Hello :)


My name is Victoria.I'm a bit lost,hopefully I am posting in the right place.

Oh I love movies.I think sometimes ni should get a life but nope,lol
Trying to familiarise myself with the forum.
Thank you

Welcome here Victoria and have fun!!!
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Oh I love movies.I think sometimes ni should get a life but nope,lol
Trying to familiarise myself with the forum.
Thank you

The forum is slow right now, but that's normal for this time of night (or day, depending on where you live). It will pick up in a few hours, and there will be plenty of people here to talk to, and they love to talk about movies.

You can spend the slow time browsing through the forum and posting to the threads that you find interesting. There's plenty to do here, even when it's slow. There are movie reviews, favorites lists by many members, threads about upcoming movies, help threads for people trying to find names of movies they can't remember, games, and even some threads about other stuff, like TV, music, sports, politics, etc.

Just find what you like and start posting, and when it gets busy later, people will respond. Everyone here is very friendly, and we love new members.

Thank you Derek.

Gbgoodies,I have found some interesting threads.

Thank you,Mystique.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Hi Victoria, welcome to the friendliest board on the internet! We're always happy to get new members Tell us a bit about yourself and what kind of movies you like. Victoria48...does the 48 mean you're 48 or does it have another meaning?

I hope you'll enjoy the site and join in on the fun!

Yoda,The Sci-Fi Slob,thank you.

Citizen Rules,thank you and yes,the 48 is my age.

I am a mom of 2 kids,a boy 25 ,who is allreaady out on his own since he was 20 ,and a girl,17,getting (hopefylly) ready for coollege in September.
I have been married for 29 years.I don't know how ,lol but I've managed it.
I'm a secretary,i love movies,any kind really,I do stay away from cheesy romance ,reading,among other things like glass art ,draawing.and I live in Canada.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Victoria, we have a few Canadians here on the board. I'm sure they will be pleased to see another has joined I'm in the west coast of the USA, Washington state. We have people from all over the world here! You'll be surprised at how diverse this board is, which is a good thing!

Many people here are younger teens to 20s. I'm happy to see a new member join who's a bit older than that. I'm a few years older than you (just a few years older)...we do have some members in their 40s-50s and it's good to get another

So what type of movies do you like? Favorites? Seen anything good lately?

Welcome I to just found this place and I can't wait to discuss Car parts

Seeingisbelieving thanks,and thanks for the song being stuck in my head,lol

I'm sure there are others just as excited.

Citizen Rule,I will be the old woman in the shoe with all the kids
I love horror,horror that you check if your doors and windows are locked.almost all movies.

Latest ones I liked:
Tha Danish Girl
The Little Death

Hi Victoria. Welcome to the madness that is Movie Forums.
“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson