Are YOU Frugal?


"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Do you guys have this flavour?

"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
I've given Citizen's list some thought and I've come to the conclusion, that I'm not that frugal.

I have free OTA TV and Roku.
I don't own a smart phone, but, there is an ipad.
I do occasionally buy DVD movies for $5 or less.
I don't eat in restaurants much, but, take-out and delivery do happen.
I don't smoke.
I drink local whiskey and imported beer.
I buy some meat, in moderation.
I don't go to Starbucks, but, we have Starbucks coffee at home.
I go to the theater at least 4-5 times a year.
I have Netflix.
The American brand car is paid for.
I do make my own food.
I sometimes spend money on tech items.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
As promised - reasons I don't change my own oil:
My driveway is rocks, so I'd have to put down a blanket to lay on it.
I can't fit under my car (this is pretty much the primary reason!)
It's difficult to find a place that will take and properly dispose of the old oil.
The lube places are quick and easy and do more than just change the oil (they replace the filters, check the fluids, put air in the tires, etc.) So, for me, although I hate the cost, it's worth it to take my vehicle to the lube place and pay $30 - $40 three times a year.
Back in the day, early 2000s when I started driving, oil changes were $12.95, and they would occasionally send a $5 off coupon. After I would use the coupon, I'd ask about the price, and then say "I think I have a coupon at home, I'll go and get it" - knowing they'd say "Ah, don't worry about it" and I'd never pay for more than $5..

Back in the day, early 2000s when I started driving, oil changes were $12.95, and they would occasionally send a $5 off coupon. After I would use the coupon, I'd ask about the price, and then say "I think I have a coupon at home, I'll go and get it" - knowing they'd say "Ah, don't worry about it" and I'd never pay for more than $5..
The oil place I go would give you a coupon for a free car wash - which was right next door. So it was usually automatic that as soon as I got the oil change, I'd get the car washed (pretty much the only time my car would get washed except for occasionally giving it a quick spray with the hose in the summer). But they stopped giving out the free car wash too.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I change my oil once a year. I use to do it myself. I've done brakes and tune ups myself. But these days with a coupon you can get your oil changed as cheap as if you went and bought it yourself.

Since Home Remedies can also be a huge part of frugality (saving you money on healthcare and medicines), what are some of yours? (Plus, they're really interesting!)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Since Home Remedies can also be a huge part of frugality (saving you money on healthcare and medicines), what are some of yours? (Plus, they're really interesting!)
None, that I can think of. But...I do make my own espresso drink each morning vs going to Starbucks, which saves me $1200.00 a year, not to shabby

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
This isn't a home remedy either, but building on what Citizen Rules said, Hubby and I don't buy drinks when we go out to dinner, (anywhere from fast food like McDs, Burger King, etc. to upscale restaurants). We just order water, (not bottled water), and we bring flavor packets, (available at any supermarket, Walmart, Target, etc., and even some dollar stores), and make our own drinks.

We also keep a cooler in the car, and we bring our own drinks when we go out shopping so we don't have to buy drinks. We also bring our own snacks if we're going to be out most of the day. You would be surprised at how much money that saves us throughout the year.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Interesting thread.

One that springs to mind immediately on this board is movies. Where we are movies are a lot more exy than USA. couple that with parking it's a very $ adventure. I always say no to drinks, popcorn etc.It's cheaper to go to a restaurant than buy snacks if mr Dani is hungry. There's a sushi train right near the cinema. I tell him to go there rather than the daylight robbery at the cinema. I mean really, eat real food.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Make your own stock. Tastes much better than the package crap and if you make friends with your butcher you'll get bones, chook carcasses for next to nothing. Dead easy, and really nice to make on a lazy weekend for you northerners having a bitch of a winter.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
OK one more while I'm on a tight ass roll. Make your own morning tea and lunch to take to work. When Mr Dani worked for the last company I would send him off with a lunch box with a thermos of coffee, morning snack and lunch (yes I'm a good lil ole stepford wife). Now we have our own business he buys it because he thinks he looks like a dork taking a lunch box when working with clients. I do the books. Not counting treating clients to morning tea or lunch I hate to think what coffee, muffin and a sandwich tallies up to yearly. Not a biggy because we claim expenses, but it really adds up for those of you wanting to cut down on burning a hole in your pocket.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hey that's a frugal way of posting...a Totem Poll.

Do you know that term? on my old board people would talk about totem poll posting, that and 'sniping' a lot. Ahh, the good old days.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
LMAO. I looked up urban dickshonary and choked on tea at some of the explanations. Is that when I respond to myself rather than edit? I;m just lazy. Easier to just hit reply.

Legend in my own mind
Me and Mrs Sarge are total opposites when it comes to money.

She is very frugal and like to save and I am...

"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Trouble with a capital "T"
I remember one poster would commonly do 5 in a row, that was a super totem poll

It's funny how every board has it's on board-speak, and then if a person goes to another board they never heard the phrase. Sniping on my old board was very big. It was active enough that big threads would go into 1000 range post and people would call out 100 snipe, 200 snipe, etc...when ever they got to that point in the tread. Sometimes there would be stiff competition to make a big snipe like when the thread got to 999.

None of this is really frugal I know! So let's see, umm...I know:
Making your own pizza from scratch not only saves money but taste great

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Home made pizza YAY.

Back to sniping, I call sniper attack or slam dunk when someone gets pawned.

Back to home made pizza with anchovies.

On the subject of Home Remedies - I can't say enough about the preventative measures of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) and raw Garlic.

ACV (the kind with "the mother") is not cheap, but it's health benefits both internally & externally could equal a lot of long term savings. You're going to have to look up all the stuff it can do because it's too much to list here (but there are entire YouTube videos devoted to the stuff).

I love garlic - and it's cheap. Since I've been eating both raw and pickled garlic, I never seem to get sick (and if I feel something coming on I eat more of it and the feeling only lasts a day or two at most). It is a natural antibiotic and has different health properties whether pickled, cooked or raw. (Warning, if you go the raw route, best to chop it up and eat it with some honey, because it's "hot!")

I'm making a list of common "superfoods" (due to their super health properties) that can be incorporated into a diet in various ways and purchased at any supermarket:

Ginger root
Apple Cider Vinegar

When I make juice (I don't use an expensive juice machine, just an old blender) I include a little of each of these along with the main ingredients: Water, Apples, Pears, Grapes, Bananas, Oranges, Carrots, and any other fruit I have on hand.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Huge Huge fan of garlic and apple cider vinegar, and lemon and lime. Becareful drinking ACV and citrus though. I checked with my dentist about this. It can erode enamel very easily.

Bicarb - miracle worker.

Turmeric. I use it a lot. I don't believe the hype it prevents cancer, obviously, but it's a nifty little spice.
Olive oil extract. This has been sworn by a couple of people in my burb to help prevent man flu.

for juicing, I splashed out on a cold presser after years of burning out the old style. The cold pressed juice is so much better, and lasts longer. Doesnt get the nasty browny green froth.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
And ginger for an upset stomach, car sickness, or added to your morning juice for some zing. Gives a bigger hit than coffee.