Patrick Beatty Reviews (Updated Weekly)

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You can't win an argument just by being right!
I really enjoyed that as usual, more than I enjoyed the movie. Great looking film and woody rocks that egg shell blonde fro as always but the little beatnik chimp with the hoody and beanie made me want to give him a clip across the ear every time he was on screen. That made me feel bad.

Birth of the Dragon | Movie Review (Spoiler-Free)

Here are my stereotypical thoughts on Birth of the Dragon!

Patrick Beatty Reviews
"See you, at the next review!"

Wonder | Movie Review (Spoiler-Free)

Here are my thoughts on the new film Wonder! Let me know what you thought down below and thank you for watching!

Haven't updated this thread in a long time, I'm going to upload what reviews I haven't posted to catch you wonderful people up! Excited to get back on the horse!