Director Dissection with Seanc and Rauldc


Intellectual in a cinematic sense, I meant. Thematically, Chaplin is of course much more ambitious and "intellectual". My apologies, as that wasn't really clear from what I wrote.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Intellectual in a cinematic sense, I meant. Topically, Chaplin is of course much more ambitious and "intellectual". My apologies, as that wasn't really clear from what I wrote.
It was probably just the way I took it.

The Kid

For the record i watched the 53 minute version, that was the copy i found i wasn't even aware there was a 68 minute one until after i'd watched it. This was only my second Chaplin. It's really absurd that this is me just now watching a second as i first watched City Lights about three or four years ago and i'd say that it is one of my favourite films. I liked this, i prefer City Lights by a decent margin still because while i really liked the emotion in both i personally found City Lights alot funnier with the boxing scene still being the funniest thing i've seen in a silent film.

I really like how Chaplin ends up with the kid. Unluckiest man in the world in the wrong place at the wrong time then can't seem to get away from it. That's something i really like about the little i've seen of his films they seem to take place in their own little universe with completely absurd logic. I mean why wouldn't he tell the policeman he saw the child lying in the alley and he wasn't his haha. My favourite joke in this part is definitely the woman hitting him to the ground when he walks past her thinking he put the baby back in the pram with her child and Chaplin was strolling by none the wiser because he thought it was still with the guy he handed it to, the best thing about that is definitely the way he falls; really showcases his great talent for physical comedy. I also like the tie the shoe and run away gag, very obvious joke but again it's in the way Chaplin frames the joke, the way he moves and just how silly it comes across. It's really sweet when he takes to the baby while sitting on the curb, that's something you can't not love about his character; the tramp with a heart of gold as i've heard him referred to. He knows this is a burden he really can't handle being a tramp and all and he even briefly considers dropping it down the but he can't do it because in the end he is a good person despite his tough circumstances. Jesus christ that window scam was just so ridiculous i couldn't not crack up at it, Chaplin just so happens to walk by with windows 9 seconds after yours have been smashed and you don't qustion a thing? Man is there an annoyed policeman character in everyone of these films haha? I liked the chase scene, it had very Looney Tunes-esque logic with Chaplin and The Kid just stopping and the policeman running right past them without noticing somehow. At times the film is so adorable, one of my very favourite parts was Coogan fighting the bully kid who stole his.. whatever it was then when Chaplin sees it he runs over and picks up the tiny coogan who is still attempting to fight while being held in mid-air. That full fight was great, mostly because of how small Coogan was and i loved Chaplin talking to him is his corner (the window) . I also couldn't stop laughing during the big brother part, Chaplin sitting at the side shaking his head hoping Coogan will lose so he won't have to fight and especially him putting his foot on Coogan and counting him out.

Anway i've went on enough i think. Some of the actual story parts were a bit hard to swallow especially the mother bumping into the kid, it was a small thing though so really didn't bother me. There were some really sweet moments like the ending; with Coogan bursting out the door barely able to contain his excitement so happy to see The Tramp, i would agree with raul however that i didn't really like the dream sequence. Got to hand it to Jackie Coogan the kid was really good. If i'm honest i'm still getting used to judging silent film performances particularly of the non-Keaton/Chaplin less animated roles like Coogan's. Thought he did a very good job, the perfect sidekick. Completely bought into his and Chaplin's relationship which can't be an easy thing to put across in a silent film.Beautiful score, really helped make Chaplin and The Kid's scenes charming and/or touching.Really good film. Personally i'd have it bottom of the four Keaton/Chaplin films i've seen, only because i think all four had good drama but i didn't find it as funny as City Lights or The Cameraman and it didn't have the spectacle of the stunts in The General. Liked all of these so far, might check out a few more.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Glad you have decided to chime in Camo! I like your insight on The Kid. As I said, it's my second favorite Chaplin right now. Thought it had a lot of charm.

