Are Demi's boobs sagging or what?


Do Demi's boobs need help?
8 votes
Nah, they're full and perky and look fab!
1 votes
Dear God Demi, buy a good bra...and WEAR it!
0 votes
Forget the bra, get a boob job.
9 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Look, I know she's meant to be it and all for her age (and she looks ok altho I WISH she'd chop that boring hair off - she looks sooo much younger and hotter with short hair imho) but the recent pics I've seen of her with Ashton, her boobs look droopy and jiggly. I know, she's had kids and all but if she's going to try and be hip with her clothes and all, she needs to at least wear a bra because they're toooooo saggy to go without.

Mind...I wish I had half the boobs she has. LOL

Put me in your pocket...
Originally Posted by bloodraveness
Look, I know she's meant to be it and all for her age (and she looks ok altho I WISH she'd chop that boring hair off - she looks sooo much younger and hotter with short hair imho) but the recent pics I've seen of her with Ashton, her boobs look droopy and jiggly. I know, she's had kids and all but if she's going to try and be hip with her clothes and all, she needs to at least wear a bra because they're toooooo saggy to go without.

Mind...I wish I had half the boobs she has. LOL
If your looking to make fun of a woman in her fourties for her boobs sagging...I will bite you. There are a few women on this forum who are in their fourties. Guess what...when you get older...your parts won't be as perky a they were when your in your twenties. Even if you exercise. It happens.

Eventhough I'm not a Demi Moore fan...I do think she looks fabulous. I'm glad she hasn't stooped to stuperficial hollywood standards and had a 'boob job' yet. It's nice to see a beautiful woman, like her, age gracefully, and still handle a youngin' as a lover. ^^;;;

This thread is pretty catty. Was your intent to make fun of Demi-Moore or the sagging boobies of women of her age?

Ready!Set!Go!...Er..Actio n!
I'm not at all happy with the sexist/ageist tone of this thread.

If you are a younger woman, and you are knocking Demi who is NOT your typical 40 YO, what will you think of yourself at that age?

And what sort of self-image propaganda will you be passing on to your daughters?
Many blessings, Polite

I think she looks fab for her age like come on....
Last 5 Movies I've Seen....

Dream Catcher 9/10
Boat Trip 6/10
Fast and the Furious: 2 Fast 2 Furious 7/10
School Of Rock 8/10
Daddy Day Care 5/10

Goodness, what's with all the hostility? Either bloodraveness hit a nerve, or some of you didn't read her post (or both)...

Originally Posted by bloodraveness
I know, she's had kids and all but if she's going to try and be hip with her clothes and all
Originally Posted by bloodraveness
Mind...I wish I had half the boobs she has. LOL
Sounds to me like she is saying, simply, "she looks great for her age, but not great enough to dress the way she does." There's nothing ageist or sexist about that, nor at any time did bloodraveness criticize middle-aged women in general.

Be cool, people.

Ready!Set!Go!...Er..Actio n!
It did hit a nerve, and it's a long nerve at that.

And partly sparked by the wordage of the poll.

And the nerve being: Women of a certain age should act so and not imitate their younger counterparts. They should modify or change their parts to fit that image.

In a youth obsessed culture in which an actress is pretty much washed up by 40 while a male lead will just keep getting cast with younger and younger women it's the general TONE of the post I object to; and since I work with youth I am aware of many factors of self image and strive to promote those which are lasting and not looks orientated.

Originally Posted by politesuccubus
It did hit a nerve, and it's a long nerve at that.

And partly sparked by the wordage of the poll.

And the nerve being: Women of a certain age should act so and not imitate their younger counterparts. They should modify or change their parts to fit that image.

In a youth obsessed culture in which an actress is pretty much washed up by 40 while a male lead will just keep getting cast with younger and younger women it's the general TONE of the post I object to; and since I work with youth I am aware of many factors of self image and strive to promote those which are lasting and not looks orientated.
I for one see nothing wrong with her post. She has said nothing about Demi being washed up.... She said she thinks her hair is boring and it looks sexier short but I seriously don't get how she struck a nerve.

She says she's sexier when she has short hair, and she thinks her boobs droop a little bit. It's freedom of expression and will continue to be freedom of expression until she crosses the line over to insult.

Originally Posted by politesuccubus
It did hit a nerve, and it's a long nerve at that.

And partly sparked by the wordage of the poll.

And the nerve being: Women of a certain age should act so and not imitate their younger counterparts. They should modify or change their parts to fit that image.
You're saying that people should not change their habits and styles to fit their circumstances? If I put on, say, 50 lbs, should I keep wearing clothes of the same size? Should I wear spandex at 65?

