Trump - vive la différence?


What is the defining difference between President Trump and other presidents, at least in modern times? I think: whereas other presidents would think, “I know what I’d like to say,” Trump actually says it. Is an impolitic politician a refreshing novelty or a hazard? Any opinions?

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Boy, you gave me a big opening to say what I think again, but Trump's beneath that. Is any definition of "impolitic" close to something good?
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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What is the defining difference between President Trump and other presidents, at least in modern times?
Overall: not just modern times, his defining difference is that he never held any sort of political position or highly political not actually directly political position. I'm pretty sure everyone else did, someone like Eisenhower for instance was a General during a War with strong Political Connections throughout. Well, i think the main difference is that everyone else was elected or appointed; Trump has obviously had strong political connections for decades and he was neither elected or appointed.

A much simpler answer to this is that he is the oldest ever President. He's the first President to have taken office at 70, Reagan was 69.

Overall: not just modern times, his defining difference is that he never held any sort of political position or highly political not actually directly political position. I'm pretty sure everyone else did, someone like Eisenhower for instance was a General during a War with strong Political Connections throughout. Well, i think the main difference is that everyone else was elected or appointed; Trump has obviously had strong political connections for decades and he was neither elected or appointed.

A much simpler answer to this is that he is the oldest ever President. He's the first President to have taken office at 70, Reagan was 69.
You're right. Trump is the first president who never held elective office or served in the military (at all, in his case, let alone having been a general). Wendell Wilke who ran against FDR in 1940 never held political office either, though he at least served in the military during WWI. He was the most Trump-like major party candidate in terms of his business background (though Wilke was also a lawyer), though far to the left of Trump politically, having been a Democrat until 1939 (and even flirted with Marxism during a rebellious period in his youth). He later gave his full support to FDR and the war effort, so much so that many of his fellow Republicans were miffed.

Did we learn anything today? Its so hard to tell theses days...
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Trump is feting indian PM Modi in some kind of event called 'howdy Modi' right now in Houston Texas

Both are sucking up to each other. One wonders if anything concrete will come out of this event

Watching on TV right now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I love Sparks! I had their two big new wave albums, well cassettes really...Angst in My Pants and In Outer Space. I must have listened to those a 1000 times, but...I'd never had seen that video before...and now I wish I hadn't! Ha!

but cool that you posted that

You ready? You look ready.
Chopper talk!
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

I love Sparks! I had their two big new wave albums, well cassettes really...Angst in My Pants and In Outer Space. I must have listened to those a 1000 times, but...I'd never had seen that video before...and now I wish I hadn't! Ha!

but cool that you posted that
Coincidentally, it was the first time I ever saw the video too!
I always loved the song because I had it on a New Wave compilation CD, but I'd never seen the video.
As with so many, I don't regret not having cable or MTV when I was younger because in later years I'd see a video of a song I loved and realize I might not have felt the same about it if I associated it with the video as opposed to my own audible interpretation!

Is that a reference to Trump's speaking style - jumping rapidly from one thought to the next without finishing a point in a way that almost resembles a kind of random free association train of thought and leaving sentences incomplete?