Tell me your favorite Goonie and Why ??


Back with a bang!
I think Corey's career took a header with those Dream a Little Dream, movies. Gawd, those were crap.
Check this out:
He did The Goonies
Then, Stand By Me
next, The Lost Boys
Then the fist taste of sh*t: License to Drive
after was all downhill...Dream a Little Dream, Meatballs 4,Stepmonster ?? I mean, did anyone see those movies? Blech.
IMDb says he's going to be in a movie, playing himself, called Mayor of Sunset Strip. We'll see...

I can honestly say that I never saw anyone of these movies, but I seem to manage anyway

This Mayor of Sunset Strip doesn't sound too promising to me. A movie about Corey Feldman?? Do people today actually know who he is?
Ride Johnny ride

Back with a bang!
Damn, how do you do those fancy qoutes without having to qoute the entire message??

Back with a bang!
Use the quote tag. Like this (without the asterisk
Like this (hope this works)

EDIT: Yes, it worked, thank you Yoda

well actually Corey starred in Tales of the crypt:Bordello of Blood a year ago or something.


crazed out movie freak
got to go with mouth just because i am a fellow smart alec.
"Aim high, it costs no more to shoot at eagles then it does to shoot at skunks"

I like Data. But my fav I cant remember his name. I do know that he was the one translating the Spanish and saying all of this funny stuff. I cant remember if he put his tongue in the pic or not.
I know that he was also in another movie called The Lost Boys. Any Help?

Get Low, Get Low, Get Low
It has been a long time since I've watched the Goonies, but i'd have to say either the inventive kid that had things go wrong and said Boobie Traps. or SLOTH, the conquerror of them all, 'Rocky Road?'-he unfortunately passed away a few years ago.
Seek me, for comfort, call me, for Solace, I'll be waiting, for the end of my broken heart..

Plus a lady fan of PimpDaShizzle V2.0 and Most importantly JRS

No-one's said Mikey, the guy who started the whole adventure, so I'll go with him as my favourite Goonie. My favourite characters in the movie though were the Fratelli brothers. Gotta love Robert Davi and Joe Pantoliano

Originally Posted by werewolf
Chunk was a favorite of mine because he provided laughs.
Speaking of goonies, did you know there making Goonies 2 with all the original cast members. Go check it out if you already haven't at

One word comes to mind... WHY?!? They're going to ruin the original! ugh stupid people I hope this is a joke!
Barbosa: "Thank You Jack."
Jack Sparrow: "...Your Welcome."
Barbosa: "No. We named the monkey Jack."

Pirates of The Carribean

Originally Posted by Montrose
No-one's said Mikey, the guy who started the whole adventure, so I'll go with him as my favourite Goonie. My favourite characters in the movie though were the Fratelli brothers. Gotta love Robert Davi and Joe Pantoliano
Yea I'll go for mikey. He was the dreamer that followed a legend (kinda cheesy but true)

Data! He was so awesome! Second fave is Chunk. "Everything? OK I'll tell you everything. It all started in second grade..."

I also liked the Fratelli gang. "You shcmuck. Did you really think I'd be stupid enough to kill myself?"
I am moved by fancies that are curled
Around these images, and cling:
The notion of some infinitely gentle
Infinitely suffering thing.
T.S Eliot, "Preludes"

I liked Mouth, because he always knew where we could score some smack.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra