
Me too. I'm ESPECIALLY turned off by all this crap in Hollywood. But who isn't?


Christ, it's scarry how with these forums you can know stars third or even second hand. Even i know Dustin Hoffman 2nd, and even John 3rd! There's this mod on Beatlelinks who knows Mae Pang, who was Yoko substitute during the Lost weekend.
You've got me thinking about Springsteen now and how he's supposed to somehow represent my state (because whenever somebody say's New Jersey, he's the first person to come to mind - him and Tony Soprano!), but to be honest... although I do like a couple of his songs, I don't think he's a good singer. I don't find his voice pleasant.

And yeah, I get how he's supposed to have this hoarse "blue collar" sound and be the voice of the people and be cut in the fashion of Dylan (who also had a completely unique, but just awful singing voice). So I think "The Boss" is a fine overall musician and entertainer, but not an exceptional singer.

P.S. I have few "claims to fame" (wonder if there's a thread about that somewhere on this site), but I did meet and shake hands with Nixon in Lake Placid in 1984 - while camping! (I was camping, not him - my buddy & I had driven into town for supplies and the former President was touring the streets with his entourage of CIA agents).

You've got me thinking about Springsteen now and how he's supposed to somehow represent my state (because whenever somebody say's New Jersey, he's the first person to come to mind - him and Tony Soprano!), but to be honest... although I do like a couple of his songs, I don't think he's a good singer. I don't find his voice pleasant.

And yeah, I get how he's supposed to have this hoarse "blue collar" sound and be the voice of the people and be cut in the fashion of Dylan (who also had a completely unique, but just awful singing voice). So I think "The Boss" is a fine overall musician and entertainer, but not an exceptional singer.

P.S. I have few "claims to fame" (wonder if there's a thread about that somewhere on this site), but I did meet and shake hands with Nixon in Lake Placid in 1984 - while camping! (I was camping, not him - my buddy & I had driven into town for supplies and the former President was touring the streets with his entourage of CIA agents).
How about John? What's your serious thoughts on him? I'm really intrested!

Dylan indeed has a unique and AWFUL! ugh voice!! UGH AWFUL! What irony! The greatest songwriter in history after John,that's i guess public opinion, but nowhere near (IMHO) has the worst voice! That's why john is john - he had it all.

Christ! I even know Ricky now! Or rather did until'94. I know two swarn enemies. There was that whole John vs the USA thing, especially when Nixon was in power. They even banned him for a while, (bc they were afraid of his impact on people) so he did the bed-in in Montreal instead in late May/early June '69. He recorded Give Peace a Chance in a hotel room on 1st June i think.

Until I actually moved to Connecticut I had never met a person from CT. Until I met my husband I had never set foot in this state.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

How about John? What's your serious thoughts on him? I'm really intrested!

Dylan indeed has a unique and AWFUL! ugh voice!! UGH AWFUL! What irony! The greatest songwriter in history after John,that's i guess public opinion, but nowhere near (IMHO) has the worst voice! That's why john is john - he had it all.

Christ! I even know Ricky now! Or rather did until'94. I know two swarn enemies. There was that whole John vs the USA thing, especially when Nixon was in power. They even banned him for a while, (bc they were afraid of his impact on people) so he did the bed-in in Montreal instead in late May/early June '69. He recorded Give Peace a Chance in a hotel room on 1st June i think.
I love the Beatles harmonies, so I love John's voice. But, I think Paul had the slightly more melodic (for lack of a better term) singing voice (a little higher pitched and softer). They each had very unique voices, but were all perfect together.

Now Yoko's singing is another story!

A favorite Dylan spoof:

I love the Beatles harmonies, so I love John's voice. But, I think Paul had the slightly more melodic (for lack of a better term) singing voice (a little higher pitched and softer). They each had very unique voices, but were all perfect together.

Now Yoko's singing is another story!

A favorite Dylan spoof:

I prefer john bc he had an exceptionaly unique, nasal one,due to his unique aquiline nose.

