Hollywood and Sexual Misconduct


You can't win an argument just by being right!
James Franco now....

Right before he get an oscar nom.....

Gimme a break lol
So hang on, let me get this straight - you've made a determination that allegations of breach of sexual harassment legislation in USA are fabricated because Franco may or may not get an oscar nomination? What does that even mean?

This is not about James Franco I couldn’t carrless about him... The only thing I try to say is that I don’t understand they wait for that long and just before the oscar to talk about him. Yes he is probably an ******* but they clearly chose their moments to talk about it.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Yes he is probably an ******* but they clearly chose their moments to talk about it.
How can you tell when they chose to make the allegations? He was asked about it on a day time talk show from that daily mail linky. You're falling for the media feeding frenzy.

This is not about James Franco I couldn’t carrless about him... The only thing I try to say is that I don’t understand they wait for that long and just before the oscar to talk about him. Yes he is probably an ******* but they clearly chose their moments to talk about it.
One of the accusations is from 2016, that's not long ago at all. And again someone who abused you getting heavily praised is good enough reason for someone wanting to speak up, it makes perfect sense. Ally Sheedy posted a tweet hinting towards him being innappropriate towards her when she saw he won the Golden Globe as it angered her watching someone she believes is a bad person being cheered and praised. Not sure what you don't understand about this. Dismissing them because of timing is dumb, it sounds more like you want to dismiss them and you're using that as a weak excuse. I mean it's five different women, another that hasn't officially accused him but has hinted towards it and also past innappropriate behaviour from him is documented. And you are deciding it's not true because of the perfect reason for them to want to come forward?

I haven't judged either way for the record but i'm sick of dudes dismissing women coz their heroes are possibly involved. That's exactly why mojo got on his soapbox declaring enough is enough these women need to stop now coz his hero Sly got accused on the last page and it was incredible watching all the bros cheer him on

You two are waaaaaaaayyyyy overreacting to this I was making a point I didn’t want to start a debate. I’m a chill dude and you clearly took it both the wrong way

I made my point it’s alright if you’re disagree

(Btw I’m french canadian sorry for my english)

You can't win an argument just by being right!
You two are waaaaaaaayyyyy overreacting to this I was making a point I didn’t want to start a debate.
Eh? How so? I'm asking how you know when the allegations were made. Might have been yesterday for all I know, or 10 years ago. They didnt bring it up; a day time show did.

I really like Ally Sheedy. In her tweet she said something along the lines of "Don't ask me why I quit show business." I didn't even know she had quit, even though I haven't seen her in a while. I'm sorry it was something like harassment or worse that made her quit.

Along those lines, there was a show on Showtime from 2015 that I just thought of, called That Gal... Who Was in That Thing: That Guy 2 (2015). It features many actress that are known by face if not by name including Paget Brewster, Alicia Coppola, Roxanne Hart, Catherine Hicks, Roma Maffia, and Cristine Rose. If you look them up on IMDB, I'm pretty sure you'll recognize most of them. Brewster is on TV's Criminal Minds and today I remembered something that she said on this show. She told about an actor she didn't name that she worked with (and I can't recall if it was a TV show or a movie) in something and they were supposed to film a love scene but under the sheets so the camera wouldn't see anything. And she said this actor did something to her. I don't know what it was but you could pretty well imagine because she heavily intimated it was done to her---in other words a physical thing done to her body. And she was stunned and was mortified not just because he did it, but also because it was in front of a whole crew of people. And this actor, IIRC, was somewhat proud of himself that he was getting away with it without anyone in the crew knowing. Remembering this show now, I can recall the look of hurt on her face. But I haven't heard if she's told who it was since this show and since the recent revelations of so many actresses and actors. Has anyone heard anything about this? Anyway, since the revelations about Weinstein and others, this show would be interesting to go back and watch. Many of the women, even though they were in hit shows or movies, talk about how rough it is for a woman in the business. I have Showtime so if I see it's coming back on I'll give a heads-up.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Welcome to the human race...
It also doesn't help that Franco was wearing a #MeToo pin at the Globes.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

It also doesn't help that Franco was wearing a #MeToo pin at the Globes.
You beat me to it. What galled some of these women was that he was there decked out in black and rocking a "Times Up" pin like all the others. Just the enormous hypocrisy alone was enough to set off folks. Of course what choice did he have. He couldnt NOT wear it.

Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Well - and I might regret this remark as it may be non p c, but I can't help saying this-- of all these guys wearing sheep's clothing - James Franco is the only one it did NOT surprise me to hear allegations about. In every interview I ve seen with the guy, he always had this weird sleezy smile and was aggressively out there - I used to just turn off the set if he was on. Guys like Charlie Rose, Al Franken, Dustin Hoffman, even Bill oReilly (seemed pendantic but not pervy.) - I was fooled by their public face. But not touchy-feely Franco; and man; if his public face is this lurid and licentious; I can only guess his private visage must look like the picture of Dorian Gray.

I see Today that Eliza Dushku has revealed a disturbing story of abuse when she was 12-years-old and working on the film True Lies. I'll just let her and the story speak for itself:

I was afraid this was going to be about Arnie.

(But he was probably too busy diddling with his maid at that time!)

Just a thought (inspired by the James Franco photo) - I have a feeling that if Harvey Weinstein had not been called out and left with nowhere to turn except to admit his long pattern of abuse & wrongdoing, he'd be showing up at award shows wearing a "Me Too" or "Time's Up" button.

Wahlberg is worth more due to marketablitiy and gross worth, not to mention producing credits and industry clout...Michele Williams..not. So, it's not about sexism or unequal pay IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE, it's about logic.


I don't know what to think of the Woody Allen situation. I can recall for the longest time, actor and actresses saying that they would be so honored to work with him. Now actresses are saying they're sorry they worked with him? Like the article says, the case was investigated forensically twice with no evidence against Allen revealed. Not saying that his daughter lied, just saying the police have chosen not to arrest or convict him. And now these actresses that have worked with him regret it? Like I said, don't know what to think of it.

Here's another interesting situation where an anonymous woman has gone to the press against actor Aziz Ansari, and has had a woman from Headline News (an American news network) rail against the accuser for the reasons you'll either see or read. If you watch the video, there are a few more words added in than appear in the article. But either one gets the reporter's point across. I remember this reporter, as she used to be a news anchor in my neck of the woods years ago. Anyway, here's the link:


I was afraid this was going to be about Arnie.

(But he was probably too busy diddling with his maid at that time!)
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I'm the same regarding Woody Allen. A determination was handed down in the correct forum for these matters. Shaming actors for working with him years later is not the way to go about it IMO. They're not the people responsible for what might have happened in a family environment. His net worth is 80 mill or so, so damaging his career wont do much. He can toddle off and spend the rest of his life on an island he buys and drink cocktails by the sea.

I havent read anything else about this other guy but that article is not really enough to make any sort of decision as far as I'm concerned. I've been out with guys who turned out to be bores with bad BO and halitosis, and have crappy kissing techniques that made me uncomfortable. No reason for me to get on stupid twitter and mention names. I'm not saying that's what she did ofcourse, just sitting on the fence there.

Welcome to the human race...
Wahlberg is worth more due to marketablitiy and gross worth, not to mention producing credits and industry clout...Michele Williams..not. So, it's not about sexism or unequal pay IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE, it's about logic.

In this particular case, it's about Wahlberg being an exploitative douche taking unnecessary advantage of a bad situation while Williams just wanted to make the film better.

Wahlberg is worth more due to marketablitiy and gross worth, not to mention producing credits and industry clout...Michele Williams..not. So, it's not about sexism or unequal pay IN THIS PARTICULAR CASE, it's about logic.

I would argue differently. She has more accolades than him by quite a large margin. Not sure what you mean by marketability. His producing has nothing to do with acting...unless he produced All the Money in the World (which I don't think he did). So to me it doesn't make logical sense. Even if you want to make an argument you did above, I could understand he gets paid a bit more. But not THAT much more. Also, she has top billing.

In any case, this has nothing to do with their merit. If he managed to negotiate a better deal than her, good for him. It was even mentioned on TV today he might have had a "no reshoot clause" which could have put him in a very good negotiating position which he completely took advantage of. She, on the other hand, most likely did not have the same clause which meant if there are reshoots, you do them for free (basically).

Sooo...I guess a question now is how do they have contracts that different if they share the same agency (WME)??? I think that might be a story to be focused on.

P.s. I think you might have already gathered from above but the difference in pay was not a difference of their pay for the entire movie. It was a difference they were paid for re-shoots. He was paid 1.5 mil. She was paid $1000.
“There's no place to hide, When you're lit from the inside” Roisin Murphy