HOF Organization Thread


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think gbg has a good insight of the two HoFs.
CR's would be the "break out in song" like Oklahoma, Jesus Christ Superstar and the like.
SV's would be filled with music that takes an integral part of the story; as mentioned Blues Brothers and in the past, Hard Day's Night and the like.
Did I get that right, SV?

Both of which I do believe I'll be joining and both of which, I'm sure we all can narrow down the definition with both Hosts' guidance.
Yup ...I'm hiring GBG as my official spokesperson

Thank you Ed! I expect both mine and Vamps Hofs to be tiny. But hey sometimes the funnest parties are the small ones...We're going to launch our Hof threads on this Friday with full details...it'll be copacetic (I just learned that word the other day and this is the first chance I had to use it!)

Thanks. I vaguely remember some talk about both musical HoFs a while back, so I kind of had an idea of what the differences were from the previous discussion about them.

I'm interested in both HoFs, and I have a shortlist of possible noms for both, but I'm a little bit concerned about SV's HoF having a bunch of movies that I might not like the type of music in the movies because it seems to be a much broader category. I'll have to think about that one, and make a decision when the thread opens.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I think I already made choices for both of them as well (though my first 2 choices for CR's are over 2 hrs so I did have a third back up that should work quite nicely) and gbg you can always place a reserved and see what movies crop up before your final decision on whether you join or not. I've seen that occur.

oh, and CR, your use of the word, in itself, WAS rather copacetic
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think I already made choices for both of them as well (though my first 2 choices for CR's are over 2 hrs so I did have a third back up that should work quite nicely) and gbg you can always place a reserved and see what movies crop up before your final decision on whether you join or not. I've seen that occur.

Do you mean reserve a movie to nominate, or reserve a spot in the HoF? Either way, I don't need to reserve anything.

If it's the movie, I have a shortlist for both HoFs, so if someone else nominates the movie that I wanted to nominate, it's okay because I have backup noms. And I don't care about whether or not I nominate the winning movie, or if someone else nominates it. For me, it's about the movie that wins, not the person who nominates it, so I won't be upset if someone else snags my nom and wins the HoF with it.

And if it's the spot in the HoF, I doubt there will be a huge rush for any kind of musicals HoF here, so it shouldn't be a problem if I take a few days to decide whether or not to join.

I think he means reserve a spot as in tell someone you are a maybe until you see what the nominations are then decide or not, and he might be referring to me having done that. I didn't do it because of what might be nominated i did because i wanted to see how many joined and if i'd have enough time to finish. It depends on whether Vamp is okay with you doing that or not of course.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Do you mean reserve a movie to nominate, or reserve a spot in the HoF? Either way, I don't need to reserve anything.

And if it's the spot in the HoF, I doubt there will be a huge rush for any kind of musicals HoF here, so it shouldn't be a problem if I take a few days to decide whether or not to join.
That's pretty much what I was trying to say and not doing a very good job of it
Can you be my spokesperson as well as CR's?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
thanks camo. It's so nice when someone can speak Ed! lol

And I honestly couldn't remember the specific people who wanted a lil time to make a decision about joining in. A dipping of the posting toes into the thread pool as it were

ok, let me see someone translate THAT one lol

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I think he means reserve a spot as in tell someone you are a maybe until you see what the nominations are then decide or not, and he might be referring to me having done that. I didn't do it because of what might be nominated i did because i wanted to see how many joined and if i'd have enough time to finish. It depends on whether Vamp is okay with you doing that or not of course.
That's pretty much what I was trying to say and not doing a very good job of it
Can you be my spokesperson as well as CR's?

Thanks for the clarification. At this point, I'll see what happens when the thread opens, and then make my decision.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Sean, could you add the Spaghetti Western HoF to the waiting list? After this musical HoFs, I'd like to start it!
Head of the class. If the timing is right, I will join that one.

Trouble with a capital "T"
After the current series of HoFs have concluded, if enough people were indeed interested in a Foreign Language HoF (as briefly mentioned in the 12th thread), I wouldn't mind hosting that.
Cool! I was hoping you would host an Hof, and this one sounds like a good idea. I would join. I even have a film picked out already. I can't do it right now, but like you say when the current crop of Hofs are done...count me in!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I know I said I would host the 13th Hall of Fame, but I think I am going to sit on the sidelines again. At some point I promise to jump back into these.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I know I said I would host the 13th Hall of Fame, but I think I am going to sit on the sidelines again. At some point I promise to jump back into these.
How about if we wait a month or two to start it, like Cricket did, could you host then? I think a lot of the usual members are busy in other Hofs anyway, as much as I want to join the 13th I couldn't do it right now, so maybe hold off on it?

BTW I posted this here.

So I was thinking, if okay with you guys, for me to start something of an Historical Footage HoF soon. Basically, the idea of this mini-HoF is to nominate footage of historical events. These are not documentaries like what we voted for the Top 100 Docs, but actual raw footage. Whether it is a political speech, assassination attempt, sports game, riot, you name it. I think it could be a fun change of pace. What do you guys think? I would like to start it around April 1st if ok with you.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
I'm ok with waiting for a while. Or I wouldn't mind hosting it, if raul doesn't mind and people want it to be sooner.