Cole's 40 Favorite Mainstream Movies.

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I have to return some videotapes.

Worst Picture
"Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas" - WINNER

Worst Actor
Kirk Cameron, "Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas" - WINNER

Worst Screenplay
"Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas," written by Darren Doane and Cheston Hervey - WINNER

Worst Screen Combo
Kirk Cameron and his ego, "Kirk Cameron's Saving Christmas" - WINNER

I have to return some videotapes.
1 American Psycho
2 Pulp Fiction
3 No Country for Old Men
4 The Graduate
5 Reservoir Dogs
6 Gone Girl
7 Fargo
8 Se7en
9 Drive
10 Taxi Driver
11 American Beauty
12 Shutter Island
13 The Dark Knight
14 Moneyball
15 The Wolf of Wall Street
16 Nightcrawler
17 Goodfellas
18 Forrest Gump
19 The Departed
20 Office Space
21 Fight Club
22 Star Wars Ep. V
23 Zodiac
24 The Hangover
25 The Social Network
26 The Town
27 Scream
28 Airplane!
29 The Fighter
30 Die Hard
31 Star Wars: IV
32 Dawn of The Dead
33 Shawshank Redemption
34 Toy Story
35 Fracture
36 Batman Begins
37 Star Wars: VI
38 Django Unchained
39 The Fugitive
40 Jaws/Prisoners/Blazing Saddles

Lots of great films here. Ironically though, I still have yet to see American Psycho in full. I'm pretty sure the blu-ray is around somewhere, I really should get around to watching it!

Great job Cole!

1 American Psycho*

2 Pulp Fiction*

3 No Country for Old Men*

4 The Graduate*

5 Reservoir Dogs*

6 Gone Girl*

7 Fargo*

8 Se7en*

9 Drive*

10 Taxi Driver*

11 American Beauty*

12 Shutter Island

13 The Dark Knight*

14 Moneyball*

15 The Wolf of Wall Street*

16 Nightcrawler*

17 Goodfellas*

18 Forrest Gump*

19 The Departed*

20 Office Space N/A
21 Fight Club*

22 Star Wars Ep. V*

23 Zodiac*

24 The Hangover*

25 The Social Network*

26 The Town*

27 Scream

28 Airplane!*

29 The Fighter N/A
30 Die Hard*

31 Star Wars: IV*

32 Dawn of The Dead*

33 Shawshank Redemption*

34 Toy Story

35 Fracture N/A
36 Batman Begins*

37 Star Wars: VI*

38 Django Unchained*

39 The Fugitive

40 Jaws/Prisoners/Blazing Saddles*

I have to return some videotapes.
Wow looks like I got a lot of hits with you. I'm guessing the * are for all the movies you love?

I have to return some videotapes.
Oh Christian Bale was awesome in that movie. This was one of the best scenes.

Love that scene.

"Why are there copies of the styles section all over the place? You have a dog, a little chow or something hahah? No. Is that a raincoat? Yes it is!"