When You Wake Up Tomorrow, Your World is Exactly the Way You Want It.


People use their time promoting what they enjoy

Instead of consuming themselves in bashing what they hate

People reply to positive-oriented threads in the spirit the OP asked.

Instead of circumventing their request by posting criticism rephrased to sound like something positive.

The most loathsome of all goblins
I do that every day, I'm a consummate daydreamer and I live in my own world. It's great until reality comes crashing through.

My fantasies are usually very elaborate, I've even written outlines and made excel spreadsheets detailing the workings of my inner world, including the politics, social structure and various characters involved. If anyone else ever read them I'd be quite embarrassed.

For me it's not so much making the world the way I want it be, but rather escaping to a completely different world entirely. What I want out of life is not something reality could ever provide, and I live in a near constant state of Sehnsucht.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The thing is, it would be the same world for everybody (except for a small minority of people) because most people want the same things.
No we don't. I don't even want to say what I would have the world to be like. I guarantee it's not what you or anyone else wants.

No we don't. I don't even want to say what I would have the world to be like. I guarantee it's not what you or anyone else wants.
I mean general things: world peace, no crime, no poverty, no starvation, no disease, abundance of all necessities, clean air, living without fear ... things like that.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
^i wouldn't mind being her right there. i like the waterfall mist the sprinklers are probably making as she lazes about drinking beer. sounds good to meeee

go to your happy place

My perfect World:

1. Batman is real.
2. Everyone likes cats.
3. No more terrible pop music, like Justin Bieber and all that rubbish that's autotuned.
4. Sweden, having remembered they acually have a word for buttermilk, get off their arses and MAKE IT.
5. More cowbell. In fact, ALL the cowbell.
6. International beefs settled by drag queens and/or sumo wrestlers.
7. No "big 5" style hunting, and GOOD GODS no "canned" hunting whatsoever.
8. The planet is hunky dory! Nothing on the edge of extinction, no pollution, YAY!!!
9. Safe teleportation is cheap and glitch free!
10. The baby sun in Teletubbies is rightly identified as actual satan and run out of town.

Hostel: Part II gets deemed "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant" by the United States Library of Congress and is selected for preservation in the National Film Registry. Jazz and PC Music become the mainstream. The rise in popularity of soothing jazz and happy PC Music makes everyone mellow out, and this marks the end of war and poverty.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
this is gonna sound kinda bad, but i feel like half the time my ideal world would be i wake up and everyone just leaves me the hell alone. ha. no obligations. no one counting on me, yet happy to see me, if i do come around.

People would dress in suits and trench coats again, instead of T-shirts with stuff written on them. And it would rain alot.

I am...wearing a Tshirt with something written on it.
I do own a trenchcoat though.

I am...wearing a Tshirt with something written on it.
I do own a trenchcoat though.
lol, I'll be surprised if anyone isn't wearing a T-shirt right now.

I love wearing my overcoats/trench coats. I live in dog breath the state (Louisiana), and
we weren't privileged with a winter this year, so I didn't even take mine out of the closet.

this is gonna sound kinda bad, but i feel like half the time my ideal world would be i wake up and everyone just leaves me the hell alone. ha. no obligations. no one counting on me, yet happy to see me, if i do come around.
This hits home.

And it's a double-edged sword because, for some, simply experiencing peace and solitude is not a fantasy outside the realm of probability, but an actual reality (and only those in situations where they have never really been able to experience it can truly appreciate it. What I mean is, it pains me to hear anyone complain of quiet or boredom or loneliness).

With my own situation, I'd give almost anything for 1 week of living in complete solitude - with no clock to mind, no phone plugged in, no calls for help and assistance, etc.