I think Paul does have a larger octave span, but john could hit a higher note. His voice jumped. He could do normal,and exceptionaly high, but not in between.

My fave photo of his profile, from the back cover of Imagine.


I prefer john bc he had an exceptionaly unique, nasal one,due to his unique aquiline nose.

I think Paul does have a larger octave span, but john could hit a higher note. His voice jumped. He could do normal,and exceptionaly high, but not in between.

My fave photo of his profile, from the back cover of Imagine.

Paul also has the distinct advantage of still being alive - and thus having a larger repertoire and longer career.

(Although, last time I saw him doing a performance - I think on SNL - it was kind of hard to watch. He didn't sound too good. I admire performers who keep going, but sometimes you've gotta know when to say when.)

Now, as to casting Jack Black as Paul in Walk Hard - just ridiculous... or a stroke of comic genius (considering the juxtaposition that you couldn't find a comedian who resembled McCartney any less - and that's what made it more funny)?

Paul also has the distinct advantage of still being alive - and thus having a larger repertoire and longer career.

(Although, last time I saw him doing a performance - I think on SNL - it was kind of hard to watch. He didn't sound too good. I admire performers who keep going, but sometimes you've gotta know when to say when.)

Now, as to casting Jack Black as Paul in Walk Hard - just ridiculous... or a stroke of comic genius (considering the juxtaposition that you couldn't find a comedian who resembled McCartney any less - and that's what made it more funny)?
Speaking of which the sometime is now. Sorry to disappoint, but I'll be off. Really not wise to overcook it since I sleep little. I'll probably be back in the morning.

You're the quiet one, so shut the fup! Especially since we all know what an awful combo they were. I know you're an astrophobe, but it comforts here,as well. Gemini (Paul) and Pisces (George) could not be worse. They're in the so-called square.

There isn't really a thread fit for this, but I had to share it some place... And I know this is the Mofo CHILL club, but I'm not exactly chill right now.

Someone just misused my credit card/bank account for about $2,500... It's the thing we all fear I guess, and I just had it happen to me.

The scary thing is, that I have no idea how this happened. I would actually be much more "relieved" had my card been missing from my vallet and I knew they had taken advantage of it through there, physically... But my card is still there... that means, probably, that they either "hacked" their way into my computer, phone or some internet website has misused my info. I just don't know which one it is. I have blocked my card and all that, but in reality I really don't know where "the hole" is... where was it that they got access to my stuff... will they still have access to my stuff... all that is really many questions I would love answered right now.


There isn't really a thread fit for this, but I had to share it some place... And I know this is the Mofo CHILL club, but I'm not exactly chill right now.

Somehow just misused my credit card/bank account for about $2,500... It's the thing we all fear I guess, and I just had it happen to me.

The scary thing is, that I have no idea how this happened. I would actually be much more "relieved" had my card been missing from my vallet and I knew they had taken advantage of it through there, physically... But my card is still there... that means, probably, that they either "hacked" their way into my computer, phone or some internet website has misused my info. I just don't know which one it is. I have blocked my card and all that, but in reality I really don't know where "the hole" is... where was it that they got access to my stuff... will they still have access to my stuff... all that is really many questions I would love answered right now.

Look MM, I'm afrais i can't help you bc I know jack about all that, only to warn you that I heard this is really very dangerous. I would hate to see something happen to you, out of all the people...I won't ask you how much more you have on your card, bc that's your thing, but someone may misuse and steal all of it,by spending it on god knows what. Really, people,help him! And you yourself do whatever you can. Do you have anyone to ask or phone or e-mail? You're stillin Greece on holiday? Really do whatever you can, forget about everything else.

Don't worry, Beatle. I'm doing - and have done - what I can.

Card is cancelled and can't be used. I have run and re-run antivirus programs on my devices. I have contacted bank, firm, police etc. and things are in motion.

I'm not on vacation, I'm home. The scam seems to be "local" too, which is "good" I guess, since these people have bought stuff for themselves here in Denmark. So it looks like it's not a worldwide thing or that they scam me from across the globe. All things considered, it looks good and I see things moving and it honestly could be worse.

