Next MoFo Countdown?


What should the next Countdown be?
9 votes
General Top 100
17 votes
8 votes
3 votes
12 votes
Skip to 40s
49 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Hey guys, I know that we are still pretty early into the 50s Countdown, but I think now could be a good time to start planning the next one. I am making this thread because I am very interested to host a countdown. If there has already been arrangements made about who will host the next countdown that I'm not aware of, then I don't want to intrude, and I'll gladly wait my turn. I heard that Rodent might be wanting to do an actor countdown, and there is also Omni's Action Movie Countdown. Anyways, I just wanted to know what people would be interested in seeing a countdown in, assuming that no one else already has something planned. Thanks.

EDIT: It's not only limited to the options in the poll, those were just some ideas I had.
EDIT 2: You can pretty much ignore the poll.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nope, I would support you if you want to do the next Top 100 Countdown I don't have a specific suggestion, but look at what has already been done and then try to think of what will be the most popular with the majority of MoFos.

The MoFo Horror Countdown wasn't the same as the ones we do now though. I'm with us not doing it but just saying that it was a quick, small send me a PM within the week kind of thing.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Oh, I didn't see you had a poll. I think we should as a group consider all options.

General Top 100 (I'm not sure what that would be?)
Sci-Fi (I like it)
Comedy (OK)
Westerns ( I like it, not sure if that will go over big)
Skip to 40s (yeah maybe)

How about Musicals?

Woody Allen is a pedophille
Sorry, i know it was me who suggested the poll Nope but i actually think that would've been better when we all cut it down to two or something.
Yeah, I added in the first post that the poll is just some ideas that I had. I wish I could edit it, but I don't think I can.