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The Ox-Bow Incident - 8/10

Peter Fonda in a movie similar to "12 Angry Men" but different of course.. @Yoda - you might like this, it's on YouTube, only 75 minutes long...
Thanks for the rec; it's been on the watch list for a long time, but any time something's on the list and gets recommended again I bump it up, so I'll do that.

The version I found is way longer, though. Is this not it?

Trouble with a capital "T"

The Beguiled (2017)

I really wanted to like this film. I love slow cinema, with it's subtle reflectiveness. I thought maybe Sofia Coppola's re-envisioning of 1971's The Beguiled, would strike gold. It didn't.

Sofia, in a mini documentary about the film, said she decided to tell the story from the women's viewpoint. Good idea...only it wasn't clear in the movie that it was from the ladies viewpoint. There's little viewpoint at all.

Most of the juicy characterizations and poignant narrative that were hallmarks of the 1971 version, have been stripped out of this film, leaving a version that is so subtle that I found myself not caring about anything or anyone in the movie. Nor was I ever immersed in the world of the film. It was all so distant.

The sets, the dresses, the gardens, and the compositions used to frame the shots are all exquisite, with an eye for authentic detail...But the lighting of the film while also authentic for a candle lit, large manor house, is so dark and so flat, that I thought I needed glasses. As it was, the film looked as lifeless as the school girls world was.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Thanks for the rec; it's been on the watch list for a long time, but any time something's on the list and gets recommended again I bump it up, so I'll do that.

The version I found is way longer, though. Is this not it?
The first 75 minutes is the same. The rest is the movie replayed over from various places.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

The first 75 minutes is the same. The rest is the movie replayed over from various places.
Thanks. I thought that might be it, but didn't want to spoil anything to check.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Thanks. I thought that might be it, but didn't want to spoil anything to check.
I didn't see it, but I notice this a lot, where they replay it over, or, they have it at double-speed, or other variations, and sometimes there are different releases. Good thing we have our "Questions" option!

I LOVED the part when Jeanne blinks!

@Camo - Glad you liked "Fat City", it's a movie I love very much, and I think Stacy Keach turns in one of the best performances... I also liked "Cleo" and "Vagabond" (partly because she was ungrateful, instead of the cliched)..... I saw on IMDB that I rated "La Boneur" (Happiness) a 7/10, but can't remember it... (I was going to watch it.. there's a version on YouTube).
Yep, Tyrell was my favourite Keach was great too though, was very surprised that Bridges was the weakest of the three for me he was just okay. Glad you liked those three and hopefully Happiness works for you if you see it again.

In case you didn't know, Susan Tyrell did receive an Oscar nomination for this film.
That's cool, i wasn't aware. She deserved it.

Leon. Still a very fine film, though I have to admit I don't like the director's cut as much as the original. The extra 20 minutes is largely pretty extraneous and unnecessary, and really slows down the pace of the film. I think I'll go back to the theatrical next time. Less is more.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Gravity: 2013

Pales in comparison to Children of Men and there's one or two Hollywood trash moments but apart from that it's a technical marvel.
I'm sure I've seen children of men but need to look it up.

Kingsman 2. Starts off so ridiculously stupid I thought it was a parody and just watched it as one. Fell asleep (not because of the movie) but read some reviews this morning that were absolutely scathing. I will revisit it just to see him keeping his glasses on his face during the most amazing moves, including being underwater. I wear glasses so I must try this in the bath.

My rating before finishing it - ridiculously stupid fun. The disco music is sublime.

I will revisit it just to see him keeping his glasses on his face during the most amazing moves, including being underwater. I wear glasses so I must try this in the bath.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I emailed mr D and said must be watched as a parody to avoid disappointment. pretty damn funny that way, much like sharknado.

I emailed mr D and said must be watched as a parody to avoid disappointment. pretty damn funny that way, much like sharknado.
That'd be good in the bath . I saw a strange one recently with boulders raining down on people. Seems it's a sub-genre that's got slightly out of control.

The Naked Face with Roger Moore and Rod Steiger is an example of a film that you can't believe isn't a parody. How they kept their faces straight is a miracle — and they said Moore couldn't act .

You can't win an argument just by being right!
That'd be good in the bath . I saw a strange one recently with boulders raining down on people. Seems it's a sub-genre that's got slightly out of control.

The Naked Face with Roger Moore and Rod Steiger is an example of a film that you can't believe isn't a parody. How they kept their faces straight is a miracle — and they said Moore couldn't act .
LMFAO. Let me guess - no one got squished.

I remember my mum and dad talking about Naked Face and laughing so hard. Dad used those exact words about Roger's acting.

LMFAO. Let me guess - no one got squished.

I remember my mum and dad talking about Naked Face and laughing so hard. Dad used those exact words about Roger's acting.
He's so deadly serious and in earnest – which is unusual for him when you think about it. My best mate and I were in convulsions over the scene where Steiger's character is deriding Moore's over his theory about the killer. "There is a possibility than I'll believe you but you're gonna have to come up with something a little better than a cripple driving a Harley-Davidson".

You can't win an argument just by being right!
He's so deadly serious and in earnest - but you're gonna have to come up with something a little better than a cripple driving a Harley-Davidson".

The phantom (1996)

I only watched it yesterday but I'm really struggling to Give this one a score, no originality whatsoever. It could just as easily be called Indiana Jones and the phantom skull. I did think Billy Zante's outfit was on point and Catherine Zeta Jones was stunning as ever so that has to boost it up. Zane's love interest Kristy Swanson was terrible, some of the dialogue between her and Catherine was just mind numbingly bad. I honestly don't know who would enjoy this, it's just a nothing film really.

The human centipede 2 (2011)

Did not realise this had been out for so long, not that I enjoyed the first one in any way. It was actually better than the original which is very rare for horror sequels, the main character no idea what his name is so I'll call him Bob I genuinely feel sorry for in real life, an unfortunate looking chap is the nicest way I can put it. His eyeballs sticking out are horrible and that belly, it never felt quite as gruesome physically as the original by maybe more so mentally especially the relationship with his mum and the bearded chap.
"If you're good at something never do it for free".

You can't win an argument just by being right!

The human centipede 2 (2011)

Did not realise this had been out for so long, not that I enjoyed the first one in any way. It was actually better than the original which is very rare for horror sequels, the main character no idea what his name is so I'll call him Bob I genuinely feel sorry for in real life, an unfortunate looking chap is the nicest way I can put it. His eyeballs sticking out are horrible and that belly, it never felt quite as gruesome physically as the original by maybe more so mentally especially the relationship with his mum and the bearded chap.
I turned the first one off after 15 minutes because it looked so damn basement made but an extreme horror fan convinced me to watch it.

I watched the second purely because a family "wont you think of the children" lobby group in my country got it banned. Little bloody johnny should not be at extreme horror festivals in his PJs at midnight anyway. Anything they get banned I will watch.

Tom Six said he didnt care how many people pirated his movies if they got banned so I was going to watch 3 but he is just so over the top, especially if you have seen his website. The guy has pugs so I give him a hall pass, but 2 was enough for me.

The sad little fellow is Martin. A very damaged individual. I thought using black and white was a good choice, then when they splash in a bit of colour it's like OH WHY! TOM! He definitely seems to have a poop fetish.

I watched damaged to day with Jeremy irons. It was dreadful I got bored after 30 minutes. It had so much talent. Yet it was dreadfully dull. 1 out of 5 for me.