The Suggestions Thread


Oh and did I miss something, TWT, or is something wrong with the Forum Jump/main categories thing. They all say something weird like 'owned' or 'own3d'. What's going on here?
'The penalty for bulls**t is bulls**t.' - Denis Johnson

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Someone hacked into the site. Using a program called Vhak, they just exploited the holes in VBulletin, the program that powers the site.
Horror's Not Dead
Latest Movie Review(s): Too lazy to keep this up to date. New reviews every week.

Originally posted by jrs1013
What about a discussion on how members rate/feel about other members or how they grade each other etc...
There are hacks in the works. There are some "Karma Hacks" being worked on (I don't think any have been released yet), so those might help. There is a potential for abuse there, however. It's something I'll have to think about -- if the site gets large enough, having members give/take points from other members might be the only way to weed through the inevitable sludge. I don't think it's necessary yet, but it is something to be considered in/for the future.

Hummm, well I dont know if Id want to give other members a grade, I wouldnt do very well in Spelling, would I?
God save Freddie Mercury!

Well, it wouldn't be like that. It'd most likely be a simple point system. Each member would be able to rate each post one time, giving it a positive point, or a negative point. The user's point total would be a result of this. In addition, I'm considering a system that allows users with more points of their own to take/give more points. IE: a user with 500 points can take or give away 5 with each rating, but a user with only 100 points can only take or give away 1 with each rating.

I dunno -- these are vauge plans right now, and it's fairly likely such a system will never be implemented, but it is an idea that may have merit once the forums have grown, and quality control becomes more important. The more traffic you get, the more useless crap forums like this get clogged with.

Question for you all: do you buy things (videos, DVDs, albums, books) from now and then? If so, would you be willin to buy them "through" this site at some point? This would consist of you buying certain things (that you want need to go out of your way here) by clicking on a link from our site, to a page on If you buy an item through a link such as that, you'll pay the same price as usual, but MoFo will get something like 5-15%.

For links we don't have, there would be a basic search box, that would have the same effect. Both would work, provided that you don't like click on the "Home" link of their site or something...they need to be able to track the URL.

Would this be feasible for you all, do you think? I don't think I can rely much on banner advertising when it comes to this site/the new site, so I'm looking into other things, like sponsorships and commission-based things. Please let me know.

I think that sounds like a cool idea. I buy things on Amazon now and then and on other sites too. I can then not only talk movies with ya'll but buy them on dvd within one conveinent spot. Good idea TWT!!!!

I don't usually buy dvds there, but I do buy books all the time. Roddy Doyle is me favorite author. Paddy Clarke reminds me of PLite. Hahaha!

Check out what I saw when I was there just now.
August 21st- Hannibal and WIDESCREEN Silence of the Lambs
Sept 25th- The Simpsons Complete first season!

You still get credit if I buy books right?

Yeah...anything and everything on Amazon...though I'll only be providing DIRECT links to movie-related stuff basically. For other stuff, it'd have to be done through a search box.

Pigsnie buys lots of stuff from amazon, You better hurry though becuz he has a list right now of 10 items on his desk. I peeked.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
I've been meaning to say this for a while, but I'm lazy.

When you click new posts at the top, it takes you to a list of new posts, which I do when I come to post at the site. There's one thing I don't like about it though. When you click it from there, it goes to the first page of the thread, could you make it go to the last post? That would be very usefull.

Originally posted by OG-
When you click it from there, it goes to the first page of the thread, could you make it go to the last post? That would be very usefull.
Try it now. It doesn't take you to the last post, but rather, the newest post (to you), the same way the links in the email notifications do.

Oh yeah, I'm a bad-a** programmer. A l33t hacker, beyotch. 5 minute turnaround time, mutha. And to think that if this were 15 years ago I'd be getting the crap kicked out of me by people like you and Ollie.

How's Project Mo-Fo coming?
Who wants to beat you up? What did you just say? Why were you mad?? I'm lost.

I'm playin' around -- 15 years ago, a programmer would be the kind of person who'd get the stuffing beat out of them...but we are a more mainstream species today.

Anyway, Project: MoFo is looking pretty sweet. I kind of work in spurts. Nothing for a week or two, and then a few days (or a whole week) where I get several significant things done. Here are a few of the things done so far:
  • Basic new layout completed (details still being worked out). Steve nearly found some links that could have easily led him to a private screening of the new layout (and some of the new features), but I covered my tracks. He was ticked.
  • A copy of the new forums is up and being messed with. Layout is mostly customized (80-90% done, going to fit in seamlessly with the rest of the site's layout).
  • I've gotten the bulk of the work on a very (if I do say so) cool new feature. There are changes to be made, but all of the base-work is there. Steve and Peter know a bit about this new section already...a few others as well, but I think they're the only regular MoFos who know about it. Should be cool.
  • Very basic systems for news, reviews, and updates related to the other sections in development are up. Simple, but working. Little tweaks will continue to be added over time.
The next few things on my virtual list:
  • Develop a few features that allow the forums and the content areas to be highly integrated. Got some very sweet ideas in store.
  • Finish the user's control panel (yup, a little CP for each user). I've got some of the basics laid out...but there's plenty left to be done.
  • Finish the system to manage box office reports...kind of a pain, but not a really big deal.
  • Work a little bit on Netscape compatbility. Parts of the new layout look funky in NS. I hate NS so bad...ugh. I might not spend much time on this. Sorry NS users.

That fill ya'll in? Feel free to ask specific questions...I love talking about this stuff. Gets me all excited about the new site (which works as a great motivator to keep moving).

Originally posted by TWTCommish
I'm playin' around -- 15 years ago, a programmer would be the kind of person who'd get the stuffing beat out of them...but we are a more mainstream species today.

Anyway, Project: MoFo is looking pretty sweet. I kind of work in spurts. Nothing for a week or two, and then a few days (or a whole week) where I get several significant things done. Here are a few of the things done so far:
  • Basic new layout completed (details still being worked out). Steve nearly found some links that could have easily led him to a private screening of the new layout (and some of the new features), but I covered my tracks. He was ticked.
  • A copy of the new forums is up and being messed with. Layout is mostly customized (80-90% done, going to fit in seamlessly with the rest of the site's layout).
  • I've gotten the bulk of the work on a very (if I do say so) cool new feature. There are changes to be made, but all of the base-work is there. Steve and Peter know a bit about this new section already...a few others as well, but I think they're the only regular MoFos who know about it. Should be cool.
  • Very basic systems for news, reviews, and updates related to the other sections in development are up. Simple, but working. Little tweaks will continue to be added over time.
The next few things on my virtual list:
  • Develop a few features that allow the forums and the content areas to be highly integrated. Got some very sweet ideas in store.
  • Finish the user's control panel (yup, a little CP for each user). I've got some of the basics laid out...but there's plenty left to be done.
  • Finish the system to manage box office reports...kind of a pain, but not a really big deal.
  • Work a little bit on Netscape compatbility. Parts of the new layout look funky in NS. I hate NS so bad...ugh. I might not spend much time on this. Sorry NS users.

That fill ya'll in? Feel free to ask specific questions...I love talking about this stuff. Gets me all excited about the new site (which works as a great motivator to keep moving).
Awesome TWT!!! Let us know if there any other plans/additions and etc. you have in store.