Breaking Bad All Over Again


Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I read all your posts in Vincent Price's voice. Not sure why I'm telling you, but there it is.

My dear boy, what can I say? I'm flattered.

A piece just for you.

Mezzy, you will get your bottom spanked for going off-topic again.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Man, I gotta say one thing. The humour in BB is the best. Just finished the pilot and I'm halfway through episode 2.
I know. Hilarious. Dragging Emilio up the stairs then he drops him. Schadenfreude got me right there. I'm about to start #3. Great opening sequence.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The Cat's In The Bag...

This might just be my favorite episode of Breaking Bad. MovieMed mentioned how funny this show is and that is what I couldn't stop thinking my second time through with this episode. Considering the subject matter there is no way I should be laughing and smiling as much as I did here. Everything Jesse does from dumping his weed so he has a baggie for ice all the way to the proud smirk he has when using the bike lock on Crazy8's neck. It is all gold and I chuckled so much watching this episode. I say all that without even mentioning the bathtub which is easily the most memorable moment in BB for me. It has never left my head all these years later. Personal note: @Danii8;, if you can watch this episode as many times as you have, you can make it through No Country For Old Men.

I am going to be keeping a close eye on the Skylar hate. This just might be the episode that sent people on that path but I would behave exactly as her in this situation. I know pot smoking is not at the top of the naughty list but I was thinking about when I was married. Lets say my son was just born and after displaying some unusual behavior I find out my social worker wife who I have built this life with is buying weed from one of her ex-clients. On top of that they are calling the house and have highly questionable social media pages. Yeah, I would probably act a little more intense than Skylar did to be honest.

Absolutely perfect episode. going to be hard to top it for me.

Didn't notice any glaring precursors this episode. If anyone else does let me know.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
[center][size="6"] Yeah, I would probably act a little more intense than Skylar did to be honest.
I know, right. Hanging out with a dead beat (as much as I love Jesse I would be pretty shocked if I discovered my husband was hanging out with someone like that and not being honest with me, especially if I had a DEA brother in law), and while up the duff. I thought she was pretty calm, especially when he told her

The look on his face and the tone of his voice because he'd been caught out, and calling her honey, then saying if she got off his ass he'd appreciate it.

And Marie. Could not tolerate her this season but for me she redeemed herself later on, but loved the scene when Hank called her from a bust to say hello, then starts screaming at the druggies and calmly gets back to her, and she's just like Oh Hank! 'Where's my sugar'

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
And Marie. Could not tolerate her this season but for me she redeemed herself later on, but loved the scene when Hank called her from a bust to say hello, then starts screaming at the druggies and calmly gets back to her, and she's just like Oh Hank! 'Where's my sugar'
Yeah, I haven't mentioned Marie because we haven't seen her much. I really dislike her for quite a while. I do soften when she starts helping with the kids a lot but she is never a character I am totally on board with. The petty theft crap bothers me so much.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I might have jumped one ahead. Cant remember if I last saw 3 or 4. I just couldnt stop at 2. Please forgive me, boss. It turns me into a meth head. Oh speaking of meth heads, Windy Wendy arrives (it's 3).

I could understand the thieving, especially down the track with MAJOR SPOILER, ELESSAR)

WARNING: spoilers below
all the stress Hank was putting her through when he was laid up after the shooting. That kind of petty thieving is a mental disorder,
and Hank's situation and shtty behaviour, although I also understand why he behaved that way, sent her into a relapse

but it was her self absorption that rubbed me up the wrong way. Until that point in my spoiler tag, she only ever thought of herself.

Getting back to Skyler's reaction - I dont care who smokes weed; hell, I've smoked it, but if I was UTD and had a disabled teenager, then found out after acting suspiciously that my brilliant dork of a husband was hanging out with a drug dealer and smoking dope behind my back I'd be very very pissed off. Is he in denial about the baby or just not wanting the responsibility. I think that would be very upsetting to a cray cray hormonal pregnant woman, and rightly so. Will my teenage son get access to it. Sure, he'd be able to get it at school but I would loathe the idea of his father providing him easy access. Why is this deadbeat calling my home. All this stuff would be going through my head. And what's a MILF...LOL.

