Swan's 2017 Movie Adventures

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Murder on the Orient Express -

(Kenneth Branagh, 2017)


This movie briefly reminded me of when I used to mess with Photoshop. It reminded me, specifically, of desaturating an image so much that it becomes entirely white. This movie is kind of like that; it's so run-of-the-mill to the point where it becomes less than that, so horribly cliched that it stops being merely mediocre and enters "bad" territory. I was tempted to call it too "Hollywood," but I reminded myself that that would be an insult to all the Hollywood films that are good. Hopefully, though, using that word as a negative can help paint a picture of what this film felt like to me. It's key detriment is being so predictable craft-wise that it ends up not being engaging at all.

Kenneth Branagh's performance was the highlight for me. While I've seen some people call it obnoxious and I can understand that, I thought he was a well-drawn caricature (and I use that word in a very complimentary way) of the eccentric detective. He was so good, in fact, that I feel the film didn't deserve him. My only other positive is that after the film hits rock bottom with a horrendous climax, it bounces back with a resolution that is the best moment in the film.

But neither Branagh's character nor the last ten minutes could save this film from being too bland for it's own good.

The Foreigner -

(Martin Campbell, 2017)


I have never been that into political action thrillers. Because of that, when I can get into one and enjoy it, I appreciate it that much more. The Foreigner was fully engrossing for me. It’s basically a political thriller with a Jackie Chan revenge action flick interwoven into it. And it works splendidly despite some minor farfetched cheesy bits. Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan absolutely owned their roles, delivering powerful and intense performances. Overall, it is well worth watching.

Super Dark Times -
(Kevin Phillips, 2017)


The filmmaking on display here is fantastic. I was captivated by Super Dark Times and felt genuine emotional reactions. My only criticism is a somewhat flimsy character arc that might seem unrealistic when you think about it. But even that is played so well craft-wise that it ends up working, and anyway it didn’t interfere with the intensity of the story (a story that features some downright gut-wrenching moments). Right now, this is around my fifth favorite film of the year.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
It's as if you were in my brain watching Orient. Can't believe how dead on your experience was to mine. I rated it a half star higher because Brannagh is in almost every frame and he was by far the highlight. That opening sequence I thought it was going to be a fun movie. Boy was I wrong.

surprised you liked the foreigner I heard it was pretty bad
Oh my god. They're trying to claim another young victim with the foreign films.

Don't believe everything you hear. Unless I said it. With that in mind, The Foreigner was awesome.

By the way, I'm really focused on films of 2017 right now, if you couldn't already tell. Here is my current rankings of all the films of this year that I've seen. The list will grow and is certainly subject to move around as each film settles in my mind. Interesting how some of them have grown on me while others have lessened in my mind.

Interesting how some of them have grown on me while others have lessened in my mind.
Yeah was surprising that Beauty and the Beast is only #20 and
. Remembered you liking that more than that.

I'm watching Good Time over the next week, looking forward to it.

Man Wonder Woman is way better than that! I actually really liked that film and it's my number 1 early.
The only film i dislike there is Ghost In The Shell. Wonder Woman is a
, it was fun but i doubt i'll want to see it again.

movies can be okay...
You know what, "The Killing of a Sacred Deer" is probably my most anticipated film of this year, so maybe I should lower down my expectations for it a couple of notches.
"A film has to be a dialogue, not a monologue — a dialogue to provoke in the viewer his own thoughts, his own feelings. And if a film is a dialogue, then it’s a good film; if it’s not a dialogue, it’s a bad film."
- Michael "Gloomy Old Fart" Haneke

You know what, "The Killing of a Sacred Deer" is probably my most anticipated film of this year, so maybe I should lower down my expectations for it a couple of notches.
Yeah yeah. I would recommend doing so. Not because the film is of lesser quality - it's been growing in my mind since I saw it and is probably still better than I give it credit for - but because, as always, having super high expectations can damage a viewing experience. It almost always does, at least for me. I'm keen to watch this particular film again, because I suspect - and hope - I will come to love it over time.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Well, some of them are pretty weak - Minioish but weak.
I will bite, the definition of that word isn't even coming up on Google search. Please share?

Mr Minio the member
That's not a very nice way to refer to him Mind you, he'll probably take it as a compliment

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Time for me to start making a list. Looks like I am in the 35 range. Dunkirk is lapping the field but my top 5 is really strong.

Surprised Get Out isn't higher for you Swan. Has a legit shot at my top 10.