Goodbye everybody...(this isn't a PLite copy cat,we're just crusin')


Now With Moveable Parts
Hey everyone,just wanted to say goodbye to everyone I concidered to be a friend on here.I really enjoyed our in depth conversations about MOVIES...and I feel sorry for TWT having to contend with the whole Intermission thing.Honestly I spent more time in the movie discussion threads than any other,until pointless B.S.started filtering over there too.Sure I created a few Intermission threads...and posted over there a few times(i really liked the what ticks you off thread...untill that got ruined too)but I genuinely liked talking about movies more than anything else.TWT is right in wanting to phase the intermission thing out.It's childish and beneath a lot of us.Movies are where it's at for me and my mom(neesee),so we're cruisin'around for something else.Maybe when the new MoFo is up and runnin,we'll check it out,but right now...we're gonna jet.I wanted to say goodbye to TWT,sunfrog,spdrcr,Arthur Dent,Holden Pike,bohdigrrl,OG,BrodieMan,and Toose...I'll miss you... Hope the new one works out for you TWT...and you're able to smoke out those who are intrested in movies,and those who aren't.

Now With Moveable Parts
Just the crap here basically.I feel like there aren't enough people here that are really here for the movies.I should have just stayed out of some stuff,but I couldn't help it.The intermission discussions have a way of drawing you in...once you do,your credibility as a movie critic goes down because all the lame-o's from the intermission threads won't leave you alone.I made the mistake of playin' around,and now I'm not having any fun here anymore...that's all.My bad,I guess.

Well, I do urge you to come back in a little while...I'll try to have the focus more on movies by then! I'd sure be a shame you to lose you and your mother're truly an asset to the discussions here.

Now With Moveable Parts make me want to stay... Thanks TWT...I promise to check it out later.I'm gonna answer anyone's questions on this thread(if they even care)for awhile and then I'm outtie;but thanks for the compliment,you're sweet

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Geez, if any more people leave I don't know what I'm going to do!:bawl:
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
Sades you just can't leave!!! I won't have anyone to talk to on here about things now. I mean yeah I talk to some of these other posters, but you actually make the conversations funny. PLEASE DON'T GO!!!! :bawl:
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

bye sades, I liked talking movies with you. Come back sometime.
**** the Lakers!

Female assassin extraordinaire.
aw, i'm hurt, no goodbye for me? you're one of the few other chicks on here, that ain't right.

hey, i play this online game, and this is a similar issue. when everyone of quality bails because quality goes down, that creates more unquality and makes more people bail ...

i want to stress that now, before too many people leave:

a thread is what you make it. it is defined by whom it contains. if all the serious movie posters bail, others will follow, leaving more inanity.

it is true that a lot of crap has filled this forum. then again, that crap has allowed a lot of us to reveal sides to our personalities that i don't think would otherwise have been revealed, allowing friendships to flourish that might otherwise have not. then again, it's revealed some aspects that aren't so enjoyable - a lot of immaturity and drivel. drivel, as said before, has its place. so long as that place is reserved, and we as a group make a conscious effort to get - and keep - things on track, i think mofo - now or in its reincarnation - will only be an improvement, not a failure.

i look at it this way - do you quit and waste the time and effort you put into something just when the problem is diagnosed? do you do so because you don't have "the energy" - is it cause you want it all to float easily? do you run at the first sign of trouble?

or do you swing it? like i said in the Plite goodbye thread - I'm staying. because i'm loyal, and a loyal fanbase is why this thread still exists, still thrives, and will continue to do so. people come and go, and people are fickle. fickle people enter and get on our nerves and will, sometimes, drive others away. but i'm a rock. it's true i dont' post as much as i used to but cuz i love movies, the site, the vision, and the conversations i've had here, i'm not bailing until dude shuts down this site. and then i'll show up at the next one.

i will do what i can to contribute to the vision i was originally a part of and will remain to contribute to it going. it's like our failing economy now - do we cower and let it convince us to stop participating because we don't like what we see? or do we stick our chin up, middle fingers out, and keep on truckin'? i do the latter. it'll be tough for a while, and it may take time to pull it back in the real world, and here, but it's possible.

i'm not about to let the time and effort i've put into my posts, long or short, the conversations in the middle of the night, or the personal facts about my real life self i've shared with you all be wasted. this is a real community and i don't take that lightly. just cuz y'all are nicknames i may never see in real life doesn't mean you're not real people and that i don't take the time YOU have put in lightly, either.

to do right by that vision, that input (on both our parts) and what i want this to continue to be ...

i'm stickin' around. and i hope, sades, that you do too, and all others considering the same road. that includes plite.

Registered User
Yes i admit i dont talk about movies very often but im more of a book forum body but i do love movies thats why im here ill try to talk movies more!
Jack be nimble Jack be Quick Jack jumps over the candle stick(silly Jack should have jumped high)

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by thmilin
aw, i'm hurt, no goodbye for me? you're one of the few other chicks on here, that ain't right.

it is true that a lot of crap has filled this forum. then again, that crap has allowed a lot of us to reveal sides to our personalities that i don't think would otherwise have been revealed, allowing friendships to flourish that might otherwise have not. then again, it's revealed some aspects that aren't so enjoyable - a lot of immaturity and drivel. drivel, as said before, has its place. so long as that place is reserved, and we as a group make a conscious effort to get - and keep - things on track, i think mofo - now or in its reincarnation - will only be an improvement, not a failure.

