Biggest Nob


I don't know what to say. I don't really have a scale to judge on, I don't think. Kevin Bacons was big back when I saw it on Wild Things, but I don't quite have the image of it in my head. Its been a year or two since I've watched that movie. Still, I feel awkward talking about this, because it fetishizes movie stars even more, and that's the last thing we need.

Daisy, you are quite direct. Perhaps you caught TWT off-guard with your bluntness. Regardless, I can see where both of you are coming from. I disagree with everything this thread stands for, but I don't care if people want to talk about d--ks. They're great. Whoop de do. That's your business. So, TWT, don't delete the thread or anything like that, let Daisy say her piece...

Welcome to movie forums, Daisy!

TWT, you don't really yell at the homeless, do you? That's terrible.
**** the Lakers!

Don't worry, I don't plan to delete this thread. And no, I don't yell at homeless people -- but that's the conservative image, eh? "Get a job, you drunk!" As for the, er, issue at hand, I guess Kevin's Bacon would be the logical choise (yeah, that joke was too easy, huh?)...though this isn't something I give much thought.

$20 says either Frogman or Peter start a thread on breast size. I can feel the rise in site traffic already...

I have plenty of opinions on that topic...

Registered User
Okay, now we're getting someplace.

I gotta candidate - Kevin Bacon.

See, if we'd been talking about breasts or even front-bottom hair, I'd have a hundred names from a zillion movies!

What do we girls get? One!

There must be more... See, TWT? Not so facile now, is it?

Daisy Chops
All Men Leak...

Oh yeah -- much more female nudity on the big screen. It's what sells, I suppose. I was just kidding on the breasts thread, but I'm starting to think someone will start one anyway, LOL. Anyway, I don't think the largest breasts would be the best ones. It can surely get freakish at some point.

Jeri Ryan is nice. shes on star Trek but I think she was in a Dracula movie.

I do not know anythin about Kevin Bacons nob. The only mass bunch of nobs I ever remembmer seein was in A Room with a View. You can see Julian sands, simon callows & Lucys brothers nobs. They were all in a pond, footling around & all their nobs were like streakin across the screen like in the Olympics.
God save Freddie Mercury!

Registered User
Er... I think I'd be more of an athletics fan, if that were the case Pig!

How does the Callow nob compare? Is it big and blowsy like the rest of him?


BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
alright, i have to respond to this thread. personally, i am a straight guy, so i hate to have any movie ruined (yes, i definitely mean ruined) by a wang popping up (no pun intended) during the course of the film. in fact, there's nothing that could ruin a movie more, come to think of it. but i appreciate daisy starting this thread. why? i think we should have a right to talk about whatever we feel like on these boards, and everytime we say something that isn't officially authorized, a post gets shut down, or somebody gets yelled at or worse, gets banned. i don't think this thread should be shut down at all. ok, it isn't relevant, but so what? debating things like batman and superman aren't relevant either, they're just fun. if daisy gets banned, i would be even more pissed. i have NO opinions on dicks in movies, except that they totally gross me out, and i am thouroughly disgusted, but if daisy likes them so be it. power to the people!

Registered User
Thanks for the support, Brodieman!

But you shouldn't be so hard on d**ks.


[Edited by TWTCommish on 08-18-2001]

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
yes! puns. i love one liners here are some good penis one-liners:

did you hear about the blind prostitute? yeah, you gotta hand it to her

how do you find a blind guy at a nudist colony? it's not too hard

what does kodak film have in common with a condom? both capture the moment...

lol. more when i remember them.

Anyone ever seen a Peter Greenaway film? D**ks galore! All over the place!!! Everywhere! It's wang city in this guys head. A predilection for penis, this fellow has. I suppose we've all got our tastes, but honestly.

That blind prostitute joke, LOL LOL!!!!!

Hats off to Brodieman!
[Edited by TWTCommish on 08-18-2001]

Originally posted by BrodieMan
i think we should have a right to talk about whatever we feel like on these boards, and everytime we say something that isn't officially authorized, a post gets shut down, or somebody gets yelled at or worse, gets banned. i don't think this thread should be shut down at all.
Well, if you guys star-out the word "d*cks", then it won't be shut down. However, I think it's kind of ridiculous to say you should have the right to talk about whatever you feel like on these boards. Should you be allowed to talk (explicitly) about sex?

I'd also like to add that I'm more lenient than a lot of forum owners. I've been personally insulted (virtually unprovoked), and I've still allowed threads to remain open. You don't need official authorization, but I do expect some common sense, and courtesy. Sorry if you consider that upsetting, BrodieMan, because it's the way things are, and most likely the way thing will remain.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
did you hear about the flasher who was going to retire? he decided to stick it out for another year.

Originally posted by BrodieMan
did you hear about the flasher who was going to retire? he decided to stick it out for another year.
I smell a "Bad Jokes" thread in the Intermission forum.

Brodie, your uninhibited jokes about the world of sex-freaks and society as a whole have made this old frown smile. Commish, you feed the world notions of freakish breast sizes and I know that world- I DO! To Hell with the freakish breats! We here on Earth need more Unfreakish breasts! There is too much to go around in our state of affairs! Please God limit the amount of breast that you send to the Earth and make it top commodity once again. Rain sulfur on the implants for they are the phonies in our world of Rolex. we need you now more than ever...

Hey! I thought of doing that! (The thread) But I didn't think you'd approve Twt. I don't care about breast size. I like them pretty.

I also think Twt should be able to censor whatever he wants. It's his website, he made it. Plus, it's about movies, so his audience is the general public not just adults. It's not an adults only website.

About the nobs I don't know. All I can think of is Wild Things and Predator 2. I think I saw Bruce Willis' willie once. What was that movie with Burt Reynolds? I think there was one in there too. And there's a gold one on the cover to Disney's The Little Mermaid.

BrodieMan's Avatar
Rock God
hey, if you dig the puns, thank daisy, she gave me the idea. i'll dig up some more later. by the way, i intentionally avoided wild things, because this kid told me they showed kevin bacon's wang, and it's the most disgusting scene in the whole movie. call me immature, but that would definitely ruin the film for me.

The Sultan presents Brodieman with bonus points for his repeated use of the appropriate term, "wang". Everyone should know that wang is what it's called unless one is in the business of wangs, then it is called something else.

Congratulations, Brodieman. You should be proud.

I dont remember any nobs in Predator 2. Maybe I fell asleep. in Joe gould, Joe had 3 nobs but it was in a painting. If a guy had 3 nobs, the bathroom would be very messy.

Ps. Daisy, simon callows nob was a floatie.