Roy's 20th Century Movie reviews

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Trouble with a capital "T"
This film is known for its use of split-screens to convey simultaneous or consecutive actions of the men going off to rob the bank. It was highly praised at the time, and probably still is today by filmmakers, but I don't care for it.
Does anybody like split screens? I don't. They remind me of the late 60s-70s. I find them distracting.

I have not seen the movie but the plot...
He doesn't do the job himself, but instead assembles a crew of men that he never before met and each of them don't know the other.
...sounds like a lot Ocean's Eleven (1960)...It could be fun if not take seriously. Nice review, might have to watch that one someday.

Does anybody like split screens? I don't. They remind me of the late 60s-70s. I find them distracting.

Split Screens, in that manner, are scarce as it is. But they were lmore effective for the films prior to The Thomas Crown Affair, where McQueen or someone else suggested they use split screens after seeing the effect in another picture.

I have not seen the movie but the plot
sounds like a lot Ocean's Eleven (1960)...It could be fun if not take seriously. Nice review, might have to watch that one someday.
The difference in this movie is, they all never meet the head man. The do the job, leave the money, he collects it, and sends it to them. All anonymous. No names.

The no names, hidden identity for a big heist sounds like Kansas City Confidential (1952) an excellent film noir.
You review that one? I googled it and it looks interesting. Will have to add it to my queue.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yup, I did review it. It's in the MoFo review catalog. It was one of the nominations in the Film Noir Hof Part 2. I thought it was pretty darn good movie. It had some young, up and coming actors in it too.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Towering Inferno, very cool that you reviewed that! One of my all time favorite disaster movies. Irwin Allen was the man in the 70s. You mentioned The Poseidon Adventure I love that one too... and I seen it on the big screen, when if first came out as a kid. I seen Earthquake also, which is not in the same league of those first two.

The Towering Inferno, very cool that you reviewed that! One of my all time favorite disaster movies. Irwin Allen was the man in the 70s. You mentioned The Poseidon Adventure I love that one too... and I seen it on the big screen, when if first came out as a kid. I seen Earthquake also, which is not in the same league of those first two.
I was thinking the exact same thing about Earthquake. It's just not as convincing or intriguing as those two. Those are all the distaster movies I've seen. I never seen Airport. I figured since I already watched and loved the spoof Airplane, I probably wouldn't enjoy the other as much. Though the comedy version does have higher ratings!

Sometimes. I loved Pillow Talk-

I think that's different though. The split screen there is just like the one in When Harry Met Sally, when they're talking over the phone. I don't think split-screen is the right word actually for The Thomas Crown Affair opening scenes. It's more like each character (about five or six of them) are separated into boxes on the screen, not like the Brady Bunch intro. You'd have to see it to get what I mean. It just doesn't work for the film IMO.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was thinking the exact same thing about Earthquake. It's just not as convincing or intriguing as those two. Those are all the distaster movies I've seen. I never seen Airport. I figured since I already watched and loved the spoof Airplane, I probably wouldn't enjoy the other as much. Though the comedy version does have higher ratings!
Ugh! I hated Airplane, I did a review of it and every one got pissed that I dissed it

I watched all of the Airport movies, there are 4 of them and reviewed them too. A couple are worth watching, the first is pretty well done, the second one is like Airport on acid, and the last one is a snooze fest.

Ugh! I hated Airplane, I did a review of it and every one got pissed that I dissed it

I watched all of the Airport movies, there are 4 of them and reviewed them too. A couple are worth watching, the first is pretty well done, the second one is like Airport on acid, and the last one is a snooze fest.
It's It's not for everyone. I have the feeling you don't like The Naked Gun either, right?

Trouble with a capital "T"
I didn't see The Naked Gun...but Captain Steel told me about an outrageous disaster spoof movie, The Big Bus (1976) Did you ever see that one.

I didn't see The Naked Gun...but Captain Steel told me about an outrageous disaster spoof movie, The Big Bus (1976) Did you ever see that one.
Nope. It looks pretty crazy though. Ya never know, I might like it. And if you didn't like Airplane!, you probably wouldn't dig the Naked Gun anyways. It the same style of humor.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
that was a very well constructed review. Thoroughly enjoyed you getting "inside" this film, which, shamefully is one I still have not seen, though want to, very much.

This is also the first chance I've had to read one of your reviews and am very happy I did. Gonna hafta find the time to revisit.

BRAVO, roy!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

that was a very well constructed review. Thoroughly enjoyed you getting "inside" this film, which, shamefully is one I still have not seen, though want to, very much.

This is also the first chance I've had to read one of your reviews and am very happy I did. Gonna hafta find the time to revisit.

BRAVO, roy!!
Thanks edarsenal. From the looks of your favorited movies, you like a bunch of older films too. Check out the past five pages...I reviewed a number of films you might like.

Trouble with a capital "T"
@Roy C. Nope, I haven't seen it, I've heard about it though.

I've seen Ruth Gordon and she usually rocks her roll. Matt7652 really likes Harold and Maude. I didn't know it was about a kid and an old lady in a relationship, that sounds weird enough to work So I'll add it to my watchlist.

@Roy C. Nope, I haven't seen it, I've heard about it though.

I've seen Ruth Gordon and she usually rocks her roll. Matt7652 really likes Harold and Maude. I didn't know it was about a kid and an old lady in a relationship, that sounds weird enough to work So I'll add it to my watchlist.
Yes, definitely an oddball flick. I'll tag Matt to get him over Gotta love the new feature. @matt72582