2014 Box Office Challenge III


Chappie doesn't like the real world
Oh, good grief. I don't remember who I bombed this time, but you're welcome.

You guys are going to have to start bribing me to bomb you. You can start now. I like chocolate. And puppies.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Oh, good grief. I don't remember who I bombed this time, but you're welcome.

You guys are going to have to start bribing me to bomb you. You can start now. I like chocolate. And puppies.
Don't worry it won't come anywhere near my Lucy bomb.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Yeah, but this is two out of three times now.

I read an article online predicting it would tank and cited a bunch of sequels that came too late that had tanked. It said no one wanted to see a fifty-year old Jim Carrey do this schtick any longer.

That sounded reasonable to me.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I really didn't expect it to win a weekend, that's for sure. The comedy budget scared me away from using it as a bomb though. Hunger Games opens next week, so it should see a huge drop.

Yeah, but this is two out of three times now.

I read an article online predicting it would tank and cited a bunch of sequels that came too late that had tanked. It said no one wanted to see a fifty-year old Jim Carrey do this schtick any longer.

That sounded reasonable to me.
It would have been a hat trick if I had not picked the Purge 2 as one of my movies.

What's the budget for the D&D sequel? I stayed away from it because I didn't want to find out it was huge. Interstellar's budget is a lot less than I was expecting, too. I thought it'd be $200m at least. I did think it'd hinge on the worldwide market, though, so I seem to've got that guess right.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Wow. Had I known it was that little I might've given it a go. I thought it'd be $40m-$50m. I thought it might do around $100m if it did poorly, which would mean it'd be break even or a small profit.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Week 8:


To no one's surprise, Mockingjay kicked some major box office tail. We all picked it, but it should be fun to see just how high it can get. Interstellar and Big Hero 6 are in okay shape, but neither is going to set the world on fire. Gone Girl is the biggest surprise of this round so far for me . It was in the mix for fifth choice for me. I wish I would have pulled the trigger.

Box office is updated in second post. New leader board next week.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Wow. Had I known it was that little I might've given it a go. I thought it'd be $40m-$50m. I thought it might do around $100m if it did poorly, which would mean it'd be break even or a small profit.
BTW HK, that budget I found was incorrect. The budget will be $70mil for our purposes. Still will be profitable, but not as.

Ah, that sounds more like it. I don't feel quite so bad now.

Not surprised by Interstellar. As I said, I think it'll be down to its international box office as I didn't see it doing more than $200m tops in the US. Not sure how much more it has internationally, though. $400m would be great for it and it looks like it'll pass that. That, in addition to it being (a lot) cheaper than I thought to make. Maybe I made a mistake? We'll see.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Ah, that sounds more like it. I don't feel quite so bad now.

Not surprised by Interstellar. As I said, I think it'll be down to its international box office as I didn't see it doing more than $200m tops in the US. Not sure how much more it has internationally, though. $400m would be great for it and it looks like it'll pass that. That, in addition to it being (a lot) cheaper than I thought to make. Maybe I made a mistake? We'll see.
Yeah, its already at $450 international. May not be doing as good as it wants here, but it is killing worldwide.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Week 9:


Hunger Games continues its domination and thus benefits every single one of us. The animation movies of the season may end up hurting a lot of us. They are plugging along slowly though, so maybe they can get into the black.

Updated leader board in the second post. Lots of movement but also a very long way to go. Teeter is the new leader. She is bound to win one of these as she has fared very well each time.

One note. Foxcatcher has no production budget and is in limited release at the moment. For the three of you that have an interest in that, I updated the gross but did not add those numbers one way or the other for the time being.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
My greatest regret is choosing the penguin movie over Interstellar.
Mine is going to be not choosing Gone Girl over it. Those were the two I was going between for #5.

I can't believe Gone Girl has gone over so well. I was hoping for a better international opening for Horrible Bosses 2, as well. Interstellar continues to do as expected in the US while just romping away overseas. I thought it'd be the make or break choice for me and so it appears.