Biggest Nob


In Predator 2 there are some dead bodies hanging from the ceiling and when one of them slowly turns there's his nob.
I remember 'cause I was watching it with my friend (female) and we both at the same time said, she said Heeey! and I said What the ??? And we looked at each other and I said "they never show that on tv" and she said, "it's not tv, it's cable, I have cable" and I said "but still, they never show that in the movies" and she said I know in a disappointed tone of voice.
So I know there's one in there. Hahaha~

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Richard Pryor in History of the World. Its during the Eunch scene. Once you see the feathers rise, the Guard says something like "The Shig is up!!" and Pryor says, "..and Gone!!". He turns around to run, while he's running he turns his body partially to the side to look behind him, then BAM! his wang pops out in the bottom of the screen and flaps up and down. Hilarious. I don't think many people have ever noticed this though. My friend taped it off of Comedy Central and then noticed it.
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

Registered User
The History of the World - Part One (Mel Brooks 1981) is the film and it isn't Pryor, OG, it's Gregory Hines. If it is a sighting, it is very fleeting!

HOTWPO does contain one of my all time favourite high/low gags: Brooks in ancient Rome meets Oedipus Rex(Ex) begging in the street. Although aparantly blind, Oedipus greets his friend with a grin and they high-five!

"How you doing, motherf***er!" Cries Brooks and jaunts along on his way. Hillarious.

Sunfrog! Even I am not interested in DEAD willies...

As Kenneth Conner might have said: "Per-leeeeese!"

All Men Leak...

Registered User
What a cool thread - I wish I'd got on it earlier, but

a) I thought that you were referring to idiots, not actually penises, and I wasn't really that interested.
b) I was engrossed in the Batman v Superman thread.

Anyway, lots of quoting coming up () so all you lucky people can have my opinion on each and every topic raised () in this thread. I know you can't wait.

First off, Mark Wahlberg. Fake or not, in Boogie Nights I was impressed, and I play rugby - I've seen some big schlongs.

Daisy, if your ONLY purpose on this site is to discuss sexually related material, then perhaps you should go elsewhere.
My house.

Oh, and I'm virtually sure it's spelled "knob."
I think you are right with this one TWT.

I'd like to add, however, that there are ways around this.
If there was demand for "adult" discussion, you could always have a password protected forum. Bring on Jenna Jameson!

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go rant to a friend about homosexuals, and throw darts at a picture of Bill Clinton...that is, after I yell at homeless people for being lazy/drunk.
See you out there! You bring the bibles, I'll bring the guns - for those that refuse to be converted. It'll be like the Crusades all over again!

here are some good penis one-liners
What did the leper say to the prostitute? Keep the tip...

I'd also like to add that I'm more lenient than a lot of forum owners. I've been personally insulted (virtually unprovoked), and I've still allowed threads to remain open. You don't need official authorization, but I do expect some common sense, and courtesy.
Agreed. I don't put up with as much crap as you do TWT on my forum, and very few others do. You manage to balance your extreme religious-right white-separatist New-World-Order conspiracy-believing UN-hating views with a tinge of tolerance and liberalism.

hey, if you dig the puns, thank daisy, she gave me the idea. i'll dig up some more later. by the way, i intentionally avoided wild things, because this kid told me they showed kevin bacon's wang, and it's the most disgusting scene in the whole movie. call me immature, but that would definitely ruin the film for me.
This guy didn't mention what's-her-name's breasts, then, and the snogs with Neve Campbell. Hell, I'd put up with Bacon bending over naked to see that!

In Predator 2 there are some dead bodies hanging from the ceiling and when one of them slowly turns there's his nob.
Jeez, necrophillia too. TWT, you've got to put a lid on this! That and the octopus porn will soon see this site registered with NetNanny.

C'est tout pour maintenant.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
thanks for the bonus points, sultan. damn, the leper and prostitute joke was good. i'm surprised i didn't post that one first.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I forgot the most obviouse one!!!!

Mark Whalberg in Boggie Nights!!!! The thing hung down to his knees!! Sure it was fake, but still!

And Brodieman, man your missing out on Wild Things. Trust me see the movie. Who cares if it has Bacon wang in it!?!?

Yeah, Wahlberg has said it was fake.

My house.

See you out there! You bring the bibles, I'll bring the guns - for those that refuse to be converted. It'll be like the Crusades all over again!
Naw, they're no good to us dead. We need to torture them into conversion. I like dipping one of their legs in oil, and threatening to do the same to the other...that usually does it. A bit old-fashioned, perhaps, but that's just me.

Agreed. I don't put up with as much crap as you do TWT on my forum, and very few others do. You manage to balance your extreme religious-right white-separatist New-World-Order conspiracy-believing UN-hating views with a tinge of tolerance and liberalism.
You forgot to mention the forest-destorying, Indian-hating, Johnny Cash-loving, and the $500-dollar an hour consulting work.

This thread is becoming more fun that I originally gave it credit for. It's unnverving to see the guys taking such a liking to it...but, uh, that's okay.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
yeah, how are there that many guys who have opinions on which is the better c**k movie? personally, i just drop in now and then to crack wise, but i didn't expect a huge debate over it. kinda makes you wonder...
lol. just kidding.

Registered User
I think guys notice other guys, don't you? In the showers after gym, at the office, back row of the movies - stuff like that!

Look! Are there no more women on this forum who want to talk about trouser snake?

Just curious, Daisy

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
poor daisy. no one to talk about d*ck with. i'm trying really hard to think up some movies i've seen wang in so i can contribute to the board, but i'm drawing a blank. oh yeah, wasn't harvey keitel famous for frontal nudity in one of his movies?

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I think Kevin Bacon is the one actor whos shown himself the most. He first showed it in Wild Things, which was supposed to be covered by the camera angle, but somehow it got messed up. Then you see it like 8 gagillon times in Hollow Man. You even see it without skin. That was a strange viewing experience!

wheres Thmilin? Call her TWT, she has a kindred spirit. Ive run out of things to say about nobs, Pigsnies prolly knows more becuz hes an old fogey but he aint saying.
God save Freddie Mercury!

Registered User
Yeah little Harve did a full frontal smacked out of his head in Bad Lieutenant and it put me off string beans for months!


Nasty thin vein.

Put it away. Or I'll pull it off for John Waters to use as a 'tache...

Heeelp me!

Bad Lieutenant? I thought you were talking about The Piano. Didn't he show it there too? Boogie Nights is the one with Burt Reynolds I couldn't remember the name of earlier.

Superman would win in this thread.
Unless it was Superman vs Mr Fantastic.

There's lots of sexy dead people. How about Katie Holmes in The Gift. She's a scary cutie pie.

Wild Things is the is number one on the Sultan's hate list. I cannot believe taht so many people think its cool. It sucks Kevin Bacon's wang.

Sexy dead people. Hummmmmmm, I KNOW! The dead bride with the frilly lizard collar in BRAM Stokers Dracula. Whats her name, she is married to jude Law. plus I think her glass coffin is so cool, I wonder if theyre expensive.

I have never seen wild things or bad lieutenant so I have no idea what their nobs are like. Why is that its mostly ugly men who show off their willys?

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God

Registered User
Naw, they're no good to us dead
I don't know, we could sell them to some of the necrophilliacs on this site...

By the way, the winner has to be Rocco Siffredi. More known for porn, he did make a more mainstream movie that stirred up a lot of controversy because it contained hardcore footage, but it wasn't classed as porn so he must win.

That guy is my god.