The Top 10 Films of All Time


Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by Steve N.

sades, you seem especially bent out of shape. And to think, all this started with were comments about Braveheart. Which still sucks.

I like your list bodhigirl. Props for adding Do the Right Thing.
I am so not bent out of shape...I have maintained excellent shape throughout this whole sorrid affair.And her name is forgot an 'r',and she plays third base for MY team.Her list is devine and she knows it.As for Zwee and the Gang...I'm still making your cake.
[Edited by sadesdrk on 09-28-2001]

Originally posted by sadesdrk
I am so not bent out of shape...I have maintained excellent shape throughout this whole sorrid affair.And her name is buddahgrrl...and she plays third base for MY team.Her list is devine and she knows it.As for Zwee and the Gang...I'm still making your cake. [/b]
Sorrid isn't a word. Perhaps you are thinking of 'sordid', 'torrid', or 'horrid'. Is her name buddah girl because she smokes a lot?
**** the Lakers!

Now With Moveable Parts I was trying to be a smart @ss and I F*** it all up! I love myself.Anyhoo,yes it's bohdi and no, it's grrl.And yes I meant sordid...or what ever Steve N.said,I spell like crap...but I'm still smarter than you.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
yes, sades, i love your new sig! was that the sketch where ferrell is like that bum who needs extra cash so he poses nude and he's really gross and stuff? that sketch was hilarious! tomorrow night (the 29th) is the season premiere with reese witherspoon as host. snl rules!

Now With Moveable Parts
Oh I love Reese Witherspoon! That will be so great! Yeah,my sig is from the skit you mention.I love Will Ferril.My favorite is when he does Janet Reno...and the cheerleader.He's a riot!

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
oh, yeah did you see when he actually met janet reno? that was a classic moment... i loved that.

Now With Moveable Parts
that's the one where they were having a party in someone's basement right?

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
yeah, that's the one! lol... who was your favorite weekend update guy?

Now With Moveable Parts
Oh,that's too easy.Norm McDonald HANDS DOWN!He's so slick and sarcastic.I love how he doesn't try to pass the jokes off as anything super funny.He just delivers the lines all dry-like and if people laugh...he's all surprised.I love when he says...,"Just goes to support my theory...Germans love David Hasselhoff." He's a riot.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
yeah, norm rules! colin never quite filled his shoes, imo. i love how he got fired for making fun of OJ and accidentally swearing on the air. oh, damn, i can't believe i missed that. he's so cool. also, my favorite, dennis miller used to do that segment. he's the high exalted king of sarcastic, dry, verbal comedy. he's the anti-jim carrey. oh, man, i can't read one of his books or anything without laughing my a$$ off..... what a riot.

Even though I find Dennis Miller very un-funny most of the time, I thought he was good as a Weekend Update anchor. On the flip side, I think Jimmy Fallon is one of the funniest people on the show today, but I think he stinks as an anchor. Tina Fey is only so-so, IMO. I think Norm was great, simply because he must've been stoned half the time he was on the air...and his dumbest jokes ended up being the funniest ones. Honestly, though, the writers during his stint there stunk up the joint. I think Nealon was really good: the most like an actual anchor. Colin Quinn is the worst of the bunch...he talks in such a way that, even when he's ended a sentence, it sounds as if he's getting ready to say more.

Now With Moveable Parts
It's Norm's face that does it for me.That dead-pan stare,the blank expression in his eyes....but...HOLD UP! Under the vauge look...he's smirking.Yes! Norm is the king of smirks! Nothing funnier then a good 'ol smirk.

I'm not a Dennis Miller fan but he was the best at the Update.
Somebody besides me realizes that Jimmy Fallon IS ACTUALLY FUNNY!
Rock! I think he's pretty much the only remaining light in the cast.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
did anyone see it last night? it was new....

My personal Top matter what you all think

10. The Crow (1994)
9. American Beauty (1999)
8. Heathers (1989)
7. The Game (1998)
6. Casino (1995)
5. The Burbs (1988)
4. Legends Of The Fall (1994)
3. What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
2. Heat (1995)
1. A Christmas Story (1983)
Movies Are Life. Live Alittle.

I haf no complaints except I think Legends of the fall should be higher.
God save Freddie Mercury!

I dunno what my list completely consists of now, but "Three to Tango" has to be in the top ten for me. I'm not talking about the most beautiful films, the most inspiring, or the most well-made...just the ones I enjoy watching/admire the most. That movie was hilarious.

Now With Moveable Parts
If you like swing music,that movie has a great soundtrack.Never saw it though.Maybe I will now.I like that above list almost all the way,except the Burbs...was that the one with Tom Hanks?

Now With Moveable Parts
Yeah...I didn't like that movie.It rubbed me the wrong way or something.Course it's been a decade scince I've seen it...I should probably check it out again.