

It Can't Rain All The Time
how could anyone not like evanescence? i don't even understand how they were ever considered christian...whats so christian about them? yea, the say Christ in My Tourniquet....but...thats about it.....i mean....they're no Lacuna Coil (the greatest band ever) but....at least people are actually realizing that a girls voice can sound really good with rock....i guess you guys are all just sexist against the females in rock or something...or maybe you're just mad cuz evanescence made it on the radio and other bands didn't....honestly...can anyone give me a reason to say evanescence sucks....i can't think of any....and don't say it's just an opinion.....cuz u sure don't make it sound that way...."britanny spears can't sing for real"...now thats a fact...but "evanescence is so horrible wow how did they ever make it on the radio"....ok i can understand getting sick of songs cuz they get over played...but then....who's fault is that? you don't have to listen to the radio when the songs come on...if you don't wanna get sick of them then...switch the station...WOW what a concept......and... Origin (the old evanescence cd, just in case you didn't know that) is really good too.....tho it's pretty hard to come by these days....but theriouthly folkth......ask yourself...is it the band that you hate? (even tho none of you know anything about evanescence any way) or is it the FANS you hate?.....now i ain't sayin you should like evanescence...just sayin...look into stuff before you jump out and get all rude.....
i used to hate hip-hop...but after outkast and black eyed peas...its not SO bad anymore......
what ever happened to open minds anyway?...grrr...for real.....

"I liked Lacuna Coil before any of you did!"

anyone listen to Theatre of Tragedy??? you losers prolly have no clue.....

I don't like being an ass but, here's your head, buddy:

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
how could anyone not like evanescence?
Quite easily, I'm sure.

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
at least people are actually realizing that a girls voice can sound really good with rock
Ever heard of Janis Joplin.... how about Heart? They're girls but they don't sound like **** when they sing... just because Amy Lee (or whatever the hell her name is) is a girl doesn't mean you should use that in her defence. I think that for that, you're the sexist and you're demeaning all the other girls in rock that actually can sing.

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
you losers prolly have no clue.....
Thank you for calling us losers, when this is you're what, first, second post?

By the way, prolly isn't a word.

NOTE: This is not an insult to other people that like Evanecense, just a reply to this girls snotty post.

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Get off my island
Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
i guess you guys are all just sexist against the females in rock or something...or maybe you're just mad cuz evanescence made it on the radio and other bands didn't....honestly...can anyone give me a reason to say evanescence sucks....i can't think of any....and don't say it's just an opinion.....cuz u sure don't make it sound that way....

Um... No. I just plain don't like them. They are monotonous. They are boring. They are uninspiring and uninteresting. Of course, that's just my opinion.
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Originally Posted by Revenge of Mr M
Of course, that's just my opinion.

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
if you don't wanna get sick of them then...switch the station
You don't get sick of good music.

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
how could anyone not like evanescence? i don't even understand how they were ever considered christian...whats so christian about them? yea, the say Christ in My Tourniquet....but...thats about it.....i mean....they're no Lacuna Coil (the greatest band ever) but....at least people are actually realizing that a girls voice can sound really good with rock....i guess you guys are all just sexist against the females in rock or something...or maybe you're just mad cuz evanescence made it on the radio and other bands didn't....honestly...can anyone give me a reason to say evanescence sucks....i can't think of any....and don't say it's just an opinion.....cuz u sure don't make it sound that way...."britanny spears can't sing for real"...now thats a fact...but "evanescence is so horrible wow how did they ever make it on the radio"....ok i can understand getting sick of songs cuz they get over played...but then....who's fault is that? you don't have to listen to the radio when the songs come on...if you don't wanna get sick of them then...switch the station...WOW what a concept......and... Origin (the old evanescence cd, just in case you didn't know that) is really good too.....tho it's pretty hard to come by these days....but theriouthly folkth......ask yourself...is it the band that you hate? (even tho none of you know anything about evanescence any way) or is it the FANS you hate?.....now i ain't sayin you should like evanescence...just sayin...look into stuff before you jump out and get all rude.....
i used to hate hip-hop...but after outkast and black eyed peas...its not SO bad anymore......
what ever happened to open minds anyway?...grrr...for real.....

"I liked Lacuna Coil before any of you did!"

anyone listen to Theatre of Tragedy??? you losers prolly have no clue.....

A few things. I don't know who originally called the essence christian. There are some religious elements in some of their lyrics. Plus Ben Moody used to be part of a chirstian metal band and christian bookstores carried the evanescence album, until one of them dropped the f bomb in an interview.

Second: I don't think i'm sexist with my music. Here's a list of some of the female vocalists in bands I love:
The Gathering
Lacuna Coil
The Sins of Thy Beloved
Blackmore's Night
Arch Enemy
Faith and the Muse

And I could go on and on and on. And I think I know about evanescnece which you say none of us don't. I have their albums and I even saw them in concert and they were decent. they just aren't the band that does it for me. But I don't think anyone here is being sexist. And yes, Theatre of Tragedy is an awesome band. But nopt as awesome as nightwish, which owns you all!
"What you have lost will not be returned to you. It will always be lost. You're left with only your scars to mark the void. All you can choose to do is go on or not. But if you go on, it's knowing you carry your scars with you." -Charles Frazier

"I would kill someone in front of their own mama for a ten speed. And if anyone testifies against me I'll gouge their eyes out."

