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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I thought of an idea for a HoF that's a little more unconventional. A person would win rather than a particular movie. Say there's 10 members. Each person would pick a different movie for each member that they haven't seen, based on what they have crossed out on the different MoFo lists. 10 members could mean 100 movies even if each member watched just 10. At the end, points would be totaled based on who gave that movie to watch. CR tells me to watch Schindler's List and that's my favorite, then CR gets 10 points, and so on. Kind of like a personal recommendation HoF.
I like it, it's very different and should be fun! You should do it....I'd join

An idea tweak: you might get more people to join like gbgoodies if each member had the option to reject a movie chosen for them. In which case the person who suggested it, gets to choose again. The reason being I know gbgoodies has said she doesn't join Hofs because she doesn't want to comment to watching movies blind. And seeing how your idea is about getting points for choosing a movie another member would love, then having the ability to reject the choice would actual make sense.
I really like this idea, but I am horrible at recommending things. It would give me an excuse to actually make sure my lists are accurate though, since I know they're not haha.

Someone who doesn't know her well could join and not realize they're recommending something she won't like. Though I guess people could state things they absolutely cannot watch before the nominations are set.

In the Chain Challenge someone recommended me a film that I didn't realize I had already seen until I started to watch it. What would the protocol be if something like that happened? It probably wouldn't happen to anyone other than me, but I figured I'd ask just in case haha. Would a new film need to be selected?

Since you're using me as the example for potential problems with this idea, I thought I should chime in with my opinion on it.

I think the concept of this HoF is a good idea, but the problem (at least for me) is that we would be using the MoFo lists to pick the movies. I've watched most of the movies on the lists that I have any interest in watching, and most of the movies on the lists that I haven't watched yet are movies that I don't want to watch. Plus, there are movies on the lists that I've seen that I didn't like, so just because a movie is checked off my list as "watched", it doesn't mean that I liked the movie, so the lists are not much help for recommending a movie either.

I would be more interested in this HoF if we could choose from any movies, and people who join the HoF could list their favorite genres (and/or what they want to avoid) when they join.

There's also an issue about discussing the movies because we would all be watching different movies, so there wouldn't be much discussion going on unless other people have already seen the movies that were nominated for other people.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Plus, there are movies on the lists that I've seen that I didn't like, so just because a movie is checked off my list as "watched", it doesn't mean that I liked the movie, so the lists are not much help for recommending a movie either.

I would be more interested in this HoF if we could choose from any movies, and people who join the HoF could list their favorite genres (and/or what they want to avoid) when they join.

I was thinking we'd use the favourite movies to make a judgement on what people liked rather than the movies checked off. Although, for example, if there are a lot of horror films unchecked, I'd assume that was because the person wasn't that interested in horror films. I like the idea of people listing their favourite genres, general preferences or even linking to a review thread or top movies list they have, as I think some people's preferences would be easier to identify than others.

I had a quick look at your lists gbg, and I have a couple in mind I'd nominate for you...although now I don't know if you have some secret reason that you've never watched these movies like a burning hate for the director or lead actor, it might take some more thought

Since you're using me as the example for potential problems with this idea, I thought I should chime in with my opinion on it.

I think the concept of this HoF is a good idea, but the problem (at least for me) is that we would be using the MoFo lists to pick the movies. I've watched most of the movies on the lists that I have any interest in watching, and most of the movies on the lists that I haven't watched yet are movies that I don't want to watch. Plus, there are movies on the lists that I've seen that I didn't like, so just because a movie is checked off my list as "watched", it doesn't mean that I liked the movie, so the lists are not much help for recommending a movie either.

I would be more interested in this HoF if we could choose from any movies, and people who join the HoF could list their favorite genres (and/or what they want to avoid) when they join.

There's also an issue about discussing the movies because we would all be watching different movies, so there wouldn't be much discussion going on unless other people have already seen the movies that were nominated for other people.
I had already looked at your lists and I think there are a lot of English speaking non-violent films you would enjoy. I like the idea of a personal recommendation HoF without just using the lists, but I think in that case we'd all just nominate one movie. In this case, I think we all feel good when we get to cross movies off of our lists, and we will already know what each of us hasn't seen. I think there will still be good discussion because people will be wondering how someone else will feel about that great classic they're just seeing for the first time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Go for it Cricket! you'll never know how your idea works unless we try it.

I like what Thursday said that we could list our favorite/least favorite genres and/or link to review as to help the other members make good suggestions. That would really help, and I know all the regular Hof members are cool

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
that is an excellent idea, @cricket and could be a lot of fun. Love a lot of the fine tuning of this. Looking at favorites along with Lists and we all mention favorite/disliked genres at the start along with linking up with reviews and personal lists in threads.
Really love the point system/goal being finding something that would be loved by the other person. That is awesome.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'll just do it some time down the line when there's not much going on.
sounds like a plan!
Perhaps after CR's 30s HoF and, should Cosmic still be of mind to, her Foreign Film HoF would be a nice slot to fit it into? Did I miss any other HoFs?

Have you thought of a name for it, cricket?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I had already looked at your lists and I think there are a lot of English speaking non-violent films you would enjoy. I like the idea of a personal recommendation HoF without just using the lists, but I think in that case we'd all just nominate one movie. In this case, I think we all feel good when we get to cross movies off of our lists, and we will already know what each of us hasn't seen. I think there will still be good discussion because people will be wondering how someone else will feel about that great classic they're just seeing for the first time.

I don't really worry about crossing movies off of my MoFo lists. There are so many movies to watch, and my personal watchlists just keep growing, so I'd rather watch a movie that I think I'll like than just choose a movie that I probably won't like just because I can cross it off my MoFo lists.

I don't really worry about crossing movies off of my MoFo lists. There are so many movies to watch, and my personal watchlists just keep growing, so I'd rather watch a movie that I think I'll like than just choose a movie that I probably won't like just because I can cross it off my MoFo lists.
Well hopefully you'll be in when the time comes. I think either way you'll be more likely to enjoy the nominations than in another HoF since they'll be specifically chosen for you.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Even though we've given our opinions & input about your idea, I do hope you haven't taken that as us being unenthusiastic. No Hof is going to be for everyone, and we're just brainstorming I do think your idea is exciting. It could be the best Hof idea in along time.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Well hopefully you'll be in when the time comes. I think either way you'll be more likely to enjoy the nominations than in another HoF since they'll be specifically chosen for you.

I definitely like the idea of a Recommendations HoF, but I'm just not sure that I like that the recommendations have to come from the MoFo lists. With so many great movies to choose from, I think the lists are too limiting.

I definitely like the idea of a Recommendations HoF, but I'm just not sure that I like that the recommendations have to come from the MoFo lists. With so many great movies to choose from, I think the lists are too limiting.
Yes, it is somewhat limited, but how limited is it compared to the Best Picture winners HoF? I didn't add it all up, but based on what it looks like you have crossed off, there will be like 10 times as many options, with the nominations being chosen specifically for you.

Another reason I wanted to pick from the lists is that we all know what is eligible. It would be a mess if we all had to ask each other did you see this or that, and it would take the fun out of the reveal.

Trouble with a capital "T"
When does the 15th start?
Good question Neiba! I'm hosting and I was thinking in February, but I'm willing to start it when a few people are ready for it. So you guys let me know when, and I'll make it so