Largest mass shooting in US history, atleast 50 dead 53 injured


I said that if the price of our liberal lives were terrorist attacks then I think it's a price worth paying.
I don't think we should be paying that price.

If Obama had been President on 9/11, that would have just been "a bombing." Or just a plane attack.

Nobody would have even gone after Osama bin Laden. He wouldn't be blamed for it.
Whoa! Thats some b.s. - Obama was the one that hunted Bin Laden down, not good ol boy Dubya'. Obama wouldnt have used it as an excuse to get us in Iraq. Thats the difference.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Obama refused to refer to the Fort Hood shooter as a terrorist attack, refused to do the same for San Bernadino, and then I am supposed to say he is HELPING our Islamic relationship?
Those weren't (to my knowledge) ISIS operatives. They were, wanna be copy cat shootings. Obama is correct in not labeling ALL Muslims as bad people. When we start calling ALL Muslims a problem, that's the day the USA becomes like Nazi Germany and the day that we increase the ranks of ISIS membership. Only a tiny, tiny, tiny, number of Muslims world wide, belong to ISIS or other terrorist organizations. Most all Muslims are good people.

We've had terror bombings by deranged Christians, but no body blames all of Christianity for it (and I'm glad they don't blame them). We rightly blame the twisted individual who did the killing. So far all we know of the gay bar shooter is that he killed a lot of innocent people.

The last time I felt more secure about terrorist attacks is when George W Bush was in office.
George W Bush is the man along with his master Dick Cheney that destabilized the entire middle east by toppling the one stable country that was a balance to extremist Islam...Iraq. The Arab spring, the rise of ISIS and Islamic jihadist is all linked back to the Bush administrations failed middle eastern war. I wish Gore had been President instead of Bush Jr.

Nor do I. Are you being deliberately dense or something?
The difference is you sound okay with having terrorists attacks if it means we can enjoy liberal freedoms. I'm NOT okay with having terrorists attacks, which is why I'll call them terrorist attacks and demand that we stop them -- instead of just brushing this off as "some homosexually repressed madman taking revenge."

Whoa! Thats some b.s. - Obama was the one that hunted Bin Laden down, not good ol boy Dubya'. Obama wouldnt have used it as an excuse to get us in Iraq. Thats the difference.
Obama finished a job started by George W. Bush. The public demanded Osama bin Laden's capture and death and if Obama wanted to look good, he had to find him.

I'm saying Obama wouldn't have even STARTED the job.

And so far the Gay Pride Shooter (SC's term, not mine)
Excuse me, but I did not call him The Gay Pride Shooter.

I called him ISISSY.

Absolutely correct. No kids for me.
Me neither I could guarantee that
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Trouble with a capital "T"
Excuse me, but I did not call him The Gay Pride Shooter.

I called him ISISSY.
Sorry, I thought you coined that phrase in an earlier post. I know I read it on this thread somewhere. I'll edit my post.

You never mention all the Hindi men who rape 6-yr old girls and go unpunished.
thats because they are not famous .

the most famous man who married a 6 year old aisha/ayesha and never got punished for that was this person---

Sorry, I thought you coined that phrase in an earlier post. I know I read it on this thread somewhere. I'll edit my post.

that was me Only to say that the media was going to give him some kind of nickname

Only to say that the media was going to give him some kind of nickname
They're not gonna give him a nickname. They're gonna give him a Nobel Peace Prize.

They're not gonna give him a nickname. They're gonna give him a Nobel Peace Prize.
well they did give one to obama for no reason,but i dont think its gone that far yet

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
thats because they are not famous .

the most famous man who married a 6 year old aisha/ayesha and never got punished for that was this person---
I read a story ever week about another Hindi man raping a child, but you report on everything except that. I just don't like when things are cherry-picked.. The bible says the same stuff about homosexuals..

It's the same when murder happens - the media tries to imply the boogeyman of the year. There were 350 mass shootings last year, only two were Muslim, but no one wants to point fingers at themselves, even though it's silly to define ourselves by skin pigment.

When innocent Syrians are killed by the hundreds, it won't even get on the TV, after all, a gorilla was killed...

Those weren't (to my knowledge) ISIS operatives. They were, wanna be copy cat shootings. Obama is correct in not labeling ALL Muslims as bad people. When we start calling ALL Muslims a problem, that's the day the USA becomes like Nazi Germany and the day that we increase the ranks of ISIS membership. Only a tiny, tiny, tiny, number of Muslims world wide, belong to ISIS or other terrorist organizations. Most all Muslims are good people. We've had terror bombings by deranged Christians, but no body blames all of Christianity for it (and I'm glad they don't blame them). We rightly blame the twisted individual who did the killing. So far all we know of The Gay Pride Shooter (SC's term, not mine) is that he killed a lot of innocent people.

George W Bush is the man along with his master Dick Cheney that destabilized the entire middle east by toppling the one stable country that was a balance to extremist Islam...Iraq. The Arab spring, the rise of ISIS and Islamic jihadist is all linked back to the Bush administrations failed middle eastern war. I wish Gore had been President instead of Bush Jr.
And we have some common ground. Not ALL Muslims are bad people. I know, I have talked to them and seen them. But when we refuse to call Terrorism for what it is, Terrorism, out of some need to tow the PC line we have an issue.

Major Nadal Hassan expressed sympathy to the Islamic fascist cause. He was not reported to his superiors because they did not want to be called racist. The San Bernadino shooters were the same believes of the same political laced Islamic fascism as ISIS and the like. They are terrorists. Something that Obama refuses to admit. Burying your head in the sand to the truth does not make this country safer, it makes it weaker and puts us at greater risks. And this thing that people do of bringing in Christianity into the argument is flat out DUMB (not by you in particular, others I have heard in the media) because this is not a debate about RELIGION it is a POLITICAL IDEOLOGY that drapes itself in religion! But no, the powers that be have to "lean forward" and show how open minded and "progressive" they are by refusing to acknowledge evil acts by evil people because they just so happen to be of a certain group of people.

Are there people who think all Muslims are bad? Sure. They are dead wrong. But let's face it the Left has a huge issue of making the distinction between Terrorists and regular human beings who are not murderous ********, and just so happen to practice Islam. So much so that the Left will call anyone criticizing the Terrorists as racist. And it is ridiculous!

As for said Islamic fascists, they have existed for years before 9/11. They attacked the American Embassy in Kenya, they attacked a US Navel ship in Yemen, they took hostages and killed people in Munich during the Olympics, but no one gave a crap about them until 9/11. Hell Clinton had his shot to take out Bin Laden and he never did. Hell Reagan had his shot to help rebuild Afghanistan after funding the Mujahadeen and he failed there. Then the crazies took power and the Taliban took hold.

Was Bush perfect? Hell no. Was the Middle East a bastion of paradise of peace before the Iraq War? Not even close. But between Obama and W, I take W in a heart beat. For all his failings he knew who the enemy was and knew the proper response.

I read a story ever week about another Hindi man raping a child, but you report on everything except that. I just don't like when things are cherry-picked.. The bible says the same stuff about homosexuals..

It's the same when murder happens - the media tries to imply the boogeyman of the year. There were 350 mass shootings last year, only two were Muslim, but no one wants to point fingers at themselves, even though it's silly to define ourselves by skin pigment.

When innocent Syrians are killed by the hundreds, it won't even get on the TV, after all, a gorilla was killed...
this is a western forum filled with western people . hindi/hindu men are not reported to have started to threaten the west with rapes of six year old girls . so a thread on them has not been started . i will post on it when it is started .

psst....why dont you do the august task of starting a thread on hindi/hindu men raping six year olds