1970's Hall of Fame


Rewatched Eraserhead. Will get up my thoughts soon

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
looks like I have two reviews to look forward to. Curious to see what you think of Condor, @Velvet and very intrigued about how you feel about your nom, @Yam12. Always enjoy seeing through that person's eyes before delving into a movie I haven't seen yet.

three days of the condor

The movie follows Condor (Robert Redford) a CIA Employee as he try's to stay hidden and figure out why all of his co-workers were murdered. This movie is a fun piece of paranoia and is at times very tense. Although it does run slightly too long it is still a solid film. It truly builds a world where trust is non existent and is effective at making you feel like everybody is out to get you. It is well acted but I did think that Faye Dunaway who plays the part of a woman who gets caught up in the situation lacked chemistry with Robert Redford . I really enjoyed certain parts of it especially some of the assassination attempts on Robert Redford. Overall it is a well acted thriller that is just slightly too long.

I would give it 3 or 3 and a half stars out of 5.

Kramer vs Kramer

I really enjoyed this film. It deals with the situation of too parents splitting up very effectively in my opinion. One reason I liked it was how it never takes a side and try's to express the emotions of both parents. it starts off with Dustin Hoffman just trying to understand the emotions his son feels and how to be the best parent he can after his wife (Meryl Streep) leaves him abruptly. At first he struggles a good amount but eventually over time he is able to build his relationship with his son. more than a year later his wife reappears into the situation and eventually gets a lawyer to go to court for the sons custody. The scenes of the trial are the best part of the movie. We truly feel both sides emotions. We watch as both lawyers emotionally break down each parent and the ruthlessness of custody battles is truly put on display. Through Facial shots of both Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep we are able to feel the pain each other feels. As each one of them have their parental skills criticized and ripped apart we see just how much it pains them to watch the other having this done to them. I think this is a strong drama and is both patient and effective with with the material it is working with.

I would give this film 3 and a half to 4 stars out of five


I just want to start off by saying that the audio on my download was pretty bad so I definitely missed dialogue. As for the film it starts off trying to be an arty movie but fails and then transitions into a much more straightforward action/thriller. Throughout the film it struggles with pacing issues and at times feels a bit choppy. In the latter half their is some nice set pieces specifically the bridge scene but the first half couldn't help but leave a bad taste in my mouth. Overall this film struggles with its identity and has pacing issues but the second half transition allows for a much more solid film.

Overall I would give it a 2 and a half stars out of five

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
For personal reasons, I think I am going to drop out of this Hall of Fame. I may have a change of heart, but a series of things has me not wanting to participate in this. Sorry.