Sci Fi Movie From my Past. Can't remember name?


Registered User
LMAO. No idea but sounds great.

Registered User
Could it be Dance of the Dwarfs (1983)? It has the ending you were talking about!
I checked out the trailer on youtube but the bulk of the movie doesn't look like what I was thinking of.

I wish I could see the ending! I wonder if I watched this one too and now I'm just mashing them together in my brain!

EDIT: I found that movie online for streaming and skipped to the ending. I was convinced that was going to be it when I saw that ending and they shot the side view of the helicopter. In the movie I'm thinking of, I remember the monster jumping up from the ground and grabbing the landing rails. That actor looked familiar though. I wonder what else I've seen him in.

EDIT: Peter Fonda... He's been in a ton of stuff!

Registered User
I did see the ending by googling the title...
Just messaged you too but I'll post here... I just got to the movie right before you sent this. Thanks a lot!