I just watched Keaton's Three Ages and I'll have some thoughts up today.

Glad you have decided to chime in Camo! I like your insight on The Kid. As I said, it's my second favorite Chaplin right now. Thought it had a lot of charm.

I just watched Keaton's Three Ages and I'll have some thoughts up today.
Forgot to ask did you see the 53 or 68 minute version of The Kid?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I also saw the 53 minute version. I saw it on Filmstruck.
Are a lot of the Keaton and Chaplin stuff on Filmstruck? I was thinking about getting it again. Wish it would come to Roku already, I'll keep it forever.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Are a lot of the Keaton and Chaplin stuff on Filmstruck? I was thinking about getting it again. Wish it would come to Roku already, I'll keep it forever.
Pretty much all Chaplin. I don't think Keaton is though.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Three Ages

A movie with three different scenarios where Keaton woos a girl away from the same actor. I felt pretty much how I felt with College. I wanted more charm to the film and a few more laughs would have been nice. I think the films style was a bit tricky as it went back and forth through the three time periods and was hard to keep track of what was going on in all of them. The best part I would say was the football scenes. More scenes like that and I would have enjoyed it even more. Currently I just feel like Chaplin has more natural charm to his films. I feel like Keaton displays himself more as an artist, which can often lead to hit or miss situations. But this is just an early observation. They both certainly have their own talent. Here, I feel like Keaton underutilized his own talents.

Watching Fire Walk With Me tomorrow then i might try and see another for this. Which one should i watch? Only seen The Kid, City Lights, The General and The Cameraman.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Watching Fire Walk With Me tomorrow then i might try and see another for this. Which one should i watch? Only seen The Kid, City Lights, The General and The Cameraman.
Kind of wish I would have picked Great Dictator for you now. I 'm most looking forward to Limelight but haven't seen it yet. Give Modern Times a try. I think it's pretty similar to City Lights, even if much less successful.

Kind of wish I would have picked Great Dictator for you now. I 'm most looking forward to Limelight but haven't seen it yet. Give Modern Times a try. I think it's pretty similar to City Lights, even if much less successful.
Cool, i'll try Modern Times soon. I'll be watching The Great Dictator soon enough anyway as i want to get back to 40s films.

Is there a deadline for this or is it just until you, Cob and Raul have seen everything?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Just until we see everything.

You may like College, Camo. I didn't love it, but I could see people liking it more than I did.

Just until we see everything.

You may like College, Camo. I didn't love it, but I could see people liking it more than I did.
I don't know what i will and won't be able to get to but if it's more than Modern Times next would be a Keaton one so i'd try College.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Steamboat Bill Jr.

So far I have felt the same about the three Keaton films I have watched. They have these set pieces that last for about fifteen minutes that are brilliant to watch. Unfortunately I have next to no interest in the setup and find too many of the bits unengaging. Here it's the initial meeting of Bill Jr and his father, the shopping for clothes, the escape from the steamboat, and the jail break. These bits lead to a great finale, but they do not make me laugh or engage me in the story. Instead they leave me checking the time. It really is unfortunate from my point of view because there always comes a point in his films where I am blown away by the stunts and see what everyone else sees. The storm scenes here are really fun. I am especially curious as to how the bed blowing around was done. The finale makes me understand why Cob calls Keaton the more cinematic director between him and Chaplin. I just think Keaton is missing the heart that makes me love movies. I hope my opinion changes as I watch more.

I think you might like The Cameraman a little better, @seanc. I think it has the best story and adventure of all the Keaton films I've seen.

I didn't nominate it, because I selfishly wanted to nominate films that I hadn't seen myself yet, but I also think that you guys should watch Keaton's The Navigator some time in the future. It's also one of those films that works very well as an adventure. Hint: watch it with its original one-color palette if you can find it. The film changes colors when it changes its environment (for instance when it goes underwater) and it really adds to the effectiveness of the whole experience.