Movie You're Watching Tonight


- First time watching this movie! Should be good
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Tonight I'm planning to watch God Father-1.
I'm a Bollywood-loving guy

I am watching the last Point Break but I am a bit disappointed : the action scenes are astonishing but the story and dialogues are so predictable..

Greatest reviewer alive

If not for the interesting turn of events in the third act, this would've been a 3.5/5. Now a 4. Wonderfully acted, and directed might I add, but some scenes are either too melodramatic, or just too drab. One of the two. No true complaints considering each drab moment is heavily outweighed by the compelling one's. God bless Haneke. On to renting Cache now.

I switch a movie for a serie, I began "Sense 8" on Netflix and it is so original therefore I will continue and finish it soon

the crouching tiger hidden dragon - sword of destiny