuses me.