Movies That Feed Your Ego


There are many movies that make you feel as if you're the main character. Hyping your ego up as you relate to the similarities but then throwing lies in the mix and confusing you.

One of the lies prevalent in movies today are the story of jesus in movies. The main character is usually subliminally targeting your subconscious into thinking that:

1. you are G-d
2. G-d is a human
3. jesus is G-d
4. You should sacrifice yourself and not fear death because you will be resurrected.

This is idolatrous thinking and really, humans aren't G-d. This is what the serpent wants you to believe...

Humble yourselves down to the true Creator of everything. Love you all.

For G-d doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

This relates to my theory of the whole Zombie craze.
Why are zombie movies & shows so popular? Here's the reason (bare with me now...) and it has a lot to do with ego.

Secretly, we all want to pummel another human being's head in. Don't deny it. At some point we all want to do this. We suppress that desire, but it is still in our genes. Our cave ancestors did this and we still do it, but in more high tech ways (with bullets & bombs). We circumvent individual responsibility by shunting it to non-existent entities (called nations) that carry out the same basic act in the form of "wars."

For most of us, we've been socialized and/or we fear the laws set in place against bashing people's brains in.

But the zombie craze feeds this inherent desire and puts it in a morally ambiguous setting. Zombies provide all the fantasy fulfillment of carnal homicidal lust without any question of legality, morals or ethics. Deep down we love fantasizing about being in the zombie apocalypse because we really want to bash some heads in without any guilt or responsibility.

Leviticus would probably say zombies represent body and genital worship. Because the zombies don't go on to the afterlife -- they stay as bodies forever. Bodies that carry around their zombie genitals. They refuse to let their genitals die. Am I right?
Yes. My other theory on zombies (take the ones on Walking Dead for instance) - after some time, many should just be dropping. Remember, you have to destroy the brain. Brains are soft tissue and will rot away quickly without certain necessities: Oxygen (via the blood & respiratory system), water, food and sleep. Now for all these zombies we see trapped (i.e. they have no access to water & no food), their brains will soon dry up, disconnect from their spinal column and rot away, or be even more quickly eaten away by bugs.

Zombies represent the humans nowadays that walk around mindless (satan followers). They want nothing more than to kill the living (G-d's followers). Notice that you'll hear that zombies like eating brains. This is equivalent to them hating intelligence or people that worship truth.

In the old testament, you know what G-d tells you to do when people are acting stupid? We go to war with them and kill their ass.

In the new testament, guess what jesus teaches? That we should love and accept our oppressors. Forgive the people that want to crucify us...

Zombies represent the humans nowadays that walk around mindless (satan followers). They want nothing more than to kill the living (G-d's followers). Notice that you'll hear that zombies like eating brains. This is equivalent to them hating intelligence or people that worship truth.

In the old testament, you know what G-d tells you to do when people are acting stupid? We go to war with them and kill their ass.

In the new testament, guess what jesus teaches? That we should love and accept our oppressors. Forgive the people that want to crucify us...
So zombies represent people on Smart Phones! Destroy the Smart Phone and you kill the zombie (but in this case the artificial brain is destroyed and the human one regains control).

So now we know - when shooting, aim for the Smart Phone!

So do you think homosexuals should all be killed?
You know, I have a cousin that's homosexual and my brother is bisexual. I want to kill them in the sense that I want to teach them the right way to live.... Destroy their homosexuality but not them.

But you know what else... My cousin is a gay high end escort making a lot of money to have sex. He claims to me that he has many friends and can travel many places. And yet you know what else he told me? He's not happy and ended up on a bridge about to commit suicide.

I've seen and hear about a lot of instances also where glbt people are just not happy in their lives and are on the brink of suicide.

We've all done stupid **** in our lives imo... The trick is to repent and live righteously after we learn from our mistakes...

So do you think homosexuals should all be killed?
**Waves at SC** Great to see ya after all these years, man! Our new friend believes in a literal interpretation of the old testament, so yes, I'm sure he thinks that gays should be stoned to death. This should also apply to children who curse their parents, those who work on Saturday, and disobedient boys, to name a few.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

Well, that wasn't really a horrible answer from Leviticus about homosexuals. He doesn't outright wanna kill all gays. He's concerned for his gay family members, especially since the one is unhappy and suicidal. He feels his homosexuality is to blame for that. That it's like a curse. Being gay has cursed them.

**Waves at SC** Great to see ya after all these years, man! Our new friend believes in a literal interpretation of the old testament, so yes, I'm sure he thinks that gays should be stoned to death. This should also apply to children who curse their parents, those who work on Saturday, and disobedient boys, to name a few.
Firegod... Yeah it does sound cruel but you know what? The Lord instructs only truth. The reason we were to kill transgressors is because they spread life wildfire if not tended to.... Now the old testament talks about G-d giving many chances before he actually kills someone but the problem is that some people just hate G-d so much that they are willing to live their life trying to destroy him. They'll go as far as to get other people on their side. Once this is a problem, like it is today, no one will know who G-d is and the world will be in turmoil.... Which it is.

Originally Posted by Leviticus
I want to kill them in the sense that I want to teach them the right way to live...
Dear Leviticus,

I'm worried. I think I have an unhealthy obsession with the movie West Side Story. Every time I watch it and I see the boys in tight pants dancing, it gives me an angry erection and I find myself compulsively posting about it on Movie Forums. I feel like I may be drifting away from G-d!

What should I do?

Dear Leviticus,

I'm worried. I think I have an unhealthy obsession with the movie West Side Story. Every time I watch it and I see the boys in tight pants dancing, it gives me an angry erection and I find myself compulsively posting about it on Movie Forums. I feel like I may be drifting away from G-d!

What should I do?
You should check out 300. You'd love it!

You should check out 300. You'd love it!
That's not helping, Swan, I'm seriously freaking out here. I could go to hell this.
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This relates to my theory of the whole Zombie craze.
Why are zombie movies & shows so popular? Here's the reason (bare with me now...) and it has a lot to do with ego.

Secretly, we all want to pummel another human being's head in. Don't deny it. At some point we all want to do this. We suppress that desire, but it is still in our genes. Our cave ancestors did this and we still do it, but in more high tech ways (with bullets & bombs). We circumvent individual responsibility by shunting it to non-existent entities (called nations) that carry out the same basic act in the form of "wars."

For most of us, we've been socialized and/or we fear the laws set in place against bashing people's brains in.

But the zombie craze feeds this inherent desire and puts it in a morally ambiguous setting. Zombies provide all the fantasy fulfillment of carnal homicidal lust without any question of legality, morals or ethics. Deep down we love fantasizing about being in the zombie apocalypse because we really want to bash some heads in without any guilt or responsibility.
That's one theory, but not for me, but if I could get away with it, I wouldn't mind putting a "hit" on someone who is destructive to humanity.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's one theory, but not for me, but if I could get away with it, I wouldn't mind putting a "hit" on someone who is destructive to humanity.
Would that person be a politician by any chance?

Hey, I'm not gonna tell you you can't talk about this stuff, because you're not breaking rules, you're being polite, etc. Rock on and all that. But I would, at least, strongly encourage you not to start a couple of threads a day that seem to be about different topics, but actually just end up being about the same thing every time. Thanks.