Mall Brats


Kevin Smith confirmed to start shooting in January, and confirmed original casts are
Shannon Dorhety, Micheal Rooker (Merle Dixon) , Of Course Jay and Silent bob, Jason Lee back as Brodie, and JT London as T.S. Quint. .. To me Brodie is one of the best characters..

I wonder if Afleck will make a quick appearance

Welcome to the human race...
I don't hold out much hope of this being any good, but chances are I'll go see it anyway.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I would rather see Clerks 3.

After I watch Clerks 1.
You probably know already, but he is planning on making Clerks 3 after this one.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"
It's no longer going to be a movie, but rather a ten-episode series because Universal owns the right to the name Mallrats. Universal and Smith agreed to turn the sequel into a series and that Smith's daughter Harley will play the daughter of Jason Lee's character. The original cast has agreed to return for the series, which brings hope. Smith is currently shopping for a place to have the series air. Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, and Showtime are contenders.