How many new movies do you watch per year?


Registered User
New movies, as in new releases, not just movies that you haven't seen before.

And just for curiosity - what would you say your ratio of new releases to older movies or rewatches is.

For example - if you watch 1 new release for every 3 older movies, your ratio would be 1/3.

in 2013 I watched about 500 films.
2014 about 300

in the name of research.

nearly all of them were older films. I've slowed down a lot on the classics now, I watch an occasional new release but my research is over.
Now I focus on my writing and film making.

Registered User
20 ratio I would say 10 old ones for each new one.

I don't understand the general obsession people have with stuff made very recently.
It's easier to find people to talk to about it if it's recent.

If I only watched movies from the 1930s for example, I wouldn't have anyone to talk to about it (offline anyway) other than maybe my great grandpa; but if I watch a new movie then I could literally just run into people on the streets and strike up a conversation about it.

So I try to strike a balance and make sure I'm staying current.

New movies - around 25 per year, old movies - 130
Hiranjgarbh Missier Bainath Maharaj

I found freedom. Losing all hope was freedom.
I'd say my ratio is about 1 new movie to 4 old ones, not including the movies I re-watch on Blu-ray.

wanabe movie critique
One every month so, thats 12 yearly.

Few only, because I am tired of the reminders of Hell and of all the bad subconscious codes that are placed in the movies.
Unusual spiritual e-books

Let the night air cool you off
Few only, because I am tired of the reminders of Hell and of all the bad subconscious codes that are placed in the movies.
You don't need to watch a movie for that, buddy.

Registered User
Few only, because I am tired of the reminders of Hell and of all the bad subconscious codes that are placed in the movies.

Few only, because I am tired of the reminders of Hell and of all the bad subconscious codes that are placed in the movies.

Registered User
On a serious note I'm a little concerned for Volkodav after reading his other posts.

Sounds like he's obsessed with this "conspiracy" he believes to be in movies.