I agree, Sean. Fantastic episode. I thought Jesse showed what a quick thinker he could be to spin around to make her face away from Emilio. And trying out the size of the tub always makes me laugh. And the fact Walt knew he was dealing with a kid who never took notice in his class but didnt bother explaining the no bath tub rule just showed how far his head was up his colon back then.

If I jump ahead too fast and you'd prefer to keep it to discussing only 2 a week to keep the thread tidy just give me a yelp. This show gives me substance abuse.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
OK about to rewatch 4 but wanted to say this about skyler in that episode. Elessar, spoilery so just scroll over.

A lot of the hate for her came from the talking pillow. People thought she was a bitch because she wanted Walt to have chemo and radiation so that made her, in their eyes, a control freak. Now for me she always was a control freak from the get go - note the flashback to them inspecting the house when she was UTD with Junior and she wouldnt let Walt have any input into the type of family home he envisaged for them. Her demand he have treatment, however, was perfectly reasonable as far as I;m concerned. He tells them he has cancer and doesnt want treatment. Perfectly natural reaction for a person to freak out about no treatment in that situation. He's only 50 and has a baby on the way, she loves him and doesnt want to lose her husband and father of her children. People in the fandom said that made her a selfish bitch. WTH? My father in law refused treatment for lung cancer but he was in his 70s. I never understood that reaction to her.

Another thing people hated her for was smoking while pregnant. She smoked, what, maybe three cigarettes? Yet Walt killed people and was given a hall pass because he's the lead character. Give me a break. Just seemed absurd to me.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Ep 4 and 5 so you might want to skip this, El, although probably not too spoilery. Just a few observations.

Jesse's parents - just heartbreaking. I know they had to show him tough love but I was hanging out for them to just give him one more chance, then the whole deal with the joint. Really showed him as loyal to the people he cared about. Any nerds on here know the different areas the different houses were in? No reason other than I'd be interested in checking out the different styles of architecture just for some real estate fun.

Second visual of camera PoV into 'the coffin'. What are the chances that was a fluke by the director doing the same in crawl space?

The intervention. Sky was a complete bitch shouting down Marie when she had said everyone gets a chance to offload without interruption, and obviously she just wanted backup to make walt get treatment, but I cant blame her. I thought her reaction was spot on.

Jesse throwing the 4 grand into the pool a la Walt later setting the money on fire then throwing it in the pool. Oh and Walt dipping into his stash and it all got sucked down the aircon vent LMAO. Such a bumbling moron at times.

Gretchen and Elliott - what ghastly people. Finally two characters I dislike a lot. Would not like people like that IRL, but I still dont know why Walt wouldnt take the job offer other than hubris, and probably thinking Elliott was an up himself tool who would mince around pitying him. Yeah come to think of it, I wouldnt have taken the job from some pretentious twat like him when I had C either. Or is it possible he's still in love with Gretchen?

Any chemistry nerds on here? Is his breakdown of chemicals that make up the human body correct, and if so has anyone discovered the missing percentage? And is his formula for near perfect meth correct? I failed chemistry and a scientist I am most definitely not.

Badger - what a moron but so funny seeing him chase after Jesse with his bow. Why on earth did Jesse take him along anyway? Surely he was capable of doing it on his own at that point. When he tossed out the batches I really did feel like a meth head and certainly empathised with Badger. Gif time

I'm sure there's more but I didnt take notes, and tl;dr but thanks if anyone manages to churn through that rambling.

Nerdgasm. Going bck for ep 6. I just cant hold myself back.

Ep 6. How the hell did I miss this. There's a cold open to Heisenberg's amazing confrontation with Tuco.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Well ep 6 answers one of my questions. Jesse took Badger along because at tht point he didnt have the confidence to do it on his own. It wasnt until Walt had his fainting spell in the desert and he told Jesse to go finish the batch that he knew he was a michelin star chef.

This is not meth

Quite possibly one of my top three BrBa moments.

Interesting protocol for treating his cancer. Quite different to what I experienced.

Oh and yep, he was always bad. He's going to let anyone take the heat for him. Poor Hugo. Such a nice guy and did not deserve that.

