
I'm interested what do you say about

Because this is the most referential and cannonical list, at least for usa movies. Who made it? People like famous directors? I get a feeling that Spielberg partially unfortunatelly had many of his fingers in it.

Here's my take. I'll examine it bit by bit, the old one and compare them.

1. Citizen Kane Well, this is no surpirse unfortunately.
2. The Godfather ok, driving force is Marlon and FFC, music, Mario, everything works. It's way too high, a slight favorite.
3. Casablanca WAY too high. Not even a fav. Rigid and cinical in a negative way.
4. Raging Bull just saw it recently again, insanely impressive. The scene when SRR beats him is transcendental.
5. Singin' in the rain cant fbelieve it! no 5?! I guess they had to have a musical intop 5!
6. Gone with the wind now were talkin. One of the most beautifull films ever.
7. Lawrence I'm sick of it. ok, it's fine, maybe the best directed movie, but an overblown spectacle. Hell, even Alec is pompous, my least fav performance
8. Shindlers list. Cant believe this is so high. Spielberg
9. Vertigo a master piece, but too high
10. Oz Rubbish.Should be on the worst list.

i've seen 89. How many have you?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Oz and Casablanca are awesome movies. Schindlers List and Kane are great too. The others are a tad overrated for me (although I did like The Godfather and Vertigo a tad more each on past viewings), but there's no denying their places in movie history.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right

The ones I still haven't seen seem so boring and unappealing I probably won't watch them.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Welcome back Beatle! Good to see ya again

1. Citizen Kane....awesome.
2. The Godfather....OK
3. Casablanca....a favorite mood film.
4. Raging Bull...I wasn't impressed by it
5. Singin' in the Rain...not my favorite musical, but likable
6. Gone with the Wind...Love this one
7. Lawrence of Arabia...impressive
8. Shindlers List....need to see again, I remember it was good but #8?
9. Vertigo....not my favorite Hitch by far, but good
10. Wizard of Oz...I'm not a fan but it belongs here

Seen 80

I'd be interested to see an updated list just to see what they'd cut or put in. Probably 1 or 2 changes max.

Welcome back Beatle! Good to see ya again

1. Citizen Kane....awesome.
2. The Godfather....OK
3. Casablanca....a favorite mood film.
4. Raging Bull...I wasn't impressed by it
5. Singin' in the Rain...not my favorite musical, but likable
6. Gone with the Wind...Love this one
7. Lawrence of Arabia...impressive
8. Shindlers List....need to see again, I remember it was good but #8?
9. Vertigo....not my favorite Hitch by far, but good
10. Wizard of Oz...I'm not a fan but it belongs here

Why do you love Kane so m7uch? High Expectations, but still I don't see why it's the greatest.

Increadible you not impressed by Raging. I'd understand other verbs.

He's got a head like a rock. christ would come off the cross sooner. That's all building up to the ultimate confrontation scene. SRR was obviously better, but he just wouldn't fall. Hanging there on the ropes, even if it would kill him.

Nobody can take that kind ogf punishment.
It's also probably Bobby's best acting.

ok yeah, Rain is likeable, exclusively bc of Gene, but no 5?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And you're deam right about Shindker! Spielberg and Jews are behind this!

Can't believe you don't like Vertigo much. Why?

And I just don't get how in the universe Oz belongs!

The rest is nice and we agree.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Why do you love Kane so m7uch? High Expectations, but still I don't see why it's the greatest.
Oh, I don't why I like it so. IMO there's no such thing as a greatest ever movie or #1 best. It's all so empirical, and comes from humans need to categorize and label everything so.

ok yeah, Rain is likeable, exclusively bc of Gene, but no 5?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wouldn't put it at 5 either, I'd say that was AFI throwing the musical genre a bone. That's of better musical than that one.
Can't believe you don't like Vertigo much. Why?
I do like Vertigo, I think I gave it a
I just don't see the ultimate greatness in it.

And I just don't get how in the universe Oz belongs!
Probably makes the AFI list as it was ground breaking and ahead of it's time, and also is beloved by generations as it use to be shown on TV quite a bit.
The rest is nice and we agree.
I look forward to the next round of AFI movies you post.

Welcome to the human race...
I've seen 93/100 judging by the MoFo Lists section. As for the top 10, I figure it's mostly respectable choices with a few that I'd consider personal favourites (Godfather/Lawrence/Singin') and even the weaker ones (GWTW/Oz) still aren't bad (out of the whole list, I'd say Annie Hall is the worst film on there by some distance).