It Can't Rain All The Time
lol...yea...it is only about my....third post...but..hey...at least i'm not a nerd who posts every day right?
and yes....you do get sick of good songs.....i get sick of them all the time....
but ya know...you don't have to insult the whole band of evanescence just because YOU don't like them....
you can simply say...i don't like them.......and that would be perfectly fine...

and how am i sexist....i like lots of bands with male and female singers......all i was doing was suggesting what might have been your excuse for saying evanescence sucked......quit being so weird and don't just assume i'm being snotty.......oy....how old are all of you...your prolly all thirty year old guys who don't have girlfriends right?.....

okkk.....i need to go blast something angry......

Second: I don't think i'm sexist with my music. Here's a list of some of the female vocalists in bands I love:
The Gathering
Lacuna Coil
The Sins of Thy Beloved
Blackmore's Night
Arch Enemy
Faith and the Muse
i've only heard...lullacry.....lacuna coil obviously....nightwish....blackmore's night.....and i think the gathering...i'll look up the other ones though...since you like lacuna coil and nightwish then the other bands must be good too...hehe....

It Can't Rain All The Time
Originally Posted by Revenge of Mr M
Um... No. I just plain don't like them. They are monotonous. They are boring. They are uninspiring and uninteresting. Of course, that's just my opinion.

now THAT.....is a good reply.....THANK you for actually stating why you don't like and that its your opinion....for that...i give you my undying respect

It Can't Rain All The Time
Originally Posted by Garrett
I don't like being an ass but, here's your head, buddy:

Quite easily, I'm sure.

Ever heard of Janis Joplin.... how about Heart? They're girls but they don't sound like **** when they sing... just because Amy Lee (or whatever the hell her name is) is a girl doesn't mean you should use that in her defence. I think that for that, you're the sexist and you're demeaning all the other girls in rock that actually can sing.

Thank you for calling us losers, when this is you're what, first, second post?

By the way, prolly isn't a word.

NOTE: This is not an insult to other people that like Evanecense, just a reply to this girls snotty post.

i love your icon picture thingy!

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
lol...yea...it is only about my....third post...but..hey...at least i'm not a nerd who posts every day right?
You just insulted a lot of the best members here with that comment, and considering that your first posts were insulting people I don't think anyone gives a damn who you call a nerd. It's instinct for you, apparently.

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
and yes....you do get sick of good songs
No, no I don't.

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
but ya know...you don't have to insult the whole band of evanescence just because YOU don't like them....
I resorted to that because you insulted EVERYONE in this thread.

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
you can simply say...i don't like them.......and that would be perfectly fine...
That's what I did the first time and then you got on with your bitching and moaning.

The End. I won't even justify your next post with a response so don't waste your time.

It Can't Rain All The Time
That's what I did the first time and then you got on with your bitching and moaning.

well then i wasn't talking to you was i

It Can't Rain All The Time
You just insulted a lot of the best members here with that comment, and considering that your first posts were insulting people I don't think anyone gives a damn who you call a nerd. It's instinct for you, apparently.
well...it obviously offended you or you wouldn't be talking about it...andi only said that **** well...ya know...you started getting all "this is only ur first post" when it has nothing to do with it but ya know what actually..i erase everything i said ever.....what i wanna know is.....why you are even in here if you don't like evanescence ...get out...it's only pissing me off which is pissing you off too and nobody likes to be pissed off.....RAAARRREEEEOOOOOOWW cat fight

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
well then i wasn't talking to you was i
I know I said I wasn't going to justify your post with a response but screw that, I want to get a few things straight.

You really didn't clarify who your post was directed at.

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
well...it obviously offended you or you wouldn't be talking about it...andi only said that **** well...ya know...you started getting all "this is only ur first post" when it has nothing to do with it but ya know what actually..i erase everything i said ever.....what i wanna know is.....why you are even in here if you don't like evanescence ...get out...it's only pissing me off which is pissing you off too and nobody likes to be pissed off.....RAAARRREEEEOOOOOOWW cat fight
The "first post" stuff was relevant because it was only one of your very first posts where you flew off the handle and insulted everybody.

Why am I in here? To discuss evanescence, I suppose. This isn't a "worship evanescence thread" so both opinions are equally valid.

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
well...it obviously offended you or you wouldn't be talking about it...andi only said that **** well...ya know...you started getting all "this is only ur first post" when it has nothing to do with it but ya know what actually..i erase everything i said ever.....what i wanna know is.....why you are even in here if you don't like evanescence ...get out...it's only pissing me off which is pissing you off too and nobody likes to be pissed off.....RAAARRREEEEOOOOOOWW cat fight

Your remarks weren’t even aimed at me but I am still highly offended by them none the less… people have differing tastes in everything from music to food… and contrary to your apparent belief… they are allowed their opinions… without you accusing them of being losers, nerds, weird, old guys without girlfriends, stupid, etc…. Nor do you have the right to dictate who and who can not post in this forum…

I highly suggest you have a change of attitude… You owe everyone who has posted in this thread an apology… and I am only going to say this one time -- personal attacks are not tolerated in this forum.
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

It Can't Rain All The Time
You owe everyone who has posted in this thread an apology
sorry everyone

I have trouble taking offense from people who would that strongly defend a band like Evanescence.
You're not hopeless...

It Can't Rain All The Time
I have trouble taking offense from people who would that strongly defend a band like Evanescence.
whats that supposed to mean.....

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
whats that supposed to mean.....
It means Amy Lee needs to learn how to sing.

Originally Posted by BatGirl1415
whats that supposed to mean.....
It means he's poking fun at the intelligence of people who go to great lengths to defend evanescense.