I'm at the Pilot and half Ep 1.
Gosh this show shove adrenaline in from the first moment. There's not even a boring half second.
It's great to see a scientifically critical mind as Walter at crime work. I wish I could have a chemistry teacher like that. Those kids didn't know how lucky they were.

I saw that famous Skyler...
Trying to forget what I read about her in BCSaul's thread (something with Chuck).
But boy do I hate that bossy look on her face.
She looks at her husband like "I have you in my palm".
And the handjob scene was hilarious - I laughed out loud when I saw the look on Walt's face and in his eyes.
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You can't win an argument just by being right!
Can you believe a lot of people in the fandom thought season 1 and 2 was slow and boring when it first aired? Must be binge watchers who cant watch week to week. I didnt find a single boring moment in both seasons.

LOL at your bossy face comment. She has a very good resting bitch face, and you should see the look on her face when Walt finally takes his balls back.

The handjob scene was gold. When she shrieks YES and he jumps.

Oh that;s another thing about ep 6 (not spoilery, El, but skip if you dont want a flash forward comment)

Walt loses his temper at Jesse when he gives Walt $1300 and tells him to grow some balls. Projecting much!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Ep 7 - havent seen it all yet; had a little kip after the second meeting at the car wreck yard (what a dump!) when the Heisenberg hat first makes it's appearance

And the scene at the school meeting about the stolen lab equipment when Heisenberg gets flooded with testosterone, touches up Skyler then takes her out to the car to shag right next to a patrol car...and did they make that car rock! When Bryan and Anna had chemistry (no pun intended) they really had chemistry.

One more thing - Marie at the baby shower. What a complete pain in the ass.

Oh and

Sky: where did that come from...and...why was it so good
Walt: because it was illegal.

Boom!!! Heisenberg has definitely arrived.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I'd like to know who makes the decisions for the music choices in these 2 shows. There's never a bad pick. The ultimate mix tape Scoobididoobiddy Doo.

That's right, during my short 1.5 ep the music already impressed me. When that music started playing and some quirky scene begin (can't even remember which, there are plenty), I was on for some fun ride.

I kinda like Walter's son, at least til now. He's the opposite to his bug-eyed mum.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
That's right, during my short 1.5 ep the music already impressed me. When that music started playing and some quirky scene begin (can't even remember which, there are plenty), I was on for some fun ride.

I kinda like Walter's son, at least til now. He's the opposite to his bug-eyed mum.
The music is amazing. Never fails to impress. And Walt junior is a sAssy lil teen. The actor does actually have CP but he acted it up for the show.

I forgot they used Molotov in the first episode. Hadn't heard that in years!

My boyfiend got home in a bit of a state from a hellish weekend doing sound and tour managing (for well...the Norwegian version of Gene Simmons, I guess ) and when I told him I was doing BB all over again with you guys, he said I'M IN!!! Great, so now I can't rewatch without him. We caught up with the first episode.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I'm up to 205. Found a major booboo by Walt. When Hank visits him in the hospital after the 'fugue state' Walt thanks him for 'coming out to find me'. Hank didn't twig?

The crystal palace - Hank and Gomie dont think to question reception about when Jesse and Windy checked in? Sure it's probably run by junkies but why not go in and intimidate them, although I guess that's actually Windy's room so I didnt really think that through. Scratch that one.

Fingerprints on the guns. In US arent suspects fingerprinted or do they have to be charged? How about teachers for background checks?

The bike lock that killed crazy8 makes a comeback! And not for cheerful purposes.

Back to Skyler hate - another reason she was hated was because she gave Walt the silent treatment and locked him out, but he was a liar, which she knows damn well because the guy cant lie straight in bed and instead gives a B grade performance, and locked her out, but I guess the haters were swayed by him pulling the victim card with the Why are you doing this to me; I have cancer. Well sorry buddy, but cancer affects the whole family.

And how did he not burn the house down? He left the oven on the stove, went to answer the door for some chitchat with Junior's friend, then went to the bathroom to have more chitchat with Sky about why Junior changed his name. Not really relevant but I just thought it was a little detail the writers didnt attend to or simply left on the cutting room floor. I would have liked to see consequences, even for such a miniscule action.

One more - why was he so desperate to sneak home and hide the money and gun again when he was being discharged the next day, and why did he put them in the diaper box to start with?