Originally Posted by politesuccubus
In a youth obsessed culture in which an actress is pretty much washed up by 40 while a male lead will just keep getting cast with younger and younger women it's the general TONE of the post I object to; and since I work with youth I am aware of many factors of self image and strive to promote those which are lasting and not looks orientated.
I see it in exactly the opposite way: if you want to oppose a youth-obsessed culture, you don't do it by imitating that culture. Encouraging older women (or men) to cling to their youth through imitation is only going to reinforce the things you're railing against

Originally Posted by Aniko
If your looking to make fun of a woman in her fourties for her boobs sagging...I will bite you. There are a few women on this forum who are in their fourties. Guess what...when you get older...your parts won't be as perky a they were when your in your twenties. Even if you exercise. It happens.

Eventhough I'm not a Demi Moore fan...I do think she looks fabulous. I'm glad she hasn't stooped to stuperficial hollywood standards and had a 'boob job' yet. It's nice to see a beautiful woman, like her, age gracefully, and still handle a youngin' as a lover. ^^;;;

This thread is pretty catty. Was your intent to make fun of Demi-Moore or the sagging boobies of women of her age?
I'm sorry my thread came out wrong. I wasn't making fun of her because of her age or sexist remarks. Yes, I'm younger but I think she looks great for her age and I'm a big fan of older actresses (and actors) - all I'm saying is if she's going to continue wearing nearly nothing tops, or dresses where a huge chunk of cleavage is on display, or half the front of her dress is missing except for some tiny straps - she needs to think about wearing a bra. Whether that's because of her age or genes or whatever - it's just something (after seeing countless pics of her and Ash lately on the web and in mags) that is hard to miss when her boobs are out there. I mean tehy're practically falling out of some of her tops.

As for plastic surgery etc., I read that Demi had already gone that route when she did that movie a few years ago (that stripper one I can't remember it's name).

Anyway, it's not an attack on age or meant to be a sexist thread. It was just me noticing Demi's got her boobs out in tonnes of pics lately and I just wish she'd start thinking about a bra sometimes.

Sorry if I offended.

Originally Posted by politesuccubus
It did hit a nerve, and it's a long nerve at that.

And partly sparked by the wordage of the poll.

And the nerve being: Women of a certain age should act so and not imitate their younger counterparts. They should modify or change their parts to fit that image.

In a youth obsessed culture in which an actress is pretty much washed up by 40 while a male lead will just keep getting cast with younger and younger women it's the general TONE of the post I object to; and since I work with youth I am aware of many factors of self image and strive to promote those which are lasting and not looks orientated.
No, I never said that certain women of a certain age should act that way. Just a woman with boobs that is putting them out on display to the extent Demi is atm (which is fine too - to each their own) but at some point reality (and gravity) play a part and I frankly like to see women (of all ages) with bigger boobs wear bras, and sorry if this bit "strikes a nerve" with anyone but heck yes, if an older woman...say even if my mom looked like demi, that'd be awesome but I'd just die if she was swinging 'em out there braless. At a certain age it's not cool to be full chested and braless with half your boobs out - that's gross, I'm sorry but it is. I have pretty big boobs and even now, I won't go braless during the day. I am envious of my friends who can, coz they can look cute, but I just don't think it would look so hot with me. So to see 45+ y/o big boobs swinging with no support - it was just my thought is all - just an opinion. I didn't meant to come across the way I did. No, I don't think that there should be rules for people of different ages...I was just thinking of that class, that's it.

And you're rightl, that has nothing to do with age.

Originally Posted by IrishMovieMan
I think she looks fab for her age like come on....
OMG - Demi DOES look great for her age (I just love her with short hair is all). I'm just saying - buy a bra, for goodness sake. Dress sexy - power to her, but wear a bra. And that was just my opinion. LOL But yeah, she looks fine.

And my kids will be just fine - ouch.

Originally Posted by Yoda
You're saying that people should not change their habits and styles to fit their circumstances? If I put on, say, 50 lbs, should I keep wearing clothes of the same size? Should I wear spandex at 65?

I see it in exactly the opposite way: if you want to oppose a youth-obsessed culture, you don't do it by imitating that culture. Encouraging older women (or men) to cling to their youth through imitation is only going to reinforce the things you're railing against
Thanks Yoda.

I think you can look great and sexy and even youthful but there's a point in ALL OUR LIVES where we should probably change the way we dress to some extent as our bodies change (whether it's from weight gain or loss, age, disease, injury etc).

Originally Posted by IrishMovieMan
I for one see nothing wrong with her post. She has said nothing about Demi being washed up.... She said she thinks her hair is boring and it looks sexier short but I seriously don't get how she struck a nerve.

She says she's sexier when she has short hair, and she thinks her boobs droop a little bit. It's freedom of expression and will continue to be freedom of expression until she crosses the line over to insult.
I think woman over a certain age are ugly, fat and should not come out in public. They are a disgusting embarassment to society and we should not encourage them by buying magazines with their photos on the cover. Demi is a prime example of a has been, who is sucking any kind of publicity she can by embarassingly hanging off the arm of a guy young enough to date her daughter, and everyone but her gets the joke.

