

It's a sin to kill any living creature.
All plants are living creatures.

Any bug, rodent or other vermin that thinks it's sharing my house gets squashed, sprayed, poisoned or otherwise unceremoniously killed. Ditto for my garden.

Sorry, upvoted you by mistake. Hard to maneuver on an iPhone

So is killing bugs that bite or that spread germs a sin?
One could make the case that it is.

Any bug, rodent or other vermin that thinks it's sharing my house gets squashed, sprayed, poisoned or otherwise unceremoniously killed. Ditto for my garden
Brava to you!
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

One could make the case that it is.

Brava to you!
Seems mosquito spraying is becoming big business lately: I see signs for mosquito contractors on people's lawns and have seen these guys decked out in gas masks with tanks on their backs. So are these guys who get a job for an extermination company and who are intentionally killing mosquitos with poisonous spray (and doing who knows what to the environment) committing sin by killing the mosquitoes?

Seems mosquito spraying is becoming big business lately: I see signs for mosquito contractors on people's lawns and have seen these guys decked out in gas masks with tanks on their backs. So are these guys who get a job for an extermination company and who are intentionally killing mosquitos with poisonous spray (and doing who knows what to the environment) committing sin by killing the mosquitoes?
I think they are. Although I've already said I kill mosquitos myself. Why not ask God yourself if this issue troubles you so much. Roman Catholic masses are usually at 8.30 a.m. & 11 a.m.

I think they are. Although I've already said I kill mosquitos myself. Why not ask God yourself if this issue troubles you so much. Roman Catholic masses are usually at 8.30 a.m. & 11 a.m.
The issue doesn't trouble me so much. I just find it interesting how various people reconcile these moral & ethical conflicts themselves - especially when they have sets of beliefs that may be incompatible even within their own philosophy. Of course, many don't feel that killing an animal for sustenance is a sin, but rather a necessity of sustenance. Even some religious people rationalize the consumption of meat with the belief that God put animals here for our sustenance.

Asteroid named after Florence Henderson?
Who's Florence Henderson?

You can't win an argument just by being right!
WTF is wrong with them!

Any wonder so many americans have lost trust in cops. What a bloody bully.

WTF is wrong with them!

Any wonder so many americans have lost trust in cops. What a bloody bully.
Yeah. I commented on this one on YouTube yesterday.

If the cop was so intent on getting a blood sample (and the nurse went down the point by point list of what was required from the police - which their department agreed to with the hospital!) then why didn't he just call in to headquarters, request a warrant or, if one couldn't be issued quickly enough, request instructions on how to proceed. Simple as that.

Many on YouTube and elsewhere are surmising that the cops wanted to get some DWI evidence against the truck driver (who was a victim in the accident) due to the cops recklessly pursing another vehicle in a police chase on a crowded road. So they want to get evidence on the truck driver before he can sue the cops for endangering the public.

I also see this as a growing problem where the police do not even know the laws they are attempting to enforce.

WTF is wrong with them!

Any wonder so many americans have lost trust in cops. What a bloody bully.
This doesn't help either:
“There's no place to hide, When you're lit from the inside” Roisin Murphy

Yeah. I commented on this one on YouTube yesterday.

If the cop was so intent on getting a blood sample (and the nurse went down the point by point list of what was required from the police - which their department agreed to with the hospital!) then why didn't he just call in to headquarters, request a warrant or, if one couldn't be issued quickly enough, request instructions on how to proceed. Simple as that.

Many on YouTube and elsewhere are surmising that the cops wanted to get some DWI evidence against the truck driver (who was a victim in the accident) due to the cops recklessly pursing another vehicle in a police chase on a crowded road. So they want to get evidence on the truck driver before he can sue the cops for endangering the public.

I also see this as a growing problem where the police do not even know the laws they are attempting to enforce.
There are bullies and people who overstep their authority everywhere. Police are more likely to do this. At least, in America you have a court system that works and which an individual who's been wronged can appeal to unlike in other supposedly democratic countries.

Trouble with a capital "T"
There's too many people in the world, we need less births, not more. But one day nature will take care of the problem of over population for us, by balancing the scales.

There's too many people in the world, we need less births, not more. But one day nature will take care of the problem of over population for us, by balancing the scales.
Too many bloody royals too!

Too many bloody royals too!
At least the royals are making an effort. The rest of westerners do nothing except lie on the beach.

There's too many people in the world, we need less births, not more. But one day nature will take care of the problem of over population for us, by balancing the scales.
Westerners however are declining in numbers.