The Predator (another sequel)


Just read this:

Back in 2014, Shane Black was reported to be working on another sequel to the 1987 cult classic Predator. Now, the latest installment in the sci-fi franchise has a new teaser image and a possible title.

The official Predator Facebook page shared an image on Monday of the titular extraterrestrial warrior, accompanied by a line from the original: “Here we go again, bro.” The image also suggests that the new film will be titled The Predator.

In June 2014, Black (Iron Man 3) was tapped to direct the project, and at the time, he told Collider that his take was less of a reboot and more of an “inventive sequel,” expanding the existing Predator universe instead of retelling the original. Fred Dekker (RoboCop 3) is writing the script.

John McTiernan directed the original sci-fi action flick, which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger. (Black himself was asked to work on the original 1987 script, but he appeared in it as an actor, instead.) It was followed by Predator 2 in 1990, Aliens v. Predator in 2004, Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem in 2007, and Predators in 2010.

Well, I'm very interested in this, mainly for the fact that Shane Black is involved. If Fred Dekker is the guy that wrote RoboCop 3, then I'm hoping that Black just takes Dekker's script and re-writes it. I didn't totally hate RoboCop 3, but it was PG-13 with a little kid genius hacker taking over computers and even ED209. And I like my Predator movies to be adult, as far as violence goes. That said, is anyone else interested or have you had your fill of Predator movies?
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Would love to see a return to the 18 rated themes of the first 2 movies and seriously hope they don't tie into the AvP movies. The Alien franchise has distanced itself from AvP meaning they should be treated as standalone, let's pray Predator does that too.

Fred Dekker though? RoboCop 3 was awful, Star Trek Enterprise killed the Trek franchise and his other stuff has been cheesy at best, so yeah, I'm in the same boat and hope Black does a rewrite or simply doesn't hire him in the end.

So, as much as I'd love to see another Predator movie... this news has some huge problems.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
Still gotta watch Predators.
Don't...... It sucks.

I loved Predator. Its one of the best action movies out there - but the sequels sucked.
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"Banshee is the greatest thing ever. "

Don't...... It sucks.

I loved Predator. Its one of the best action movies out there - but the sequels sucked.

Predators was easily the second best movie in the series. Not even the sequel featuring the cast of Lethal Weapon was as good.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I thought Predators was about on par with Predator 2. I agree though, they should return to the 18 rated stuff instead of pandering, although I doubt they'll do that

I have to return some videotapes...
I'm not really sure how I feel about this film considering I'm not a huge fan of what Shane Black does and he is helming this project. I haven't seen the original, but I'm intrigued how he brings something fresh to the concept.
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It's funny seeing UK users refer to the original Predator as 18-rated when it somehow got classified as an M15+ in Australia (which is roughly equivalent to the UK's 12 or the USA's PG-13).

Also, Predator is a hard act to follow so I don't begrudge either 2 or Predators for not clearing such a high bar.

Originally Posted by Optimus
Don't...... It sucks.
I'd heard mostly good things. >.>

Originally Posted by doubledenim
Predators was easily the second best movie in the series.

Originally Posted by Iroquois
It's funny seeing UK users refer to the original Predator as 18-rated when it somehow got classified as an M15+ in Australia (which is roughly equivalent to the UK's 12 or the USA's PG-13).
I don't recall Predator being THAT violent.

Maybe it was the sexual themes. Predator's very sexual.

Oh wait, that's Alien.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Predator 2 is a decent movie, even though it is responsible for the AvP idea. They put a Xenomorph skull in the trophy cabinet as a bit of fun... and it sparked everyone's imagination causing us to suffer those god-awful spin-offs.

Predators is ok, but more of a re-run of the original movie.

Nothing beats the first film though.

One thing I hope though... I think I've said this before somewhere else.

The Predator needs to return to an athletic creature.
In Predator, he was stealthy, and could jump between trees like an acrobat... and not just using his invisibility technology, he could hide and be all ninja-like.
Sure he was big and bulky, but he could move like a 7 stone gymnast.
In Predator 2, the new alien was kinda the same, and was stealthy as hell and acrobatic.

Predators, they were huge bulky cumbersome brutes... and not just the Wolf Preds, even the "normal" Pred was bulky and clumsy.

In AvP they were just wrestlers. They even added a camera-shake when one of the Preds started to run

They really need to return to an acrobatic Predator.

Registered User
Shane Black? No thanks. I know exactly how this movie will look and feel. Some interesting ideas followed up with undeveloped characters, one or two really big action sequences that "could" be mind blowing but fall flat, and a general sense of blandness pervasive throughout.

I'll pass.
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In AvP they were just wrestlers. They even added a camera-shake when one of the Preds started to run
Really? I don't remember that.

I believe it though. There wasn't a tremendous amount to differentiate them from just a big human that can turn invisible.

I agree with Rod.

The image that sticks out to me are the large rubber feet, from the later versions of the Predator.

You didn't see much of it in action in the original, but it never seemed off. I want ninja moves. That is believable as an equal to a xenomorph.

I think a lack of Ahnald has hurt all subsequent films as well.

Honestly, I think ALL the predator movies are corny, cheesy fun. I have a special place in my heart for all of them (except AVP 2). If you look at the original, people still hold in such high regard, but it is not great cinema. It is badly acted, corny, cheesy but ultimately FUN. That's what they need to aim for. Although I enjoyed Predators to an extent, it was trying to hard to be the Alien franchise, when it shouldn't.

Bring on the cheeky, cheesy goodness for the next.

1 minute 50 seconds...

Throughout the whole fight the Pred is a heavy, cumbersome brute with an actor who clearly has trouble moving in the suit... totally unlike the Pred we saw in the original 2 movies...

... this next vid contains some gore and swearing, but it shows a creature that can hide all ninja like, is agile, and powerful...

The Preds we see in later films, just aren't this.