
I've tried to tackle that countless times, I simply cannot do it... yet.

I just got called off of work, everyone. Someone give me a movie to watch.

A rule on the forum is every time someone posts an image or GIF from The US version of The Office, Swan must give them a rep.

Here you go.

That's the show I've probably revisited the most. It's my go to show when I'm way too tired to pay attention to anything else since I've watched it so much already. It's come to the point where I'll even occasionally put it on when I'm cleaning the house.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
That's the show I've probably revisited the most. It's my go to show when I'm way too tired to pay attention to anything else since I've watched it so much already. It's come to the point where I'll even occasionally put it on when I'm cleaning the house.
Yeah, I have gotten in the habit of going to sleep to it. I always pick an episode I want to watch then just let it play.

That's the show I've probably revisited the most. It's my go to show when I'm way too tired to pay attention to anything else since I've watched it so much already. It's come to the point where I'll even occasionally put it on when I'm cleaning the house.
Same here. I watch it a lot while I'm eating, too.

Master of My Domain
Out of all current mainstream artists out there, Imagine Dragons is probably the best.
Letterboxd Profile:

Master of My Domain
You mean those "Radioactive" guys?
Yeah, they're more tolerable than I thought.

I bought Casablanca. It better not disappoint me this time, losers.

Sean - I also got The Handmaiden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!