All the most important stuff has been handled so that's good. I'm planning on doing more digging myself though...

Don't worry, Beatle. I'm doing - and have done - what I can.

Card is cancelled and can't be used. I have run and re-run antivirus programs on my devices. I have contacted bank, firm, police etc. and things are in motion.

I'm not on vacation, I'm home. The scam seems to be "local" too, which is "good" I guess, since these people have bought stuff for themselves here in Denmark. So it looks like it's not a worldwide thing or that they scam me from across the globe. All things considered, it looks good and I see things moving and it honestly could be worse.

All the most important stuff has been handled so that's good. I'm planning on doing more digging myself though...
OK that's a relief. I mean if you'd be out of here, I'd be too.

There isn't really a thread fit for this, but I had to share it some place... And I know this is the Mofo CHILL club, but I'm not exactly chill right now.

Someone just misused my credit card/bank account for about $2,500... It's the thing we all fear I guess, and I just had it happen to me.

The scary thing is, that I have no idea how this happened. I would actually be much more "relieved" had my card been missing from my vallet and I knew they had taken advantage of it through there, physically... But my card is still there... that means, probably, that they either "hacked" their way into my computer, phone or some internet website has misused my info. I just don't know which one it is. I have blocked my card and all that, but in reality I really don't know where "the hole" is... where was it that they got access to my stuff... will they still have access to my stuff... all that is really many questions I would love answered right now.

Sorry to hear MM - it is a nightmare scenario even if only for the massive inconvenience it can cause. Did you use your card in a restaurant or the like to pay the bill and if so was it ever out of your sight? - if so it could easily have been 'skimmed', probably still the easiest way of getting card details these days.

Sorry to hear MM - it is a nightmare scenario even if only for the massive inconvenience it can cause. Did you use your card in a restaurant or the like to pay the bill and if so was it ever out of your sight? - if so it could easily have been 'skimmed', probably still the easiest way of getting card details these days.
Nope, nothing like that which I can think of. That's what bothers me. I don't really use my card, psychically, that much... but I do have some ideas of how this could have happened, which is something I plan on investigating further.

Nope, nothing like that which I can think of. That's what bothers me. I don't really use my card, psychically, that much... but I do have some ideas of how this could have happened, which is something I plan on investigating further.
K, just thought I'd mention it as a possibility. Best of luck in finding out what happened.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Our credit card info got stolen and charges made to the card, luckily the credit card company caught it and took care of it.

The card wasn't actually stolen and I'm sure my computer wasn't hacked into. I think it happened by using it online with a smaller internet business (one that I had never heard of) and some employee of that business got the card number that way.

It's very common. I was inline at the post office one day and a lady said that had just happened to her, and the lady next to her said it had also happened to her in the past.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
You don't even have to use your card anymore. People can steal your card info by just standing near you unless it has a protective device surrounding it. As far as I know, all my cards reimburse any wrongful use of them and that's without my paying any extra fees. Good luck with your problem, MM.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

You can't win an argument just by being right!
You don't even have to use your card anymore. People can steal your card info by just standing near you unless it has a protective device surrounding it. As far as I know, all my cards reimburse any wrongful use of them and that's without my paying any extra fees. Good luck with your problem, MM.

Happened to us on a holiday. Mr D must have used the card and when we got home some turd had made purchases. We got it all back but it;s frightenng and inconvenient. Goodluck MM.

Our credit card info got stolen and charges made to the card, luckily the credit card company caught it and took care of it.

The card wasn't actually stolen and I'm sure my computer wasn't hacked into. I think it happened by using it online with a smaller internet business (one that I had never heard of) and some employee of that business got the card number that way.

It's very common. I was inline at the post office one day and a lady said that had just happened to her, and the lady next to her said it had also happened to her in the past.
Yeah, it is very common... you just don't think it'll ever happen to you. At least you hope it never will.