I'm sorry thmilin,i forgot to say goodbye to you...but after reading your wonderful little speech here...I'm not so sure I should leave.I don't want to bail on you guys,I didn't look at it like that.I just thought that maybe I was helping to contribute to the problem with my"Mad as Hell"thread...but I WAS mad as hell,I didn't know how else to approach the situation.I think that thread did help me find my friends on this forum though,and that was a positive from a negitive...just as this thread will be a negitive to a positive...
... I think I will stay and see how things go.Thanks everyone who asked me to stay,that really was a sweet surprise.Let's improve apon greatness,this forum will rock!

I agree. Miriam's post was inspiring -- and no, I am not just saying that out of flattery or anything. It's really got me excited about all this, because it has shown me, as plain as day, that any work I put into this site is worthwhile. I better go work on Project MoFo now.

Originally posted by sadesdrk
TWT is right in wanting to phase the intermission thing out.It's childish and beneath a lot of us.
My dear Sadesdrk, if Intermission is childish and apparently beneath contempt, why are you still here? Personally, I found Intermission the heart & soul of MoFo, as much as you dislike the idea, Commish. Yes, PLite can be noisy & jolly & even overbearing, but Intermission would not have been the vibrant highly amusing community it was without the participation of other wonderfully spirited posters like that delightfully strange amphibian Sunfrog. As it is, I am sorry to see Intermission being criticized now as a site of so much "crap."
Pigsnie, Vicar of Fries!

Intermission is not inherently crap, PSenior...but I'm sure you can plainly see how it became a problem. Dislike the idea? Perhaps you're forgetting that I ADDED the Intermission Forum. I put it up in the first place, and I leave it up because, yes, it is a good forum to have. What is not good, however, is a movie site where the focus is post counts, cuteness, and wouldn't be a movie site then, now would it?

Intermission has a very vital role: it allows us to learn about each other, and have fun, too, away from movies, while not having to leave the site. It's a complement to the movie's a side-dish, not the main course. PLite seems to agree with me, ironically: he says he understands my point and I wish him all the best in finding a place to banter on.

Originally posted by Pigsnie
Originally posted by sadesdrk
TWT is right in wanting to phase the intermission thing out.It's childish and beneath a lot of us.
Personally, I found Intermission the heart & soul of MoFo,

Hi Pigsnie!
I'm afraid I have to concur here. I am more interested in getting to know the people on a site than to keep reading the same "that film was great", "no it wasn't! it sucked" and on and on. The synergy of personalities here is what kept me coming back. I will continue to post here... just not on intermission. I really enjoyed the posts that you and PLite started and contributed to there... just wouldn't be the same. If PLite does find a new "home" please let me know where it is... I, for one, would like to continue squittling with him... and we still have Michael Jackson's nose to discuss.

PLite has found a new home & with a number of posters from here, I might add. Please look up my email on PLite's farewell thread ; it will not be there for long a la Mission Impossible.

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by Pigsnie
Originally posted by sadesdrk
TWT is right in wanting to phase the intermission thing out.It's childish and beneath a lot of us.
My dear Sadesdrk, if Intermission is childish and apparently beneath contempt, why are you still here?
I didn't want to just up and leave pigsnie...I value a lot of the friendships I made on this forum,so I wanted to let them all know my thoughts on leaving,but I didn't just want to 'quit.'I can see how that may sound ironic to you,I'm complaining about Intermission,but here I am posting on a thread I created here,well My dear Pigsnie(who I never get to talk to anyway because he hardly posts anymore )it goes like this:I like talking about other things besides movies,but it was getting out of hand.Normal conversations were being interrupted by stupid,senseless drivel(awe,thmilin)and that was getting annoying.You would post to someone and then there'd be 10 posts of B.S.and THEN the post referring to your previous post that you wrote decades ago.Does that clear it up for you?I guess I'm not like your little brother,that I can just leave a good thing,I was really conflicted and I'm glad I stuck around to get my mind changed about it

Female assassin extraordinaire.
>As it is, I am sorry to see Intermission being criticized now as a site of so much "crap." <

I am sorry to see that you used my words in a way I did not intend.

As TWT said - the threads are not inherently "crap." But they DO, however, contain crap. I have contributed to the crap. Just as Sades said.


Because that's not what I meant. The words I used were turned in a direction that they were not intended for. I meant:


That does not equal "no drivel." that does not mean "it's all drivel." i say exactly what i mean and sometimes that's not even clear, and I apologize for the negative intent if you saw it, but that wasn't my intent.

I don't come here for the drivel. I come here for movies. coming here for the movies is MORE enticing knowing the personalities i'm going to encounter. i do not want MOVIES - DRIVEL. I want MOVIES - 1/2DRIVEL = SUBLIME MOVIE FORUM EXPERIENCE. capisce?

I chose to do so sparingly. Others chose to unload much more because they got so caught up in being loose and having fun ... and did not realize it was at the expense of the site.

I don't think a happy medium is impossible. If you want to take offense and assume that I say other things than I have, that is also your prerogative. I've laid it out. I don't think I unduly insult, backstab, or discredit anybody. I do think you do so when you speak of us, Pigsnie, and obviously, I don't like it. And like i said on the other thread - i dont' have to. that's the way the world turns. if we never see eye to eye, that's too bad.

I wish we could, but we don't.

and actually, i may very well turn up at PLite's new site. i think, as I have REPEATEDLY said that there's a time and place for things. i'm glad Plite found his place, and most certainly hope to have a look-see and potentially, if I don't get kicked out by his supporters, would like to continue to bask in the Plite glory.

Now With Moveable Parts
jeez thmilin,I hope we can all get this stuff behind us.It's no use arguing with pigsnie,as it is obvious he just got on to defend his brother.I mean we don't hear from the guy in months and now all the he is.I wouldn't be surprised if he just said his piece and never posted again,no matter,I read what you was very true.