Most Overrated Movies


But you still love it despite the faults. That's not to say that you're blind to them, but that you accept them.
"Despite" is a finicky word. I don't accept them, I still wish they weren't there.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Wishing they weren't there isn't the same as not accepting them. I'd also point out that, sometimes, it's the 'imperfections' which make us love it as we do.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Wishing they weren't there isn't the same as not accepting them.
I certainly won't say "I accept them".

I'd also point out that, sometimes, it's the 'imperfections' which make us love it as we do.
Sometimes, but not overwhelmingly.

Please hold your applause till after the me.
I know this is an oft asked question for many films in threads like this, but is The Dark Knight Rises really overrated?
I actually really liked the Dark Knight Rises, but I thought the ending was stupid.

I know this is an oft asked question for many films in threads like this, but is The Dark Knight Rises really overrated?
Yes. It gets lumped in with other movies that it is dissimilar to, yet it is hailed as a grand opus for a genre.

I know this is an oft asked question for many films in threads like this, but is The Dark Knight Rises really overrated?
I mean, at the time I definitely really enjoyed it. However after really getting to reflect upon the movie and rewatching the first 2 parts of the trilogy you see it really doesn't hold up.

Choices I disagree with the most:

I love that film. Can't see how anyone would think it is overrated.

Boogie Nights
Eyes Wide Shut
Two of the greatest films of the '90s.

Citizen Kane. Haven't seen it, but I can't imagine a world where anything lives up to that level of hype.
Yeah, you obviously haven't seen it.

Brilliant picture.

Cowboy Bebop (1998)
I get that it's an anime series that especially plays to western audiences, but I'm simply in love with it.

Taxi Driver

Oh God, no. You desperately need to improve your cinematic instincts.

Classic Gunslinger. One of the few things he's wrong about.

Barton Fink
There Will be Blood
Hateful Eight
Inherent Vice
Punch Drunk Love
Strongly disagree with all of these.

Lawrence of Arabia, I think Bosley Crowther's review sums it up perfectly.
No, it doesn't. The review leaves out a lot of the film's cinematic and thematic richness.

I'm fine with this film being considered (one of) the best film(s) ever made. It's an indisputable masterpiece for me.

I think an ambitious epic film with complex and interesting events and characters like Gone With the Wind is one of the unfortunate things that's missing in modern cinema today. I don't think it's an overrated film, because it's one of the best of its kind ever made.
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I know this is an oft asked question for many films in threads like this, but is The Dark Knight Rises really overrated?
I thought I was the only person that liked it.

I thought I was the only person that liked it.
I definitely liked The Dark Knight Rises! It just doesn't live up to what it should have been and people make it out as if it is.

Originally Posted by honeykid
I know this is an oft asked question for many films in threads like this, but is The Dark Knight Rises really overrated?

Originally Posted by Cobpyth
Yeah, you obviously haven't seen it.
Still no ****ing way it's perfect/best movie ever made.

Originally Posted by Cobpyth
Yes. And I'll summarize why for each one:

Taxi Driver: Inconsequential setup and nonsensical character motivations.
2001: 45 minutes of white noise.
Eraserhead: Nobody gets it, they pretend to get it, but they don't get it. It's just unpleasant.

Originally Posted by Cobpyth
Oh God, no. You desperately need to improve your cinematic instincts.
My instinct was to turn it off since it was boring for the first 10 minutes, but I haven't finished it. I only mention it because like Citizen Kane and even Star Wars it's been elevated to pedestal no movie could ever conceivably reach.

Originally Posted by Cobpyth
Classic Gunslinger. One of the few things he's wrong about.
Pulp Fiction was pretty bogus too. I'd say most of Tarantino's hits are.

Originally Posted by Cobpyth
Strongly disagree with all of these.
Fargo was dull.

Originally Posted by seanc
I wouldn't have pegged you as a romantic Omnizoa.

Are you agreeing with me or not, Omnizoa? I don't think anyone rates The Dark Knight Rises, let alone overrates it, other than fanboys and that video does nothing to dissuade me of that.

Aside from it being in the IMDB Top 50 (Nolan hardon, much?), it's not overrated.

My take on "overrated" and "underrated" films is that there's no such thing. Saying something is overrated is just pseudo-fancy way of saying 'I don't like it as much as others do'.

I thought I was the only person that liked it.
The Dark Knight Rises is awesome! Nolan is a beast
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Originally Posted by honeykid
Are you agreeing with me or not, Omnizoa? I don't think anyone rates The Dark Knight Rises, let alone overrates it, other than fanboys and that video does nothing to dissuade me of that.
Well, in THAT case...

Originally Posted by Statulis
My take on "overrated" and "underrated" films is that there's no such thing. Saying something is overrated is just pseudo-fancy way of saying 'I don't like it as much as others do'.
Presented OBJECTIVELY, it's called "overrated".

Originally Posted by Derek Vinyard
The Dark Knight Rises is awesome! Nolan is a beast
I thought it was kinda fun, but otherwise gotta disagree with ya there, Derek. The plot is an utter mess and yet people hailed it as "better than The Dark Knight" when it doesn't even reach Batman Begins levels.