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I haven't seen all of them, but I feel The Graduate is perhaps too high, and The General is way to high! The General hasn't aged well in my opinion and if it came out nowadays, it would just be another action comedy that would be forgotten about in a month of theater runs.

I've seen all of them...I too am also waiting for an update mostly because I'm curious to see what films of the last 18 years would make it.

If It were my vote the top ten would be ...

1-10 (in chrono order)

It Happened One Night (1934), The Wizard of Oz (1939), Citizen Kane (1941), Casablanca (1942), Singin' the Rain(1952), West Side Story (1961) The Godfather (1972), Jaws (1975), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), The Shawshank Redemption(1994)

City Lights(1931), Gone with the Wind (1939), The Maltese Falcon (1941), Sunset BLVD (1950), High Noon (1952), North by Northwest (1959), Lawrence of Arabia (1962), One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest (1975), E.T.(1982), The Silence of the Lambs (1991)

Sunrise (1927), Modern Times (1936), Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), The Apartment (1960), To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), Annie Hall (1977), Blade Runner (1982), Tootsie (1982), Goodfellas (1990), Pulp Fiction (1994)

The Gold Rush (1925), Sullivan's Travels (1941), The Treasure of Sierra Madre (1948), Rear Window (1954), 12 Angry Men (1957), Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966), The Godfather Part Two (1974), A Clockwork Orange (1971), Do the Right Thing (1989), Unforgiven (1992)

Double Indemnity (1944), All About Eve (1950), On the Waterfront (1954), Vertigo (1958), Psycho (1960), The Graduate (1967), MASH (1970), Chinatown (1974), Taxi Driver (1976), Saving Private Ryan (1998)

The Philadelphia Story (1940), Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942), A Streetcar Named Desire (1951), The Sound of Music (1965), 2001 A Space Odssey (1968), Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), Star Wars (1977), Schindlers List (1993), Titanic (1997), Lord of the Rings (2001)

Duck Soup (1933), It's a Wonderful Life (1946), The African Queen (1951), The Searchers (1956), Some Like it Hot (1959), In The Heat of the Night (1967), Cabaret (1972), American Graffiti (1973), Rocky (1976), Network (1976)

King Kong (1933), Bringing Up Baby(1938), Shane (1953), Dr. Strangelove (1964) Bonnie and Clyde (1967),The French Connection (1971), All the Presidents Men (1976)The Wild Bunch (1969), Raging Bull (1980), Platoon (1986)

The General (1927), A Night at the Opera (1935), Snow White (1937), The Best Years of Our Lives (1946), Spartacus (1960), Midnight Cowboy (1969), Apocalypse Now (1979), Sophie's Choice (1982), Toy Story (1995), The Sixth Sense (1999)

Intolerance (1916), Swing Time (1936), Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939), The Grapes of Wrath (1940), Ben Hur (1959), Easy Rider (1969), The Last Picture Show (1971), Nashville (1977), The Deer Hunter (1978), Forrest Gump (1994)

I'm surprised they didn't do another update of the list yet.
Maybe it'll be 2020. Wait. Maybe I got it wrong. I thought the 1st one was 2000, but it's 98? This 2008. Then it'll be this year.

11. City Lights Sacriledgous. Charlie outside top 10. No comment.
12. Searchers. Great movie, but not even my fave western
14. Psycho. Impressive and disturbing, too high.
15. 2001. The best movie
16. Sunset Boulevard. Not my cup of tea. Don't like wilder. Morbid.
17. Graduate. Too low
18. General higher. Buster one of wittiest people, I like him better than Charlie
19. Waterfront. Great movie
20. It's a wond...cheesy

I've seen them all. And most of the films deserve to be on the list. However if I were voting, I'd leave off Nashville, The Graduate, and possibly Annie Hall ( personally favored Manhattan).

If it's true that they have... "a jury of 1,500 film artists, critics and historians", then that's a pretty good group to sample. If a new comprehensive list were to come out contemporarily, not too many suitable pictures come to mind for the list.

IMO it's tricky to avoid modern standards for old films. For example The General, with all natural stunts and real props, could not possibly hold up to today's special effects and CGI. And it's helpful to keep in mind that a picture like Citizen Kane was practically avant-garde in it's day, with innovative camera angles, writing, sets, and the like. So to me, these facts ought to be kept in mind and factored into the judging.


I really hate this idea that Marlon Brando was the driving force in The Godfather. He really didnt have that much screen and one of the main things that made the movie so great was the combination of great performances.

That said most of my favorite films arent american and a lot are overlooked gems. I see this list as more a means to give you the gist as to what are considered the most important or influential american films which isnt exactly the same as best.