The Secret Life of cinemaafficionado


I really don't know about you wannabees but I'm American
Uh, we know you're an American. An American in China. An American in China who forgot which place he was pretending to be in at the moment.

and it's none of your business where I'm at or who I'm with right now. Capece?
Right. We all know you're a deeply private person who posts lots of pictures of his conquests. Because it's none of our business.

Unless we have $1,500.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
I really don't know about you wannabees but I'm American and it's none of your business where I'm at or who I'm with right now. Capece?

How ironic, since the only person who wants to be someone else is you. The rest of us I think are quite content as ourselves with our imperfect unglamourous lives.

Because we tried to make it funny! This is more UN-intentionally funny. Like The Room or Troll 2.
Dude, you are the troll on this thread. If you have nothing worthwhile to say ,STFU!


How ironic, since the only person who wants to be someone else is you. The rest of us I think are quite content as ourselves with our imperfect unglamourous lives.
Uh hmm... so obvious from your avatar, and I'm the one that's delusional?

Dude, you are the troll on this thread. If you have nothing worthwhile to say ,STFU!
Oh relax Skippy. If you really do live the life you claim to who cares? Go on living it. Who cares what people on the internet say.

But seriously, you've been completely busted on the age thing and the time zone thing. You don't seem to have an answer for either. It's over.

My irony is so clearly wasted on you.
I know, eh? I thought it was wit at its finest.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Oh relax Skippy. If you really do live the life you claim to who cares? Go on living it. Who cares what people on the internet say.
Yeah, skippy, that and some honey would make a fine sandwich. Too bad SC doesn't seem to be around.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Uh hmm... so obvious from your avatar, and I'm the one that's delusional?
Gandalf avatar = Wants to be Gandalf. (Actually that would be fairly awesome!)

But seriously, you've been completely busted on the age thing and the time zone thing. You don't seem to have an answer for either. It's over.
I'm busted on the age thing? Most of those photos were from 2007 - 2008. You think I'd be stupid enough to post what I look like now?
Busted on time zone? If I'm not mistaken, it's 1:05pm in LA right now.