Silent Film Era Hall of Fame


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Diary of a Lost Girl has that bald giant and Hitler-like domina!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I just want to let you guys know something.

Something very unexpected came up last night and I have to focus on that for awhile right now. So I won't be around for a little while. Although, I do hope to try to be able to get back into things by early next week.

Anyway, I don't want you to think I am abandoning this HoF , but I do want to let you know that I will be "missing" for awhile. It is just that this other thing that I have to deal with is far more important.

Besides, it isn't like any of my movies have arrived at the library yet, anyway.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Hope everything is ok SV. I won't be starting on this for awhile probably anyways. No worries SV, hope everything is ok. We'll be here...and we have plenty of time. No worries Vamp

Care for some gopher?
Sherlock jr. (Buster Keaton, 1924) -

Like i said, i've seen this movie before. I don't know why i didn't like it as much back then as i did this time. I still think it needs some time to get going but from the point Buster begins to dream the movie is hilarious throughout. And there are a lot of great stunts too. Some of them are still mindblowing today.
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

Trouble with a capital "T"
This is an excerpt from my review of Sherlock Jr. which I seen awhile ago. Notice the photo of an old silent movie theater with Buster on the screen, now look lower and there's the orchestra pit providing live music for the film. I thought that pic was cool.

Buster Keaton is great! The man could convey so much emotion to us just by a look on his face. I loved the part where he gives a ring to his girl and it's tiny! She's not impressed either, but then Keaton takes a magnifying glass out of his pocket so that the ring will look big to his girl..that was funny!

Most of the films brilliance isn't in humor, but in creativity. Shortly into the film Buster who's a film projections falls asleep and dreams he's in the film that he's been watching on the screen. That's when Sherlock Jr becomes Buster is chased, he quickly goes from the city, to the country, then to the jungle, all done seamlessly. The film is quite a technical feat. There's some crazy stunts including one where a huge amount of water pours onto poor Buster.

Besides being a talented actor, Buster Keaton was a skilled director who took great care in creating this 45 minute long movie. After 91 years, Sherlock Jr is still a treat to watch.

Care for some gopher?
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans (F.W. Murnau, 1927) -

Only two films in but this is most probably going to be my favourite movie of this Hall of Fame. I should have watched this last because now i expect every other movie to pale in comparison. The story itself is a powerful dramatic love story, especially in the first half and last quarter. The third quarter is quite less interesting but since the movie manages to get up on its feet again, it's only a minor complaint. In terms of acting, Janet Gaynor is the strongest. I was quite baffled with how little she can accomplish so much. A very subtle, powerful performance! But the best part of this movie is the cinematography and direction by Murnau himself. Not only from an artistic but also from a technical point of view. The movement of the camera, the overlapping images and the beautiful composition are all masterfully done. I guess, i have a new favourite silent film. Well done, Mr. Murnau!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nice write up of Sunrise, Max. I've seen Janet Gaynor in sound movies before but never in a silent. I didn't know her career went back to silent films. It should be a treat to see her in Sunrise.

How well watched are you guys in silent films? I've seen no more than 50 and mostly Clara Bow films because I once bought most all of her surviving films on a DVD set.

Care for some gopher?
Nice write up of Sunrise, Max. I've seen Janet Gaynor in sound movies before but never in a silent. I didn't know her career went back to silent films. It should be a treat to see her in Sunrise.

How well watched are you guys in silent films? I've seen no more than 50 and mostly Clara Bow films because I once bought most all of her surviving films on a DVD set.
Thank you!

I haven't seen many silent films. Around 40 feature films including 11 from Buster Keaton.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Thank you!

I haven't seen many silent films. Around 40 feature films including 11 from Buster Keaton.
Have you seen Keaton's Our Hospitality? That came on the DVD I watched Sherlock Jr on.I thought Our Hospitality was really well done and funny. I was thinking about nominating it.

Care for some gopher?
Yeah, i've seen Our Hospitality. Wasn't a huge fan, though.


wow...Im not sure im happy or sad that this is the first silent film i start with..Happy because i absolutely loved it - Sad because,well,is it downhill from here?

Having only seen one silent movie before,a million years ago,i dont have much to compare it to. The acting is such as I imagined in older movies.Its alot longer than expected it to though,and it could easily have been trimmed down to modern days standard.
That being said i really loved it; The old beggarwoman was a great villain,The Henriette&chevalier/Louise&Pierre lovestories were wonderful and different enough for it not to feel repetitive.Oh, and such a feisty main character!Loved that! She was ready to take on the guards with her umbrella
There was a shot of two girls coming out of the carriage with big hats and full on costumes that i really loved-i think they were dancing later on in the movie.
Some of the scenes i really loved were when the beggarwoman threw Louise down in the cellar,Pierre finally having the guts to stand up for her,the crowd reactions at the trials,when the countess finally told her husband about her past,Chevalier saving Henriette at the party and Pierres reaction to Henriettes soon to be execution (acting wise that was my favourite moment)
but my favooourite was Chevalier proposing to Henriette and after being turned down sees that she still loves him. His excitement was adorable,lifting her up and running back and forth to kiss her. i loved that part.
I loved the whole story really,so apart from some excessive footage i dont really have any complaints about this whatsoever/well i would have loved to see a wedding at the end.Really happy to have seen this and excited to see what the rest of this HoF brings!

Britney is my favorite