Now if I'd said the above - that would have been insulting and plain bitchy. And for the record, I do not agree with the little insults I wrote just then. It was to make a point. I didn't write like that so please folks, calm down. It was just an opinion and no harm was meant.

Irish and Yoda - thanks dudes, you I think understood where I was coming from.

Originally Posted by Aniko

This thread is pretty catty. Was your intent to make fun of Demi-Moore or the sagging boobies of women of her age?


Stand down, lady. I think it was Demi specific.

I also think she has a point (I'm sure you'll argue it with me). When one steps into the public eye, and makes a living there, one opens oneself to a certain amout of criticism. It comes with the job.

She does wear clothing of the current generation. It's my belief that she looks good in it, but to each his own.

If you'd like, I'll examine yours for you and let you know how I feel about them.

Ready!Set!Go!...Er..Actio n!

Here I was talking about the TONE of the post, which no one seemed to get and then when I try to explain what I meant I get more backlash.

Apparently my expressing another viewpoint merited more press than the orginal post.

I'll note that to myself henceforth.

To quote bloodraveness: "It was just an opinion and no harm was meant."

Originally Posted by politesuccubus

Here I was talking about the TONE of the post, which no one seemed to get and then when I try to explain what I meant I get more backlash.
I wouldn't call it a backlash; just a bit of reasoned argument. I think there's a bit of a contradiction in what you're saying, and I don't really understand your objection. I'm not trying to be hostile about it, though.

I now realize, however, that I've squandered whatever chance I had of soliciting photographic evidence from you all on the matter, and this grieves me greatly. It is my sincere hope that I shall be able to rectify this with the introduction of some sort of scented body oil in the near future.

Ready!Set!Go!...Er..Actio n!
I feel that responding more to this thread will only result in my digging myself in deeper into a pit of non-communication. Even tho we'd be talking we wouldn't be communicating which is ultimately frustrating.

When I became a parent I knew I was going to fight with my child. So I learned to apply a rule of "Does it matter?" It's worked out quite well in parenting and I think it can be extended here: I objected to the tone, you didn't see what I was talking about, I attempted to explain and apparently you are not seeing what I mean. Now, does it matter?

Ummmmm, NOPE!

So I give up this discussion and move on to more fun things. I'll save my arguments for something that does matter, if and when it comes up.

Originally Posted by politesuccubus
I feel that responding more to this thread will only result in my digging myself in deeper into a pit of non-communication. Even tho we'd be talking we wouldn't be communicating which is ultimately frustrating.

When I became a parent I knew I was going to fight with my child. So I learned to apply a rule of "Does it matter?" It's worked out quite well in parenting and I think it can be extended here: I objected to the tone, you didn't see what I was talking about, I attempted to explain and apparently you are not seeing what I mean. Now, does it matter?

Ummmmm, NOPE!

So I give up this discussion and move on to more fun things. I'll save my arguments for something that does matter, if and when it comes up.

So you start by saying you aren't going to respond to this thread, then throw in some stuff at me, then end it with, let's all move on so if i or anyone else responds we look like asses prolonging this?

So my response is...

It wasn't that I didn't see, it's that I was standing by what I said. You took what I said totally the wrong way but I wasn't trying to crucify you for voicing your opinion, or was I laying pity upon future children you may have. I think you totally overreacted but again, I respect other opinions, I just wanted to make sure that EVERYONE here knew where I was coming from. You didn't like my tone. That's cool, I respect your opinion. I'm not apologizing for what I wrote and I don't think there was meant to be a negative or insulting tone there but what the hey, again, it's all perception.

Wow, I might think twice before starting a thread here again. Youch. How did my dumbass (and not in anyway illintended thread) end up pissing some people off this much? Once and for all, sorry if I offended. Well, I guess just let my dumb thread die and move on to better stuff where my stupid little words don't start world war III.

**goes to crawl back under her little rock**

Originally Posted by Yoda
"that I've squandered whatever chance I had of soliciting photographic evidence from you all on the matter, and this grieves me greatly. It is my sincere hope that I shall be able to rectify this with the introduction of some sort of scented body oil in the near future.
Too frigging funny man!

I think woman over a certain age are ugly, fat and should not come out in public. They are a disgusting embarassment to society and we should not encourage them by buying magazines with their photos on the cover. Demi is a prime example of a has been, who is sucking any kind of publicity she can by embarassingly hanging off the arm of a guy young enough to date her daughter, and everyone but her gets the joke.
Kinda gave me a fright there :P

I was like uh no, I stuck up for her and she says this :P Then I read the whole post and I was like phew...