Dou you think Paul W. S. Anderson is an underrated director?


I watched Mortal Kombat, Alien vs. Predator, Death Race, the Resident Evil series, The Three Musketeers an Pompeii, but i still need to see Event Horizon, people say it's his best movie. I watched Pompeii not a long time ago and i liked it. When i first read the reviews i got impressed on how bad they said the movie was. I personally think he's a good director and his movies are good, action-packed fun. But i would like to see what other people think about him.

I love Event Horizon.... Mortal Kombat, Alien vs Predator and Resident Evil films are good... Oh God.. I thought Three Musketeers was so bad.. except for Mads' part... he was the only serious character in that film... I watched it last night.

I still need to watch Pompeii.. I started to last night but was tired... so I went to bed.

personally , I don't very like Paul W.S Anderson . i've watch Resident Evil , Death Race , Alien vs Predator and Pompeii all decent movie nothing great .
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I have a soft spot for the Res Evil films... wouldn't make my Top 1000 but I actually like them. We've all heard the term Camp Fun... I'm coining the term "Crap Fun".

Event Horizon is def his best film with Mortal Kombat a close second.

AvP was cack. AvP 2 was better, but he didn't do that one.

Death Race, The Three Musketeers were awful and Pompeii I haven't seen.

I made a thread on him a while ago... he's one of the richest Directors in the business... and I can't understand that. How has he made so much money when his films are garbage?
Might be the audience. His films appeal to 11-15 year olds who will pay top cash for a bag of cat turds if the marketing was good enough.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
To the extent he's rated at all, I'd say yes, he's underrated. That's different from good.
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I don't mind the Resident Evil films for a bit of mindless fun and Event Horizon had some good moments. Pompeii, however, is garbage.

I think he's "rated" about right.

Ok... here goes...

Shopping (Director, Writer) - Not seen
Mortal Kombat (Director)
(rated 65% in my reviews)
Event Horizon (Director)

Soldier (Director)

The Sight (Director, Writer, Producer) - Not seen
Resident Evil (Director, Writer, Producer)

AvP (Director, Writer)
(rated 25% in my reviews)
Resident Evil Apocalypse (Writer, Producer)

The Dark (Producer)

DOA: Dead Or Alive (Producer)

Resident Evil Extinction (Writer, Producer)

Death Race (Director, Writer, Producer)

Pandorum (Producer) - Not seen
Resident Evil Afterlife (Director, Writer, Producer)

The Three Musketeers (Director, Producer)

Death Race 2 (Writer, Producer)

Resident Evil Retribution (Director, Writer, Producer)

Death Race 3 Inferno (Producer) - Not seen
Pompeii (Director, Producer) - Not seen

So, 19 films to his name... seen 14 of them... he's got 30 out of 70 Popcorns for all the ones I can rate... so on average I'd rate him 42.85% worthwhile.

Mortal Kombat was my favorite movie when I was eight years old. It remains one of my favorite guilty pleasures. I still listen to the soundtrack on occasion too.

Paul W.S. Anderson is no Uwe Boll or anything, but his films are still mostly crap, although sometimes they can be enjoyable crap. Death Race, for example, was mindless fun.

I think he's a good director at making 'bubblegum movies' that are fun diversions but nothing special.
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MK, AvP, and Pompeii are all pretty fun movies in my book as long as you remember to turn your brain off first. Most of his movies are stupid but they're enjoyable stupid instead hurling rotten fruit at the screen stupid.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.